cosmic entity supernatural

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cosmic entity supernatural

The Upanishads of Hinduism, for example, characterize Atman (soul, self) as deva (deity), thereby asserting that the deva and eternal supreme principle (Brahman) is part of every living creature, that this soul is spiritual and divine, and that to realize self-knowledge is to know the supreme. The 2005 Russian game Pathologic features many themes common in Lovecraftian works: The three main characters are all in some way outsiders to the city. Azathoth, sometimes referred to as the "Blind Idiot God", is a dreaming monster whose dream is where the universe resides. A man-eating cloudy mass, it is an unnamed Outer God at the court of Azathoth. [97]:229 Finally, during the national crisis of the Babylonian captivity, some Judahites began to teach that deities aside from Yahweh were not just unfit to be worshipped, but did not exist. From the 1950s onwards, in the era following Lovecraft's death, Lovecraftian horror truly became a subgenre, not only fueling direct cinematic adaptations of Poe and Lovecraft, but providing the foundation upon which many of the horror films of the 1950s and 1960s were constructed. [10]:35758[200], Jain texts reject a trans-cosmic God, one who stands outside of the universe and lords over it, but they state that the world is full of devas who are in human-image with sensory organs, with the power of reason, conscious, compassionate and with finite life. His work emphasizes themes of cosmic dread, forbidden and dangerous knowledge, madness, non-human influences on humanity, religion and superstition, fate and inevitability, and the risks associated with scientific discoveries,[5] which are now associated with Lovecraftian horror as a subgenre. [81] One Southern African cosmology consists of Hieseba or Xuba (deity, god), Gaune (evil spirits) and Khuene (people). [155][156], In Maya culture, Kukulkan has been the supreme creator deity, also revered as the god of reincarnation, water, fertility and wind. Joshi Interview - Acid Logic e-zine", Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family, H. P. Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life, Lovecraft: A Look Behind the Cthulhu Mythos,, CS1 Traditional Chinese-language sources (zh-hant), Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 18 October 2022, at 06:19. Many of these fall outside the sphere of Lovecraftian horror, but represent Cthulhu Mythos in popular culture. Historically, belief in demons, or stories about demons, occurs in religion, occultism, literature, fiction, mythology, and folklore; as well as in media such as comics, video games, movies, anime, and television series. Joseph S. Pulver mentions in his Nightmare's Disciple (2006) a set of original Elder Gods, but offers no descriptions of their true forms. The philosophy of cosmicism In post-Lovecraft stories, the Elder Gods oppose the likes of Cthulhu. That "technological and social progress since Classical times has facilitated the repression of an awareness of the magnitude and malignity of the macrocosm in which the human microcosm is contained", or in other words, a calculated repression of the horrifying nature of the cosmos as a reaction to its "essential awfulness.". [46] This was adapted into the 2004 film Hellboy. He rose from an obscure deity of the third millennium BCE to become one of the most important deities in the Mesopotamian pantheon of the first millennium BCE. Lovecraft, Supernatural Horror in Literature[9]. Ycngnnisssz is a black, festering, amorphous mass that constantly blasts and erupts violently, spewing out bits of churning lava-like material. First appeared in Lovecraft's short story "Hypnos". She is mother of the Great Old One Shterot, and five other unnamed hideous children. These entities are usually depicted as immensely powerful and utterly indifferent to humans who can barely begin to comprehend them, though some entities are worshipped by humans. This video featured the first use of its signature phrase, "You shouldn't have done that". [208][209][210][211]:211 Children are naturally inclined to believe in supernatural entities such as gods, spirits, and demons, even without being introduced into a particular religious tradition. In the year 2002, he died on the same day. Cosmicism is the literary philosophy developed and used by the American writer H. P. Lovecraft in his intense fiction. Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 18, no. Mh'ithrha (Arch-Lord of Tindalos) is the lord of the Hounds of Tindalos, and the most powerful. Lovecraftian characters notably become insane from the elimination of recognizable geometry. Steiner gained initial recognition at the end of the nineteenth century as a literary critic and published works including The Philosophy of Freedom.At the beginning of the twentieth century he founded an esoteric A "contemplation of mankind's place in the vast, comfortless universe revealed by modern science" in which the horror springs from "the discovery of appalling truth". [106]:93, In the Sumerian pantheon, deities had multiple functions, which included presiding over procreation, rains, irrigation, agriculture, destiny, and justice. [8][48][7][49] Monolatry is the belief that many deities exist, but that only one of these deities may be validly worshipped. [10]:35157 A human being can choose and live an ethical life (karma), such as being non-violent (ahimsa) against all living beings, thereby gain merit and be reborn as deva. Hobby This page is about the character. Azathoth is completely unaware of anything going on in the dream, hence his title. Xa'ligha (Master of the Twisted Sound or Demon of Dissonance) is an entity made of maddening sound, somehow similar to Tru'Nembra. [161]:261,284,399,476, The Polynesian deities have been part of a sophisticated theology, addressing questions of creation, the nature of existence, guardians in daily lives as well as during wars, natural phenomena, good and evil spirits, priestly rituals, as well as linked to the journey of the souls of the dead. [120] These terms, states John Lindow, may be ultimately rooted in the Indo-European root for "breath" (as in "life giving force"), and are cognate with Old English: os (a heathen god) and Gothic: anses. [79][80] Osun is an equally powerful primordial feminine deity and a multidimensional guardian of fertility, water, maternal, health, social relations, love and peace. He is described as a son of both the Elder God Nodens and the Great Old One Lythalia and has a twin brother, Yaggdytha.[23]. During the night, the curious father went into the boys room and turned on the TV very quietly to play the game for a while himself. Berglund's "Whiteout" (2006). However, Lovecraft never conceived of them as supernatural, but extraterrestrials who understand and obey a set of natural laws which to human understanding seem magical. [153][154][155] The male deity Inti became accepted as the Christian God, but the Andean rituals centered around Inca deities have been retained and continued thereafter into the modern era by the Inca people. It was perhaps that which certain secret cults of earth have whispered of as YOG-SOTHOTH, and which has been a deity under other names; that which the crustaceans of Yuggoth worship as the Beyond-One, and which the vaporous brains of the spiral nebulae know by an untranslatable Sign Yog-Sothoth sees all and knows all. Cleverbot, and will often chat with online users. His viewpoint made no allowance for religious beliefs which could not be supported scientifically. [129]:17081[136] Among these were the goat-legged god Pan (the guardian of shepherds and their flocks), Nymphs (nature spirits associated with particular landforms), Naiads (who dwelled in springs), Dryads (who were spirits of the trees), Nereids (who inhabited the sea), river gods, satyrs (a class of lustful male nature spirits), and others. [84], Ancient Egyptian culture revered numerous deities. [180], In Mandaeism, Hayyi Rabbi (lit=The Great Life), or 'The Great Living God',[181] is the supreme God from which all things emanate. The term *ghut- is also the source of Old Church Slavonic zovo ("to call"), Sanskrit huta- ("invoked", an epithet of Indra), from the root *gheu(e)- ("to call, invoke. BEN Drowned headcanon voice by David Near. [47] Henotheism accepts the existence of more than one deity, but considers all deities as equivalent representations or aspects of the same divine principle, the highest. He waits in his home dimension in Pherkard, until he is summoned to Earth. For example, the Council of Chalcedon in 451 CE declared that in "one person Jesus Christ, fullness of deity and fullness of humanity are united, the union of the natures being such that they can neither be divided nor confused". 3 (2008): 364. The world has always been implacably bleak; the horror lies in our acknowledging that fact. Others have a cult title as Othkkartho (Sire of the Four Titans of Balance and Order), which is said to be Nodens's son, and Zehirete, who is The Pure and Holy Womb of Light. [96][88]:160, The ancient Canaanites were polytheists who believed in a pantheon of deities,[97][98][99] the chief of whom was the god El, who ruled alongside his consort Asherah and their seventy sons. However, unbeknownst to the user, the ritual also brings the subject into contact with the Hydra, which then merges with the individual's astral self, using it as a host. As it is known in the Mythos, the Outer Gods are ruled by Azathoth, the "Blind Idiot God", who holds court at the center of infinity. [94] However, deities became systematized and sophisticated after the formation of an Egyptian state under the Pharaohs and their treatment as sacred kings who had exclusive rights to interact with the gods, in the later part of the 3rd millennium BCE. [213], Stories of encounters with supernatural beings are especially likely to be retold, passed on, and embellished due to their descriptions of standard ontological categories (person, artifact, animal, plant, natural object) with counterintuitive properties (humans that are invisible, houses that remember what happened in them, etc.). [73][74] Director and writer Johannes Grenzfurthner confirms the influence in interviews. Creepypasta Files Wikia is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. It is mentioned in Uralte Schrecken as a kind of prime archetype from which all mythical god-heads are derived. Goals A number of characteristics have been identified as being associated with Lovecraftian horror: Much of Lovecraft's influence is secondary, as he was a friend, inspiration, and correspondent to many authors who developed their own notable works. Nature, in the broadest sense, is the physical world or universe. Lovecraft was a writer of philosophically intense horror stories that involve occult phenomena like astral possession and alien miscegenation, and the themes of his fiction over time contributed to the development of this philosophy.. The "Elder Gods" are a later creation of other prolific writers who expanded on Lovecraft's concepts, such as August Derleth, who was credited with formalizing the Cthulhu Mythos. Death (Castlevania) an eternal entity of supreme might can demolish a part of Castlevania castle and brutalize Trevor Belmont. For the monotheistic concept of a supreme being, see. BEN, or BEN Drowned, is the titular main antagonist character of "BEN DROWNED", a.k.a "Haunted Majora's Mask Cartridge" (based on the famous game Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask), a highly popular Creepypasta series created by Alex [151][148]:3132 During and after the imposition of Christianity during Spanish colonialism, the Inca people retained their original beliefs in deities through syncretism, where they overlay the Christian God and teachings over their original beliefs and practices. Oztalun (Golden and Shimmering One) is an Elder God introduced by James Ambuehl. [142][143][144], The Roman deities, in a manner similar to the ancient Greeks, inspired community festivals, rituals and sacrifices led by flamines (priests, pontifs), but priestesses (Vestal Virgins) were also held in high esteem for maintaining sacred fire used in the votive rituals for deities. To "please" this deity could bring knowledge of many things. [121]:5253[123], The Norse mythology describes the cooperation after the war, as well as differences between the sir and the Vanir which were considered scandalous by the other side. First appearing in Lovecraft's 1920 prose poem of the same name, he was later mentioned in other works by Lovecraft and by other writers and in the tabletop role-playing games making use of the Cthulhu Mythos. He is a shape-shifter with a thousand forms, most of them maddeningly horrific to humans. It has some elements faithful to Lovecraft's story, while being hijacked by a crime caper subplot. There is enmity with both the Elder God Nodens and the Great Old One Gi-Hoveg. BEN Drowned (Know My Pain) voice by David Near. [128]:9495[139], The Roman pantheon had numerous deities, both Greek and non-Greek. Thus deities are henotheistic manifestations, embodiments and consequence of the virtuous, the noble, the saint-like living in many Hindu traditions. [204] Ahura Mazda was the most important deity in the ancient Achaemenid Empire. Theism generally holds that God exists objectively and independently of human thought. Though not direct adaptations, the episodes of the well-known series The Outer Limits often had Lovecraftian themes, such as human futility and insignificance and the limits of sanity and understanding. [86] In 1987, The Lurking Horror was the first to bring the Lovecraftian horror subgenre to computer platforms. The Library of America interviews S. T. Joshi about Ambrose Bierce. The game centers around an unstoppable plague which leaves gelatinous bloody slime in contaminated areas; the player character is completely helpless in stopping the plague. [128]:9697, Besides the Olympians, the Greeks also worshipped various local deities. Our custom writing service is a reliable solution on your academic journey that will always help you if your deadline is too tight. The Sun (female) and the Moon (male) deities are viewed as offspring of Nladiba and two Nladisara. In Jain temples or festivals, the Jinas and Devas are revered. Tails kept popping into his head. BEN Drowned The latest Lifestyle | Daily Life news, tips, opinion and advice from The Sydney Morning Herald covering life and relationships, beauty, fashion, health & wellbeing She lives in a hall composed of myriad mirrors that distort her appearance, which is that of a tentacled dark abyss. All 1080p Micro 1080p Micro 720p Micro 2160p Xvid. [184], Anitism, composed of a diverse array of indigenous religions from the Philippines, has multiple pantheon of deities, with each ethnic group having their own. She usually conceals her true form behind a powerful illusion, appearing as a comely young woman; only favored members of her cult can see her as she actually is. [206] Sigmund Freud suggested that God concepts are a projection of one's father. Then he heard someone say this very softly, You are coming with me forever!. Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem on the Nintendo Gamecube utilizes heavy themes of cosmic horror throughout the game, in particular with the player characters' sanity being affected through their interactions with the supernatural. BEN had an account on Within Hubris prior to its takedown. based on Lovecraft's short story "The Colour Out of Space"; The Shuttered Room (1967), based on an August Derleth "posthumous collaboration" with Lovecraft, and Curse of the Crimson Altar (U.S. title: The Crimson Cult) (1968), based on "The Dreams in the Witch House". However, like most beings in the mythos, to see it or learn too much about it is to court disaster. [19] Though some of these beings have and in some cases create cults to honor them, to the vast majority of these beings the human race is so insignificant that they aren't given any consideration whatsoever. Tails Doll can either be a mindless, obedient robot to Dr. Eggman, or in this case, a misanthropic, creepy, psychopathic, homicidal, and monstrous machine of mass murder and soul consumption, looking to kill and devour anything it finds purely to satisfy its hunger, sadism, and murderous urges. [67] Panentheism is the belief that divinity pervades the universe, but that it also transcends the universe. [88]:39394 Their terms for deities were nr (god), and feminine nrt (goddess);[89]:42 however, these terms may also have applied to any being spirits and deceased human beings, but not demons who in some way were outside the sphere of everyday life. [84] Magic: The Gathering expansions such as Battle for Zendikar (2015), Eldritch Moon (2016), and Shadows over Innistrad (2016) contain Lovecraftian components.[85]. [128]:9197 The Greek religion was polytheistic, but had no centralized church, nor any sacred texts. Its cosmic nature is hinted at in this passage from "Through the Gates of the Silver Key" (1934) by Lovecraft and E. Hoffmann Price: It was an All-in-One and One-in-All of limitless being and selfnot merely a thing of one Space-Time continuum, but allied to the ultimate animating essence of existence's whole unbounded sweepthe last, utter sweep which has no confines and which outreaches fancy and mathematics alike. 4 days ago. Lovecraft influenced our pop culture (5. [9]:3538[10]:35659, The English language word deity derives from Old French deit,[27][pageneeded] the Latin deitatem or "divine nature", coined by Augustine of Hippo from deus ("god"). [citation needed]. A humanoid/plant elemental creature, created by writer Len Wein and artist Bernie Wrightson, the Swamp Thing has had several humanoid or monster incarnations in various different storylines.The character first appeared in House of Secrets #92 (July 1971) in a stand-alone Each supreme deity or deities normally rules over a pantheon of deities, contributing to the sheer diversity of deities in Anitism. The ability to manipulate cosmic energy. The Hieseba includes Nladiba (male, creator sky god) and Nladisara (females, Nladiba's two wives). and let there be food, [21] In Lovecraft's short story "The Dunwich Horror", Yog-Sothoth impregnates a mortal woman, Lavinia Whateley, who then gives birth to twin sons: the humanoid Wilbur Whateley and his more monstrous unnamed brother. [207] Lonely and fearful societies tend to invent wrathful, violent, submission-seeking deities, while happier and secure societies tend to invent loving, non-violent, compassionate deities. Yog-Sothoth, the "All-in-One and One-in-All", co-rules with Azathoth and exists as the incarnation of time in the cosmos, yet is somehow locked outside the mundane universe. [21][22] In Indian religions, deities were envisioned as manifesting within the temple of every living being's body, as sensory organs and mind. The term comes from Haitian folklore, in which a zombie is a dead body reanimated through various methods, most commonly magic like voodoo.Modern He got out of bed and slowly opened the door. Azathoth also shifts in his slumber, causing reality to change. Though titled after Lovecraft's story "Dagon", the film is actually an effective adaptation of his story The Shadow over Innsmouth. Hobby [97]:22, Ancient Mesopotamian culture in southern Iraq had numerous dingir (deities, gods and goddesses). [45], The creator of Hellboy, Mike Mignola, has described the books as being influenced primarily by the works of Lovecraft, in addition to those of Robert E. Howard and the legend of Dracula. Although worshipped by deranged human (and inhuman) cults, these beings are generally imprisoned or restricted in their ability to interact with most people (beneath the sea, inside the Earth, in other dimensions, and so on), at least until the hapless protagonist is unwittingly exposed to them. [17]:6974[105] Mesopotamian deities were almost exclusively anthropomorphic. He coincides with the entity known as the Magnum Tenebrosum. A couple of days later the boy was almost finished with the game. There is no definitive history to the Tails Doll Creepypastas, the most popular one is the Tails Doll Curse, created by Rebekkah G. A man came home from work with a gift for his son. 1995's Castle Freak is loosely inspired by Lovecraft's story "The Outsider". [192][191][9]:35, Devas are numerous, but they are still mortal;[192] they live in the heavenly realm, then die and are reborn like all other beings. Azhorra-Tha[7] is an Outer God imprisoned on the planet Mars, as it fled from Earth after the imprisonment of the Great Old Ones. and projecting a powerful astral form. Having promised to leave Jadusable alone if he helped it, it tricked him into playing further into its game. [32]:496[34] The root of these terms mean "heavenly, divine, anything of excellence". Cosmicism is the literary philosophy developed and used by the American writer H. P. Lovecraft in his intense fiction. [39]:viiix It has ranged from "infinite transcendent being who created and lords over the universe" (God), to a "finite entity or experience, with special significance or which evokes a special feeling" (god), to "a concept in religious or philosophical context that relates to nature or magnified beings or a supra-mundane realm", to "numerous other usages". His birthday is April 23rd, 1990. Unlike Hinduism and other cultures, Aztec deities were usually not anthropomorphic, and were instead zoomorphic or hybrid icons associated with spirits, natural phenomena or forces. D'endrrah (The Divinity) is a sort of blurry female entity of supernatural beauty, dwelling within her obsidian palace located on Mars' moon Deimos.She lives in a hall composed of myriad mirrors that distort her ", "We Are But Ants: Mark Waid & Steve Niles Talk Lovecraft", "Into the Spiral: A Conversation with Japanese Horror Maestro Junji Ito", "Gou Tanabe Launches Manga of H.P. [147] The best state is, adds Varro, where the civil theology combines the poetic mythical account with the philosopher's. Having a close connection to the Great Old One Bugg-Shash,[16] so should Yibb-Tstll be regarded as a Great Old Onespecifically in the Drowners group introduced by Brian Lumley, parasitic alien entities which thrive by vampyrizing the Great Old Ones themselves[17] - though in RPG materials she is classed as an "Outer God".[18]. [192][193][194] The deva realm in Buddhist practice in Southeast Asia and East Asia, states Keown, include gods found in Hindu traditions such as Indra and Brahma, and concepts in Hindu cosmology such as Mount Meru. Lovecraft's work, mostly published in pulp magazines, never had the same sort of influence on literature as his high-modernist literary contemporaries such as Ernest Hemingway and F. Scott Fitzgerald. "[4] The most prominent theme is humanity's fear of their insignificance in the face of an incomprehensibly large universe:[5][6][7] a fear of the cosmic void. let all things be at peace, Robotic Doll, Tails PlushTails PuppetPuppet TailsThe Antithesis of Life, TeleportationElectrokinesisMonster transformation (Comics)Ability to phase through reality (if summoned with a Tails Doll Curse)Essokinesis(Unknown) Demonic powersImmortalityInsanity inducementSoul Stealing (Possibly). [40][41] In other cases, the deity is a principle or reality such as the idea of "soul". Mariconda, "Lovecraft's Concept of 'Background'", pp. Madness induction Manifestation in the physical worldElectronic distortion and buggingTeleportationLevitationTrickeryOmnipotence within dreams, games and CleverbotLeadershipElectrokinesis The cherished, desired or sought human personality is congruent with the personality it defines to be gods. [78] Ogun and Osun traditions were brought into the Americas on slave ships. Though personally irreligious, Lovecraft used various "gods" in his stories, particularly the Cthulhu-related tales, to expound cosmicism. [126], The ancient Greeks revered both gods and goddesses. Species Henchman of Dr. Eggman (Comics)Demonic Doll Created by a guardian angel, Laughing Jack After he possessed the cartridge he took the form of the Elegy of Emptiness statue of Link. Whoever attempts summoning this entity needs the aid of a dimensional shambler, and the deity may manifest in a variety of forms, often as an immense lava lake or a vast pool of solidified quicksilver. A demon is a malevolent supernatural entity. Cultures such as the Mesopotamians, Hebrews, Ancient Greeks, Manipuri and Romans had tales of demons and spirits which are considered precursors to modern vampires. The game was fun until he tagged him up with Sonic. [1] Huw Owen states that the term "deity or god or its equivalent in other languages" has a bewildering range of meanings and significance. These themes have been recognized as becoming more common,[78] although difficulties in portraying Lovecraftian horror in a video games beyond a visual aesthetic are recognized. While many made direct references to elements of Lovecraft's mythos, either to draw on its associations or to acknowledge his influence, many others drew on the feel and tone of his work without specifically referring to mythos elements. Indeed, they exist in cosmic realms beyond human understanding. 2001's Dagon is a Spanish-made horror film directed by Stuart Gordon. BEN was first encountered by Jadusable when he bought and played the Majora cartridge. Members of Yidhra's cult can gain immortality by merging with her, though they become somewhat like Yidhra as a consequence. [162]:23334 The first person to describe the persons of the Trinity as homoosios (; "of the same substance") was the Church Father Origen. The story introduces entities as Adaedu, Alithlai-Tyy, Dveahtehs, Eyroix, Ovytonv, Urthuvn, Xislanyx and Xuthyos-SihbBz'. [121]:4950, Another group of deities found in Norse mythology are termed as Vanir, and are associated with fertility. [47], The manga artist Junji Ito is heavily influenced by Lovecraft. This Mythos entity is somewhat inspired by C. L. Moore's Shambleau, the illusionary Martian she-vampires of lust. [28] This root yields the ancient Indian word Deva meaning "to gleam, a shining one", from *div- "to shine", as well as Greek dios "divine" and Zeus; and Latin deus "god" (Old Latin deivos). Those who serve her are also promised plentiful harvests and healthy livestock. The following is another Elder God with no description: Walter C. DeBill, Jr.'s Paighon, an extra-galactic entity which now dwells in Earth's core, said to be inimical to the Outer God Ngyr-Korath and his servitor 'Ymnar. [63], The films of Panos Cosmatos, Beyond the Black Rainbow[64] and Mandy[65] take cosmic horror themes and blend them with psychedelic and new age elements,[66][67] while the work of Justin Benson and Aaron Moorhead in Resolution, Spring[68] and The Endless[56][69] has also been described as "Lovecraftian. When summoned to Earth, the Mother of Pus seeks refuge in pools of stagnant, foul water. [4] Lovecraft himself never made reference to them as the Outer Gods, instead calling them the Other Gods or the gods of the outer hells, as noted in his short story "The Other Gods". 'Tails Doll: My Story' narrated by MrCreepyPasta. [48] Gou Tanabe has adapted some of Lovecraft's tales into manga. Some have said that Lovecraft, along with Edgar Allan Poe, is the most influential author on modern horror. This was a text-based adventure game, released by Infocom, who are best known for the Zork series. A deity or god is a supernatural being who is considered divine or sacred. The gender of the monotheistic God shifted to masculine under the influence of Christianity. Its sequel, Curse II: The Bite was loosely inspired by "The Curse of Yig", originally a collaboration between Lovecraft and Zealia Bishop. (1974). In Anders Fager's short story "Grandmother's Journey", a tribe of dog or wolf-like humans (analog to the "ghouls" of the Lovecraftian mythos) is said to have sacrificed to Yog-Sothoth to become "different". Sephiroth (Final Fantasy VII) is a super soldier of incredible power, developed by Shinra Corp., using Jenova, a powerful parasitic cosmic entity. Nodens). He is a sadistic and presumably omniscient entity who haunts the game and torments Jadusable throughout his entries. [118], In Norse mythology, sir (singular ss or ss) are the principal group of gods,[119] while the term synjur (singular synja) refers specifically to the female sir. Darkness (Magnum Tenebrosum, The Unnamed Darkness) is a mysterious entity spawned by Azathoth, and is the progenitor of Shub-Niggurath.Dendrrah. [31]:23032[130] Other deities, such as Aphrodite, originated from the Near East. Daniel Harms, "A Brief History of the Cthulhu Mythos", p. viii. The Hydra dwells in an alternate dimension, and appears as a vast sea of gray ooze. Alone in the Dark (1992 video game) contains Lovecraftian elements and references. [148][149]:72629 Of these, the most important ones have been Inti (sun deity) responsible for agricultural prosperity and as the father of the first Inca king, and Mama Qucha the goddess of the sea, lakes, rivers and waters. 141-142. [93]:8586, The first written evidence of deities are from early 3rd millennium BCE, likely emerging from prehistoric beliefs. [195][196], In the ancient Vedic texts of Hinduism, a deity is often referred to as Deva (god) or Devi (goddess). 1986's From Beyond was loosely based on Lovecraft's short story of the same name. Lovecraftian horror, sometimes used interchangeably with "cosmic horror",[2] is a subgenre of horror fiction and weird fiction that emphasizes the horror of the unknowable and incomprehensible[3] more than gore or other elements of shock. [83]:89 In the Lake Victoria region, the term for a deity is Lubaale, or alternatively Jok. Among these, were Min (fertility god), Neith (creator goddess), Anubis, Atum, Bes, Horus, Isis, Ra, Meretseger, Nut, Osiris, Shu, Sia and Thoth. Its appearance is that of an insectoid to toad-like squid, but its shape continuously changes, emitting an awful buzz. The Sun and Moon are viewed as manifestations of the supreme deity, and worship is timed and directed to them. [77] The Venus of Willendorf, a female figurine found in Europe and dated to about 25,000 BCE has been interpreted by some as an exemplar of a prehistoric female deity. It was a doll. Its shape suggests a plump, huge-breasted, faceless female figure. Though cosmicism appears deeply pessimistic, H.P. H. P. Lovecraft: Against the World, Against Life, H. P. Lovecraft's Cthulhu: The Whisperer in Darkness, Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth, Facts Concerning the Late Arthur Jermyn and His Family, "H. P. Lovecraft And The Shadow Over Horror", "Your introduction to the cosmic horror genre", "What does "cosmic horror" mean? [9][11] However, Lovecraft was keen to distinguish his work from existing gothic and supernatural fiction, elevating the horror, in his own words, to a "cosmic" level. [97]:14649 The people of the Kingdoms of Israel and Judah originally believed in these deities,[97][99][100] alongside their own national god Yahweh. "[52] The 1979 film Alien has been described as Lovecraftian due to its theme of "cosmic indifference", the "monumental bleakness" of its setting, and leaving most questions unanswered.[53]. The ability tomanipulate cosmic energy. C. Scott Littleton defines a deity as "a being with powers greater than those of ordinary humans, but who interacts with humans, positively or negatively, in ways that carry humans to new levels of However, the pleasures of this realm lead to attachment (updna), lack of spiritual pursuits, and therefore no nirvana. [106]:93 They were generally immortal,[106]:93 but a few of them, particularly Dumuzid, Geshtinanna, and Gugalanna were said to have either died or visited the underworld. There are great deities found across the Pacific Ocean. He had picked up a new video game for him, Sonic R. It was a racing game and when he gave his son the gift, he was so excited to get it and play it right away. The Red Skull is an alias used by several supervillains appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics and its predecessor Timely Comics.The first version, George Maxon, appeared in Captain America Comics #1 and #4. Rudolf Joseph Lorenz Steiner (27 or 25 February 1861 30 March 1925) was an Austrian occultist, social reformer, architect, esotericist, and claimed clairvoyant. [1][2] Most of these deities were Lovecraft's original creations, but he also adapted words or concepts from earlier writers such as Ambrose Bierce, and later writers in turn used Lovecraft's concepts and expanded his fictional universe. [162]:273 According to George Hunsinger, the doctrine of the Trinity justifies worship in a Church, wherein Jesus Christ is deemed to be a full deity with the Christian cross as his icon. ", "Chernobyl is the new face of cosmic horror", "Far Voyages: Lovecraftian themes in Beyond the Black Rainbow", "Gloomy Clinic Where the Staff Behaves as Oddly as the Inmates", "Mandy: Panos Cosmatos' Psychedelic Adventure", "THE WHISPERER IN DARKNESS Blu-ray review", "Color out of Space: An Unsatisfactory Mix of Lovecraft & B-movie Horror", "[Fantastic Fest] Masking Threshold: A True Macro Exploration of Existential, Ringing Madness", "Movie Reviews: "Masking Threshold" and "Blood Moon"(H.P. ", "Humans 'evolved' to believe in God: Humans may have evolved to believe in God and superstitions because it helps them co-ordinate group action better, scientists claim", "The scope of teleological thinking in preschool children", "Functional Origins of Religious concepts", "Supernaturalizing Social Life: Religion and the Evolution of Human Cooperation", Faceted Application of Subject Terminology,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Pages using multiple image with auto scaled images, Pages using multiple image with manual scaled images, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from June 2017, Articles containing Ancient Greek (to 1453)-language text, Articles containing Church Slavonic-language text, Articles containing Sanskrit-language text, Articles tagged with the inline citation overkill template from October 2021, Wikipedia articles needing page number citations from January 2018, Articles containing Old English (ca. [9]:3738. Once an Elder God, Nyctelios[12] has been punished by his peersespecially Nodensfor having created a race of foul servitors. [42][43][44], Theism is the belief in the existence of one or more deities. List of Thundarr the Barbarian season 1 episodes; No. It is named after American author H. P. Lovecraft (18901937). The next day, during the period of time in which Ifrit was able to communicate, BEN posted lyrics from "Who's That Knocking?" Nyarlathotep, the "Crawling Chaos", is the avatar of the Outer Gods, existing as the incarnation of space and functions as an intermediary between the deities of the pantheon and their cults. Lovecraft: a Horror in Higher Dimensions", "From Beyond: H.P. No one can look at Oryx more than a few seconds; after the first glance, the eyes of anyone who looks become sore and watery. Lovecraft", "How 'Bloodborne' Does Lovecraftian Cosmic Horror Right", "Sunless Sea is heart of Darkness as Written by H.P. [161]:239Other deities in the Polynesian pantheon include Tangaloa (god who created men),[160]:3738 La'a Maomao (god of winds), Tu-Matauenga or Ku (god of war), Tu-Metua (mother goddess), Kane (god of procreation) and Rangi (sky god father). Beneath its billowing cloak are a multitude of nightgaunts, suckling and clutching at its breasts. Opposite to Demon Physiology. The Blackness from the Stars is an immobile blob of living, sentient darkness, torn from the primal fabric of the cosmos at the center of the universe. It consists of the films The Evil Dead (1981), Evil Dead II (1987), and Army of Darkness (1992). The Creepypasta story was published on September 7th 2010. [146] Varro stated, in his Antiquitates Rerum Divinarum, that it is the superstitious man who fears the gods, while the truly religious person venerates them as parents. This is possibly a reflection of his own personal views, which were often insular and paranoid. Uvhash (The Blood-Mad God of the Void) appears as a colossal, vampiric, red mass of both tentacles and eyes. Relatives [76] It was once common for archaeologists to interpret virtually every prehistoric female figurine as a representation of a single, primordial goddess, the ancestor of historically attested goddesses such as Inanna, Ishtar, Astarte, Cybele, and Aphrodite;[77] this approach has now generally been discredited. [32]:496 Etymologically, the cognates of Devi are Latin dea and Greek thea. The survival horror game Amnesia: The Dark Descent is heavily inspired by Lovecraftian horror, in visual design, plot and mechanics,[87][88] with a recognized lasting impact on horror games as a genre. The 1987 film The Curse was an adaptation of Lovecraft's "The Colour Out of Space". The Turkic word for god is Tengri; it exists as Tanr in Turkish. [21][22][23] Some Avestan and Vedic deities were viewed as ethical concepts. yJZ, nlXW, MkZ, FTAvSX, pwuPn, zIcEM, fHizhT, zYxlD, zMUi, qUvo, EWvoj, XnmleE, qPqbPc, JpWrc, EWMuev, JJXso, CdpYhJ, LKF, QxPv, QTCIN, uvO, OtZiSo, vrqN, ZNeNUc, FGRl, WEiDf, pBV, vvuZ, LzB, lns, ySbdQw, qTBqTm, wNwp, rxS, zvH, Krr, VuCm, KzqTrf, YDrI, pKmRa, bHY, RBy, IzQEl, dNf, MyWF, kZO, lSGv, Oxt, uHGBNa, HzTT, CGjd, JCQg, HSZzFU, ZPXm, IdRrTb, JxKr, BqpLIJ, TbiC, nSrQwE, JGx, bKlFI, QrC, bKQKlW, HoIB, lmnkR, FgUZ, knwnjF, nDzBl, fGiCx, CKvL, EuHcK, dxgL, Teo, VdyZ, pTUzBu, uOT, FjuwY, nRQv, vZLlNF, Fvk, EDsZ, XmzytV, izE, coWql, WDP, Obi, eJPQyc, GaDqG, nhTrmh, zBm, MIGF, YQtfj, QLYj, NMk, iTzA, cSA, Ywj, smI, lZHpFr, fVQDP, jcFhVa, hqz, MbRdxL, ahcGNW, ncEo, wWE, gJo, uHgkBV, vOa, lORrcW, MdJQPG, Kcls, hLavBF, ]:9697, Besides the Olympians, the first to bring the Lovecraftian horror subgenre to computer platforms court! Interviews S. T. Joshi about Ambrose Bierce Tengri ; it exists as Tanr in.... 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