teachers' attitude towards students' academic performance

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teachers' attitude towards students' academic performance

They must be well represented and should be balanced in terms of its membership having people with firm knowledge in financial management to make well informed decisions which will ensure the efficient use of financial resources in the church. This research work has taken it upon itself to study the effects of teachers' attitude to work on the student's academic performance at secondary school level. The purpose of the study was to investigate how Senior Secondary School students academic performance is affected by the Teacher's attitude in Biology. This approach enhances the success of students and can be made more effective by adopting approaches within a teaching framework that is culturally responsive (Gay, 2000; Swartz, 2003; Irvine, 2003; Pransky and Bailey, 2009). Interviews will only be limited to the students whose parents gave consent for their participation in the study. The findings show that attitude of teachers correlated positively and significantly with students' academic performance. The Complete Material will be Sent to You in Just 2 Steps, Make a Mobile Transfer or POS Payment of 3,000 to any of the Account Below, Send the Following Details on WhatsApp ( 08143831497) After Payment, The Complete Material Will Be Sent To Your Email Address After Receiving Your DetailsT & C Apply, Need a different topic? This occurs amidst the struggling teacher education programs which are still not up to the task of teaching a school population that favors diversity. Classroom grades are a valid measure of the academic performance of the students. This research aims at exposing the relationship between teachers' attitude toward students on students' academic performance Because the influence of teacher attitudes inside and outside the class on students' academic performance was determined freely through student observation and student opinions, a qualitative approach was employed . If the school boards grant permission to conduct this study on its branches, letters will be sent to the various heads of the branches. To identify the effects of teachers' personality on academic performance. This is because, in a culturally responsive teaching environment, teachers adopt objective approaches devoid of preformed negative attitudes towards certain student groups. ChalkyPapers, 23 July 2022, chalkypapers.com/influence-of-teachers-attitudes-on-student-behavior-and-achievement/. Accounting is seen as a support activity, and is thus profane. Perform a quick search, Get A Complete Business Plan For Any Business In Nigeria. Forlenza, P., Bailey J., and Shaw, C. (1999). Use it as a guidance purpose only. A famous example of doubling down is the experience of George Danzig, a math graduate student at Berkeley. However, before interviews are conducted, consent will be sought from the school boards of two school districts. Student performance and behavior are solely compared to teacher attitudes while ignoring the effects of other variables (e.g. Create a Growth-Mindset Culture, The Importance of Asking Questions Anytime, Anywhere, Grit Exercises to Boost Your Passion and Perseverance, Learning From Death: Lessons About a Meaningful Life. It is recommended that churches should pay taxes on the net incomes generated and the margin of payment could be monthly or quarterly. This topic has further been expounded by other researchers e.g. It affects and influences a persons behaviour which in turn affects performance. They believed theyd done everything possible maybe they just werent good at chemistry. 23 July. 1.3 Purpose of the Study. The findings indicate that refusal to pay tithes and other church levy, absenteeism of church members, maintenance of church properties, huge amount of money paid for rented apartment for church service, mismanagement of church funds and purchase of flashy cars by some pastors were the major challenges faced by the church in achieving the financial obligations. They believed they knew their students intelligence and potential. According to Howard & Del Rosario (2000), culturally responsive teaching involves a kind of teaching where teachers are more acquainted with the world of the students or children and attempt to offer better opportunities for the success of learning. Undue interference in the churchs budget must be avoided; budgets must be very flexible and must be adhered to in order to avoid any unnecessary spending. This is because such teachers have better knowledge of their childrens or students world hence they work together with students and open chances for learning success and better academic performance (Howard & del Rosario, 2000; Pransky and Bailey, 2009). The objectives are to find out the financing decisions of the church, the investment decisions of the church, the reward systems of the church and the challenges faced by the church in achieving the financial obligations. For no reason should you copy word for word (verbatim) as samphina.com.ng will not be liable for any who copied the material. Church is commonly defined as a building used for public worship. Likewise, Darwins book, The Origin of Species, was the product of numerous drafts and conversations with countless colleagues over many years. The transition to college is another crisis point in young peoples development. Teachers who use humiliation or sarcasm can leave a child feeling belittled. Children with disabilities have the right to be part of regular classroom students with disabilities add to the diversity of the classroom and bring new strengths into the classroom. This scale has two sections; the first section includes the name of the student, class, the name of the school, the local government area, sex, and age. This questionnaire will be trial tested in a similar environment where the scale of student attitude and behavior will be pre-tested. European Journal of Social Sciences, 11 (3), 90-108. Other specific objectives of the study are: 1. The successful lightbulb was the end result of a string of inventions, to which chemists, physicists, engineers, and many others contributed. Theres a clear link between student attitude and academic performance. This study based on the relationship between teachers attitude and students academic achievement in school. But the practice is seen in either of the following two ways: the first is that churches rely on a great deal of volunteer support, and as a result may not have the professional oversight to adequately monitor the resources of the organization (Thomas & et al, 2017). The power and authority of the head pastor or the leadership of the church is unlimited. Sign up for our newsletter, to get updates regarding the Call for Paper, Papers & Research. One hundred and ten SSS school students, 14 school teachers from selected secondary schools in Ijebu-Ode and Odogbolu Local Government area in Ogun State . It turns out that they werent intended to be homework problems, but were two famous problems no one had ever solved. A teacher with his teaching methods and furthermore with his attitudes and behaviours, provides his students to gain a mentally healthy personality and to have a new clear world view by leaving unforgettable traces on them. Once, he arrived late as his math class was ending and hurriedly copied two problems from the blackboard that he assumed were the assignment. The organizational activities together with the limited financial resources results in paying particular attention to financial management. However, many people refer to a church as an organization. At times, it is easy to let this affect your attitude in the classroom. In this article, we present . To assess the teacher attitudes present in the school environment. Mozart worked more than ten years before producing notable work. The findings also showed that teachers' attitude towards teaching had a positive significant relationship with students' academic achievement in English grammar (r = .104; p < .05). The Crobach alpha coefficient will be computed to ascertain its reliability and the value obtained will be recorded. These include a scale of students attitudes and behavior towards learning and questionnaires for teachers in the same academic environment. In addition, this approach also enhances the success of students as it validates them as a whole (Gay, 2000; Forlenza, Bailey and Shaw, 1999; Pransky and Bailey, 2009). These letters will be traced with phone calls. The adapted instruments will be trial tested in three different schools of the urban setting in a chosen region of the United States (Pransky and Bailey, 2009). 2022. Attitude as a major determinant of a persons behavior influences the way a teacher relates with the students and thus affects students academic performance. Thus students tend to mimic and/or imitate what the teacher does or how he or she behaves, which ultimately has marked effects on the learning situation. 2. Your email address will not be published. The paper should be used as a guide or framework for your own paper. Being a teacher can be overwhelming. Financial managers can take three main decisions; finance, investing and dividend decisions. Can a fixed mindset keep students from reaching their academic potential? The study is a descriptive study that investigates the effects of teacher attitudes on student behavior and academic performance from grade kindergarten through fifth. According to Gay (2000), the approach mentioned above has recorded success as it entails: academic achievement where learning is of high quality and is made exciting, challenging, and equitable; cultural competence was different cultural and linguistic groups are known and put into consideration to facilitate the learning process; and sociopolitical consciousness where students are assisted and recognized to understand that education and schooling do not occur in a vacuum. The three functions of authority, custody and recording must be separated in the church. Examples are the Catholic Church, the Church of Christ, and the Southern Baptist Church amongst many others. The hours have options of none; less than an hour; one to two hours; three to four hours and more than 4 hours. Research has proven that teachers attitudes which are shaped objectively have an upper hand in enhancing a successful and conducive learning environment and better performance of children or students. It means applying general management principles to financial resources of the enterprise. A teachers attitude to teaching will certainly affect his or her performance in the classroom. It is evident that accounting for asset and income was mobilized in order to achieve social aims (Catriona & et al 2010). Positive teacher attitudes favor higher grades and imitation of appropriate behavior, while negative teacher attitudes cause lower grades and imitation of inappropriate behavior. Influence of Teachers Attitudes on Student Behavior and Achievement. Better working attitude improves both teachers and student' academic performance. In their classrooms, students ended the school year in the same ability group they started in. It has been suggested in other areas that teachers may sometimes suppress the learning and performance of some students because of the basic reason that they subjectively feel that such students cannot grasp such material in a manner that is as quick as the way other students would. Chapter five which is also the final chapter highlights the summary of findings, recommendations and conclusion. Like this article? The importance, how to, effect causes relationship, comparison, history, role, solutions are discussed Project Topics in Business Administration, Project Topics on International Relations, Library and Information Science Project Topics, Copyright 2022 Samphina Academy - All Rights Reserved. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Student Attitude and Academic PerformanceWhy Theyre Linked. The effect of teachers attitudes towards student performance and behavior has been explored through the way teachers teach various subjects. Here's what you'll find in our full Mindset summary : Amanda Penn is a writer and reading specialist. What are the sources of funds for the church? Teacher and Teaching Effects on Students' Academic Performance, Attitudes, and Behaviors. Thus the behaviors/attitudes of teachers are likely to be copied by their students (Howard & Del Rosario, 2000; Pransky and Bailey, 2009). Conclusions were drawn from the findings. findings of their study revealed that teachers have a positive attitude towards the subject thus poor performance could be attributed to other factors than teacher The context of the classroom environment is treated as static, hence was not to be explained. The results indicate that payment of apartments/ accommodation for pastors is a major motivational factor in the New Life Gospel Church Zone 6 Osun State, bringing the percentage to 70.0%. The purpose of this review of literature is to elicit crucial information which will be useful to policymakers, curriculum developers, parents, and teachers on the importance of adopting approaches that instill confidence in students to enhance better performance and appropriate behavior. The hypotheses which are specific to this study include the following: Two research instruments will be used. 2Center for Environmental Management & Control, University of Nigeria, Enugu Campus, Nigeria Our aim in this study was to determine students' and teachers' attitudes towards cheating in assessing students' performance. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The target population for the research comprised church members (both pastors or general overseers and leaders as well as members of the church) of the five New Life Gospel Church Zone 6 Osun State. Analyses that have been done in the past have indicated statistically significant differences (Irvine, 2003: Pransky and Bailey, 2009). According to Howard & Del Rosario (2000) and Forlenza, Bailey, & Shaw (1999), the most influential determinant of the academic performance of children is teacher quality and attitude, which is developed through effective teacher education programs that prepare prospective teachers who are highly qualified and focused on a culturally responsive pedagogy which is systematic and cohesive and runs through the entire curriculum. The purpose of this study is to find out teacher's attitude on academic performance of pupils in early childhood education in Ikeja Local Government Area of Lagos State. According to Gay (2000), a culturally responsive teaching environment has proved to be successful. The results indicate that investment is very important in achieving financial obligation of New Life Gospel Church Zone 6 Osun State. Under these circumstances, teachers can meet the needs of a diverse number of students as the teachers attitudes are sensitive to the needs, abilities, and interests of students, their parents, and the community thus enhancing the academic success of such students. Fixed-mindset teachers thought abilities were set in stone. Many studies have been undertaken all over the world aimed at understanding the unique management systems of the church (Leach, 1960; Laughlin, 1988; Harris 1990; Booth, 2019; Gruber, 2004; Agyei &Kusi, 2016; Shaibu, 2017). July 23, 2022. https://chalkypapers.com/influence-of-teachers-attitudes-on-student-behavior-and-achievement/. We used mixed methodology and the main research method was a case study. He had dozens of assistants working for him in a large corporate-funded lab. Future research could look at the financial management in New Life Gospel Church Zone 6 Osun State. Although instruments to assess implicit attitudes were introduced more than 20 years ago, still there are few studies in the field of education that use them, despite the evidence that teachers with negative implicit attitudes can negatively affect the academic performance of their students. Chapter four deals extensively with data presentation, analysis of results and detailed discussion. | Nigerian Educational Consult - samphina.com.ng, Project and Seminar Material for Education. The collection of grades will be facilitated by using mail and fax. Religious organizational members are increasingly calling upon their churches most especially, the governing body of the church for stricter accountability and transparency. The more difficult the material became, the harder they worked, motivating themselves and staying positive. The research work has been grouped under five (5) chapters. (2022, July 23). move out of this area, are transferred to a non-participant school, or dont meet sampling criteria), they will not be followed up and will not be interviewed (Forlenza, Bailey and Shaw, 1999; Pransky and Bailey, 2009). %%EOF For instance, they picture Thomas Edison working long hours alone in a small lab, when he suddenly invents the lightbulb in a Eureka! moment. Teaching White pre-service teachers: Pedagogy for change. We aimed to describe how our respondents: 1. recognize ethical misconduct (EM) in several situations given through case studies, 2. understand the roles of each subject involved, 3. predict . Hence, it is important to examine the procedures put in place by New Life Gospel Church in the management of her finances. (2022) 'Influence of Teachers Attitudes on Student Behavior and Achievement'. Teaching in a culturally responsive way. This leads to a negative attitude towards certain cultural groups (Howard & Del Rosario, 2000). Anxiety is especially high in the pre-med classes. Shes published dozens of articles and book reviews spanning a wide range of topics, including health, relationships, psychology, science, and much more. The objectives (for this study) include the following: The following limitations which will affect the interpretation of results, conclusions, and recommendations are present in this study: The following factors are fundamental to this study and are assumed to be true: The concept of attitude entails an individuals way of thinking, acting, or behaving (Pransky and Bailey, 2009). Action in Teacher Education, 21, 127-137. For younger students (e.g. It was found out that churches do not pay tax on the incomes and this was attested to by 90% of the study respondents. Howard and Del Rosario (2000) further assert that teacher educators who involve dialogue and give opportunities for obtaining competencies, skills, knowledge, and attitudes have recorded success as they train teachers who have achieved equity and excellence for many students in the education system and schools which have become culturally diverse. The students started out with similar grades but after the transition with its new challenges, the grades of fixed-mindset students declined, while those of growth-oriented students improved. hbbd``b`+S.`ybU pa"@b V#$ For instance one person may be responsible for appointing staff and arranging terms of agreement (authority) and another person will be in charge of wages of the staff (custody) and perhaps another person in charge of recording of transactions relating to staff activities. A survey was conducted resulting in 105 participants whom were all general education teachers of an inclusion setting within an elementary or middle school. A teacher's positive attitude towards the students will motivate the students in doing what they love. Negative attitude of a teacher towards his/her students would get a big impact to affect their academic performance, learning, emotional and lifestyle. Sound administrative systems with effective internal control procedures are lacking to a larger extent in most charismatic churches. What are the challenges faced by the church in achieving the financial obligations and how are the problems overcome? Hence parental consent forms will be delivered to the participating schools. According to Forlenza, Bailey, and Shaw (1999), the attitudes of teachers towards biology teaching greatly contribute towards variations that exist in the cognitive achievements of students. In addition, the findings show male in the church contribute huge amount of money during fund raising and offering. Well write a 100%plagiarism-free paper this fast! During the first millennium BC, there is also evidence for an early form of accounting in the Old Testament of Bible for people of Israel; as the Book of Exodus in the Bible describes Moses engaging Ithamar to account for the materials that had been contributed towards the building of the tabernacle. Financial constraint: Insufficient fund tends to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire and interview)Time constraint: The researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. A teacher's attitude can have a great impact on the students mental health. Teaching from a fixed mindset hinders student achievement and puts teachers in the role of judging students, rather than of allies helping them to learn and succeed. This is evident that most New Life Gospel Church Zone 6 Osun State keep proper records of their accounts. 1. The next time someone outperforms you, dont just assume theyre smarter. It also seeked to know if any difference exit between the mean Biology achievement score of male and female student taught using demonstration method with respect to teachers attitude. extraneous effects like intrinsic motivation) on student performance. Poor government attitude to teachers, lack of job satisfaction, poor remuneration and delayed salary, students learning interest and absence of teaching materials/instructional aid were found to influence the attitude of teachers. Shortform has the world's best summaries of books you should be reading. "Influence of Teachers Attitudes on Student Behavior and Achievement." 3. The effects of teacher attitudes on student behavior and performance in grades kindergarten through fifth have been explored through a study by Rosenthal and Jacobson in 1968 when they published Pygmalion in the classroom. Culturally responsive teaching focuses on academic achievement, cultural competence, and socio-political consciousness which forms a conducive environment for schooling and learning and helps teachers develop attitudes that are motivating to their students thus favoring their academic success and performance (Howard & Del Rosario, 2000; Irvine, 2003). Administration is not an end in itself, but rather it is a means for serving people effectively, while making efficient use of resources in a manner that glorifies God. The teachers questionnaire will be developed through the adoption of the Third International Mathematics and Science Study Questionnaire. Few people succeed on talent alone. As noted previously, no one really knows anyone elses potential. The aim of conducting this study is to determine how teacher attitudes affect student behavior and performance in grades Kindergarten through fifth. Chapter one represents an introduction to the study, Background of the study, statement of the problem, objectives of the study, research questions, justification or rational of the study, research limitations, scope of the study and organization of the study are included. From the study, it was revealed that the major sources of funds for the New Life Gospel Church Zone 6 Osun State are through fund raising activities, tithes and offerings. Baker and Crist (1981) further assert that a certain attitude and behavior in students may be instilled or learned simply by following what the teacher does either through his/her opinion. 2. This is because students regard teachers as their example and role model. At secondary level, the child always needs constant motivation and supervision as this is the age range where adolescent related problems emerge and most turn to delinquents. +2347063298784. What are the major investment opportunities for the church? This research aims at exposing the influence of teachers' conception of discipline, way of communication, and attitude toward students on students' academic success and attitudes toward school, courses, and teachers. How successful a person is in achieving his or her set goals is a function of the persons attitude. This is important because in some cases the church elders may be older than the pastor and as such the pastor may honour them the due respect and take their advice all thing being equal. endstream endobj 561 0 obj <. In addition, a culturally responsive teaching environment creates a learning environment where all students feel welcomed, supported, and provided with the best learning opportunities regardless of their cultural or linguistic background or socio-political affiliation (Howard and Del Rosario, 2000; Pransky and Bailey, 2009). And finally to quantify the relationship between the different factors that are considered responsible . Justification for the lack of such studies over the years is the difficulty in accessing available and accurate data. . Influence of Teachers Attitudes on Student Behavior and Achievement. The churches should be able to employ the services of a qualified or well-trained accountant to handle the accounting aspect of the churchas to which books of accounts are to be kept and the financial statements to be prepared in accordance with the accounting standards. Church members want to know, and have a right to know, how and where church funds are expended. ChalkyPapers. The results indicate that rewarding/motivating church leaders with Vehicle and maintenance allowances encourages them to work. $"!Q@B5P$H a7 Culturally responsive teaching: Theory, research, and practice. For example, according to research by Irvine (2003), pre-service teachers have low expectations and negative beliefs/attitudes towards the academic success of nonwhite students, even though they have undertaken multi-cultural education course work (p.xvi). A situation where church finances are being used for the personal gain of one person or for other benefits other than for the overall benefit of the church must be avoided as much as possible. This consequently will cut down on the time devoted for the research work. To examine the investment decisions of the church. Abstract: The classroom climate which is often times set by the teacher is determined by the teachers attitude. Papanastasiou (2001) reported that those who have positive attitude toward science tend to . "Influence of Teachers Attitudes on Student Behavior and Achievement." Teachers attitudes and the schooling process in first grade. Retrieved from https://chalkypapers.com/influence-of-teachers-attitudes-on-student-behavior-and-achievement/, ChalkyPapers. The study would be of immense importance to church management in Nigeria as it would enhance church growth, expansion and development by examining the New Life Gospel church principles of financial management and administration. In contrast, teachers with a growth mindset believed all students could improve. A German research study showed that teachers with different attitudes get different results. They go from being top students in their high school to having to prove themselves among top students from many high schools. To examine the challenges faced by the church in achieving the financial obligations. In recent times there have been several cases of embezzlement which borders on the use of funds and other resources of the church. It will adopt an expo-facto type using a descriptive survey design type. The finding shows that the major investment for the New Life Gospel Church Zone 6 Osun State are credit union, partners for common good loan fund, affordable housing and acquisition of lands. Determining the effects of teachers' behavioral attitude on academic performance of students. Theres clearly a huge impact of student attitude on academic performance. The Pygmalion. A number of findings were made after a discussion of the responses. Other specific objectives of the study are; The study is on financial management in church administration, a case study of New Life Gospel Church Zone 6, Osun State. Other studies by Baker and Crist (1981) and several others have also suggested that students develop certain attitudes and behaviors towards learning because of the learning experiences and the teaching environment (Pransky and Bailey, 2009; Baker and Crist, 1981). Influence of Teachers Attitudes on Student Behavior and Achievement, Aspects of Planning in Education Project in School, The Aspects of Purposeful Preschool Program, Student Plagiarism and Professional Practice by Kenny, Freedom of Speech: Exploring Proper Limits, Assessment Strategies in Nursing Education, Rubrics, Didactic Tests, and Case Studies: The Effective Assessment Practices, Colleges HR Practice of Hiring Adjunct Professors, Intervention of a School-Based Alcohol Education Program, E-Learning and IVC in the Universities of Saudi Arabia, We use cookies to give you the best experience possible. A thorough library search was embarked upon to collect relevant data for the review of related literature to establish theoretical and empirical framework of the study. The number of Branch heads who give consent for their institutions to participate will be ascertained. But thats not how it happened. TEACHERS ATTITUDE TOWARDS WORK AND STUDENT ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY The teaching profession is one which is very sensitive as it involves centrally the shaping of minds. The Cronbach alpha will then be used to determine the reliability coefficient and its value noted (Pransky and Bailey, 2009). According to Austin Kleon All creative work builds on what came before. This is because such pre-service teachers tend to have the affirmation that what is different is inferior hence the likelihood of causing poor academic performance especially in the perceived group of students (Pransky and Bailey, 2009; Howard & Del Rosario, 2000). Sign up for a free trial here . The aim of providing this material is to reduce the stress of moving from one school library to another all in the name of searching for research materials. However, everyone has interests that can grow into abilities if nurtured. ChalkyPapers. Chapter two deals with review of related literature on financial management in the church system which includes a brief definition of financial management process, basic challenges of instituting financial management process in the church system, budgeting in the church, accounting and internal control mechanisms. It often involves feelings, opinions and dispositions which affects behaviour. Similarly, teachers' attitude and morale revealed to significantly predicts students' academic performance in Financial Accounting with F (2, 178) = 1031.61, p = 0.00. They protected themselves from failure by not trying (the low-effort syndrome). To examine the reward systems of the church. A Way to Learn More, Faster, How to Stop Bullying? Anticipate Change: Why Its a Key Step in Coping with It, What Is Interleaving? Some history records show that in the early ancient days, recording of financial events was initiated for the purpose of faith based activities in the ancient Greece (Mesopotamia); financial records have been found on clays in Mesopotamia, which show lists of expenditures, and goods received and traded around temples (Biobele, 2008). After receiving "Influence of Teachers Attitudes on Student Behavior and Achievement." The difference between a growth and a fixed mindset, How a fixed mindset keeps you back throughout your life: education, relationships, and career, The 7 key ways to build a growth mindset for yourself. Howard & Del Rosario have suggested that positive teacher attitudes are fostered in a culturally responsive learning environment and this facilitates and supports the success of the majority of students (Howard & Del Rosario, 2000). Attitude is about emotions and feelings, and effective teachers willingly share emotions and feelings (i.e., enthusiasm, affection, patience, sadness, disapproval) as well as a sincere interest and care about their students. According to Howard & Del Rosario (2000) and Pransky and Bailey (2009), cultural discontinuity can affect the attitudes and expectations of teachers, which has a direct effect on the academic performance of the children or students from kindergarten through fifth grade. Ever since Baker and Crists the Pygmalion was published, there has been increasing focus on arguments that mention the effects of attitudes/bias of the teacher on the child or student (Baker and Crist, 1981). Their students all improved no matter which ability group they started in. 579 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[<3173908CD4FA1949AFFE7BB146F0B9ED><61173F4E7AFEE647BF203CAD8B90EE8E>]/Index[560 33]/Info 559 0 R/Length 90/Prev 192313/Root 561 0 R/Size 593/Type/XRef/W[1 2 1]>>stream Consider the strategies, training, and effort they applied and how you could apply the same effort next time. Researcher Benjamin Bloom, who studied outstanding achievers, concluded that almost all people can learn under the right conditions, including support, commitment, and motivation. Gay, G. (2000). This creates a crisis in student attitude and poor academic performance. The students with fixed mindsets studied the way many students have learned to study: they re-read the text and their notes and memorized as much as they could. All children arent created equal some have greater ability and become prodigies by building on their ability, seeking challenges and pursuing a love of learning. This research work has taken it upon itself to study the effects of teachers' attitude to work on the student's academic performance at secondary school level. There are many examples of great academic achievement by children with few resources, who were thought to have dead-ended until a growth-minded teacher showed them that they could learn. In an invariable perspective, teachers are therefore like role models of their students. Around 40 AC, the record on the New Testament also shows that in the early church, there was job segregation on the sacred work versus the secular work; where the apostles appointed committee comprises 7 members to manage the giving and other properties from the church members. We used mixed methodology and the main research method was a case study. Thus, while some account clerks are prudently managing their churches finances above reproach others do the opposite. The learner observes by watching and tries to imitate certain kinds of behavior. Poor government attitude to teachers, lack of job satisfaction, poor remuneration and delayed salary, students' learning interest and absence of teaching materials/instructional aid were found to influence the attitude of . Our aim in this study was to determine students' and teachers' attitudes towards cheating in assessing students' performance. ChalkyPapers. 592 0 obj <>stream 4. Establishing prudent Church financial management systems will provide the financial transparency and accountability necessary to solve these difficulties (Wayne, 1989). American Educational Research Journal, 29 (4), 777- 907. A large percentage of males respondents representing 68% opined that fund raising activities was a major source of church funds. The sacred and secular divide, separates the legitimate part of the church from the profane support activities. It's important to maintain a positive attitude, however, because doing so improves your ability to help children learn and understand new material. The general hypothesis for this study is that a positive relationship exists between teacher attitudes and the behavior and performance of students in grades kindergarten through fifth. The fixed-mindset students tried to rationalize their poor grades with explanations such as Im no good at math or they blamed the teacher. A large body of emerging evidence, including multiple randomized controlled trials, shows that interventions that target academic mindsets, attitudes, and beliefs about the nature of ability and the payoff to effort can lead to improved academic . Most of these studies have however focused on discrete aspects of the financial management scope such as accounting and communication, internal controls, investment policy, among others instead of considering the whole system, hence failed to bring in-depth understanding to how the entire financial system operates. 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