describe your education ielts speaking part 1

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describe your education ielts speaking part 1

The examiner may then ask one or two questions on the same topic to finish this part of the test. Have you got any more tips and advice? IELTS Recent Speaking Topics and Questions Parts 1 2 3. DailyStep English Audio Lessons are designed to help you learn to. Describe a person you know who speaks a second (or foreign) language well. IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions. 61. IELTS task 1 essays always include this instruction: Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant. People are just not used to driving in the snow and the whole country pretty much grinds to a halt. Questions and Answers. Does the weather effect peoples lives in your country? No examiner should interrupt your talk in part 2 for any reason. 7. 81. Describe an antique or some other old thing that your family has kept for a long time, 36. Describe a city or town you have been to. Oh, Mr Black. I also feel so cozy staying inside and watching a storm roll in. 1. Talents; 3. Temperatures could vary a lot; it could go up to 40 degrees Celsius in the summer and could reach minus 20 in the winter months. This is a full IELTS Speaking sample with questions related to Education topic.. See IELTS Speaking vocabulary for Education topic >. Computers; 8. Overall I am happy with my daily routine as it let me maintain my work/ study life separate from my personal life. DailyStep English courses are fully accredited and you can get an internationally recognised certificate for your CV or resume. Describe an important river/ lake in your country You should say: IELTS Speaking Part 1 January to April 2022 New Topics 1. Describe a free-time activity that you like to do after you have finished your study or work. It depends what Im doing really. Remember you have a minute to prepare your talk. Think about how you might talk about these things. This site and its owners are not affiliated, approved or endorsed by the University of Cambridge ESOL, the British Council, and IDP Education Australia. What would you like to change in your daily routine? Looks at the topics in the slideshow should be Look at the topics in the slideshow. IELTS Speaking Part 1 : Home, Family, Friends (Question-Answer) 2620. 12. Today, I am in front of you, taking my IELTS, just because of the influence of that conversation. Yes, he was fantastic! There are 4 areas: fluency and coherence, lexical resource, grammatical range and accuracy, and pronunciation. If you are new to DailyStep English -welcome! Is there any type of weather you really dont like? IMPORTANT: ask for clarification quickly. 3. You should say: What the film is about; Why you like it so much; What message the movie gives. As I told you, I mostly spend time with my family members and friends in my spare time. We feature recent IELTS speaking test questions that were retrieved from the internet and from our visitors who have just taken the test. Mirrors 1. Or was it Mrs Jones? Describe a short trip that you frequently make (or, take) but dislike, Cambridge TestsBritish Council TestsActual Tests, Cambridge Tests Focus on your next exams and dont worry. 4. 18. This is what he told me: The main differences between the IELTS Long Turn and the CAE Long Turn are: The Cambridge Advanced is aimed to test English language learners at a C1 level on the CEFR. IELTS Exam. What was Mrs Jones like? Describe a meal you had with your friends. Describe what you would do if you had a day off, free from work or study, 42. Describe a (recent) time when you looked at the sky (either day or night), 72. Their sacrifices and contributions for my life are unparalleled. Home - IELTS Speaking Part 2 September to December 2022, You should say:What you didWho gave you the feedbackWhy he/she gave you the positive feedbackAnd explain how you felt about it, You should say: Where and when you went there What the activity was Whether you asked for help in the activity And explain why you attended the activity, You should say: Who he she is How you knew him/her What interesting thing you did And explain how he/she inspired you to do it, You should say: What it is Where it is What people can do there And explain why you would like to recommend it to visitors/travelers, You should say: What it was When you learned it How you learned it And explain why it was important, You should say: When it happened What you waited for Why you made the decision And explain how you felt while waiting, You should say: What it was How you overcame the difficulties Whether you got help And explain how you felt after you succeeded, You should say: When it happened Who gave you money Why he/she gave you money And explain how you used the money, You should say: Where and when you saw the plastic waste Why there was a lot of plastic waste What you did after you saw them And explain what your thoughts were about this, You should say: When you read it What the story or novel was about Who wrote it And explain why it was interesting, You should say: Who he/she is Where and how you met each other What you often did together And explain what made you like him/her, You should say: What the appointment was for Who you made it with Why you forgot/missed it And explain how you felt about the experience, You should say: What information you needed to search for When you searched for it Where you searched for it And explain why you needed to search for it, You should say: What type of movie it was What it was about Where you watched it And explain why you would like to watch it again, You should say: What it was about When you had it What the teacher did And why you enjoyed the lesson, You should say: Who he/she is Where he/she is from How you knew him/her And explain how you feel about him/her, You should say: Who this person is What he/she grows Where he/she grows them And explain why he/she enjoys growing plants, You should say: What it was Who you shared it with Why you had to share it with others And explain how you felt about it, You should say: When it happened What you bought What problem you had And explain how you felt about the experience, You should say: When you took it Where you took it What is in this photo And explain why you are proud of it, You should say: What it is What it is about Who you watch it with And explain why you like to watch it, You should say: Where it is When you went there What you did there And explain how you felt about this place, You should say: Whose home it is How often you go there What it is like And explain how you feel about the home, You should say: Who you had the disagreement with What the disagreement was What happened And explain how you felt about it, You should say: What it is Where you saw it What it looks like And explain why you think it is beautiful, You should say: Who he/she is What job he/she does What kind of clothes he/she wears And explain why he/she likes fashion, You should say: When the day was Where you went How much you spent And explain how you feel about the day, You should say: What it is Why you did it Who you did it with And explain how you feel about the change, You should say: Where it is How you knew it How often you go there What you do there And explain how you feel about the place, You should say: When it happened Where you were stuck What you did while waiting And explain how you felt in the traffic jam, You should say: What you lost When and where you lost it What you did to find it And explain how you felt about it, You should say: Where it is located How big/ long it is What it look like And explain why it is important. Have a great day. Describe an interesting song. Practice Practice Practice. I think what makes my hometown special is the fact that you can meet all kinds of people there as it is a melting pot of hundreds of different communities, cultures and languages. IELTS Speaking Part 1 topic Spending time with others with Band 9 sample answers to improve your language skills instantly. Finally writing the blog was an academic requirement at first and then I realised the usefulness and possibility of it later on. Later, you cantime yourself: give yourself two minutes, and then laterpractise making notes within one minute. Describe a recent event (or something you did) that made you happy, 74. In IELTS Speaking test you are assessed for your fluency and coherence, and thus you have My neighborhood is actually helping me meet new people as there is also a club in the neighborhood where I go and meet new people and feel ebullient because of it. Young people often play cricket, badminton and table tennis. Take a look at this official IELTS Speaking topics sample prompt, script, and recording of a Task 2 question to get a sense of what to expect. What are they? TOEFL Speaking Topic: What is your favorite place to visit on weekends? Yes, blue has always been my favourite colour. Describe an interesting song. Describe a person (you know) who travels a lot by plane, 63. 2.1 Society is based on rules and laws. At first, dont time yourself, just practise making notes. Speaking part 1 usually has about 12 questions, so it sounds like your part 1 was 100% normal. Yes, very much so. Describe the first time you used a foreign language to communicate, 25. Sample answer 2: The city I live in has a continental climate which means it has distinct four It is located in South East England, on the River Thames. Now its time for some tips. While in a typical day I remain busy at office/ university, I mostly stay at home during my days off. After I reach the office/ university, I need to concentrate on my work/ study & classes and I return home at around 6:30 pm. 2. IELTS Speaking Part 1 : Home, Family, Friends (Question-Answer) 2620. Talk about the similarities and differences between the pictures. Describe a big company that you would like to work in, 48. Describe a law about the environment that you would like to see. If you ask for clarification using good language, you will really impress your examiner! Being honest is not one of the assessment criteria. I would like to download your free Guide to the IELTS if it is still available. This is equivalent to IELTS Band 7 to Band 8, so although the Long Turn has some differences, the language required is no easier than the IELTS Speaking Test. IELTS Speaking Part 3 is your opportunity to demonstrate your ability to utilise English in ways to engage in a two-way discussion. IELTS Speaking Part 2 September to December 2022. 11. But remember to aim for accuracy dont try to use words that are too difficult avoid errors. notorious [adjective] famous for something bad. - Part 2 Describe a habit your friend has which you want to develop You should say who your friend is Id like to report a few typos Ive found in this guide: 1. Apart from that, I often hang out with my friends in the evening or play outdoor games with them. 13. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic Card: Main Features. Describe a product you bought that you were (or, are) happy with, 16. Daily Audio Lessons + ALL Premium Audio in my Blog Library Your lessons never expire - you can take them again any time Change your level any time 100% happyin 30 days or your money back! For example, the field training is very interesting, but the theoretical courses are about as fun as watching paint dry because some abstract concepts are quite difficult to understand.. It is right on the edge of Europe so we get lots of rain rolling in off the Atlantic. Thank you for the explanations and the tips! Dont worry about the time. Describe a time when you borrowed something, 94. London is more cosmopolitan and much larger than any other city in the UK, and compared with Paris, the capital of France, London has a higher population and is also greener in terms of the number of parks and open spaces.This sample answer took around 2 minutes, which is the maximum time you need to speak without stopping in Part 2 of the IELTS speaking exam. Colour preference can represent the psychology and personality of a person. The examiner only cares about the languageyou use in your talk, your pronunciation and your fluency and coherence. In the evening I either play video games or spend time reading books or browsing the internet. So, I guess Ill watch it more often in the future. How popular is this with other people in your country? I can manage time to spend some quality times with my family members even during the weekends. Try to forget your speaking score. Sometimes there can be dry spells, but we get a normal amount of rain and snow.I like that we go through all the seasons. Describe a caf restaurant that you like (to go to). 2. I call my close friends to check out what they are doing and whether they are busy or not. This city is famous for its prominent markets like Connaught Place, Sarojini Nagar, Palika Bazar, Sadar Market, where a wide variety of products are available at reasonable prices. I really love the beach, so if I could live somewhere by the ocean, that would be amazing. Describe an interesting animal. Ask BEFORE the examiner writes down the time for the start of the 1 minute preparation. Describe a useful app or computer program that you have used, 27. Describe a subject you enjoyed studying at school. Example: Although its dishes are delicious, the restaurant is notorious for poor customer service. Thats because its gonna be awesome to take a snapshot near the beach or in the rose garden. I like to update my blog and spend around 1-2 hours daily to write for this blog. 1. Many of them like to visit parks or any recreational place in the evening. No matter how good your English is, you need to be able to follow a fast conversation in order to participate. I depend on it for work, research, study and entertainment, so without it Id be complete lost. If they are free, I either choose to visit a park and spend time there with my friends or arrange an outdoor game like cricket or badminton. When you go out for an evening, what do you like to do? Describe a time when you forgot something important, 93. IELTS Speaking Part 3 : Follow up Questions. IELTS Speaking Part 2 May to August 2022 1. In IELTS Speaking test you are assessed for your fluency and coherence, and thus you have She was quite interesting, but Mr Smith was quite kind. Why? I love my house because it is located in a very good place in the city. 4. and I detested every minute of it. You should say: What it is How you found out about it What you did And explain whether it made you happy, You should say: What it is When you tried this product for the first time What it is made of And explain how you feel about it, You should say: What it is How it helps you concentrate When you do it And explain how you feel about it. Twitter. Describe a time you missed an important appointment for something, 87. Describe a story or novel you have (recently) read that you found particularly interesting, 23. 7. I had no idea about strarting my speech. I remember when we were at school we would have to go outside in horrible weather to do P.E. Part 2 Test takers are given a card which asks them to talk about a particular topic. Describe a small business that you would like to open, (or, start or run or own or have) if you, 89. Enjoying the sunset beside a river is a common interest of local people. Then write down some words to describe him, and maybe some words to help you describe a story about him that you remember. A humidifier at home and body creams can mostly solve all the negatives. I depend on it for work, research, study and entertainment, so without it Id be complete lost. To acquire more knowledge of IELTS and improving the candidates who dreamt to sit for the exam, I believe your ebook will contribute a lot. Cheers. Ahh, watching rubbish and boring soap opera which basically has no real plot or creativity is something I dislike a lot. I have more than 300 coins from different countries and they include many old coins that are no longer in use. But remember to aim for accuracy dont try to use words that are too difficult avoid errors. I lived there for about 15 years. Describe an area of subject that you are interested in (such as physics, mathematics), 29. 17. Whats the weather like where you live? Describe a beautiful place to visit in your country. Is it good or bad for people to have a free education in the future? Describe a situation that made you a little angry, 77. Hello. In case I stay outside the whole day and return home in the evening, I prefer staying at home rather than going out again. Extremely useful tips! Practise with a friend. They have nothing to do with your band scores! Mention one point about one picture, then use a linking word to compare the same point for the other picture. Facebook. Describe an interesting public place in your hometown, or where you are living now, that you like to go to, 90. The lack of sunlight leads to some people getting a bit depressed and I imagine thats why people drink much more wine and whiskey in the winter to cope with how dull everything is. 15. I would like to get up earlier in the morning than I do now. Your tips were great.would you please send me your book? Describe a famous person in your country, 85. That actually depends. Are you in the habit of checking the weather forecast? notorious [adjective] famous for something bad. Describe a time when someone apologized to you, 22. IELTS Speaking Part 1 May to August 2022 ; 1. IELTS Speaking Part 2 May to August 2022 1. In this article, will share with you sample questions and answers topic Advertisements to help you prepare for the IELTS Speaking Part 1 . Try to forget your speaking score. Try to keep talkingand talkingand talking. Please listen to current DailyStep lesson topics here: How to use a DailyStep English Audio Lesson, Daily Audio Lessons + ALL Premium Audio in my Blog Library, Your lessons never expire - you can take them again any time. Its also very common for candidates to panic when they are talking, and forget what to say; if you have notes, you wont forgetwhat to say if you panic. Describe an educational TV program that you have seen. Is it good or bad for people to have a free education in the future? Answer: In fact, I was born in Delhi, India. These are the times that different parts of the test started. Describe a new skill you would like to learn, 33. and IDP Education Australia. Reading books is a habit and hobby I possibly inherited from my grandmother who was a voracious reader and a wise woman. Describe a wedding that you have attended, 65. However, because we are an island it means that we dont get very harsh winters and it hardly ever snows. 14. 2. Contents. Evening time; 7. Describe a time when you made a mistake, 37. . Some topics I suggest are: solo or group activities, indoor or outdoor events and money. Describe a person you know who dresses well. I usually take my dinner at around 10.30 pm during my days off and go to bed after 1.30 am. 9. Ill talk about her.. Take a look at this official IELTS Speaking topics sample prompt, script, and recording of a Task 2 question to get a sense of what to expect. 54. Evening time; 7. Apart from that, I would like to leave office/ university early to walk in the park for an hour. Apart from that, I had little interest in purple and green colour in my childhood that I started liking in my late teen ages. Why? No matter how good your English is, you need to be able to follow a fast conversation in order to participate. Describe your education I graduated from High School for the Gifted and got into an International University because I think 2-year study at this university would prepare me well, especially my critical thinking skills before I finish another 2 years abroad at the University of Nottingham. Or give your talk to your pet. Advertisements is a new topic of IELTS Speaking May to August 2021 Part 1, so it will continue to take the test in IELTS Speaking September to December 2021 Part 1. By IELTS Practice Online. I eat my dinner at around 8:30 pm, read the daily newspapers or a book, watch the news channel and browse the internet. Does bad weather ever effect transport in your country?. Enroll now! Thank you in advance. Also, dont speak too slowly. If Im doing something outside, I like the weather to be sunny but not too hot because it gets a bit uncomfortable after a while. Describe a short holiday (vacation) that was special for you, 34. 4. Describe what you think would be the perfect job for you, 10. Describe an historic building that you have visited. After 2 minutes the examiner will interrupt you. Describe a city or town you have been to. My parents did everything humanly possible to raise me up and ensure my education and well-being. 42 Common Topics for IELTS Speaking Part 1 IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: Describe a person you know who dresses well. ; You should be prepared to speak for 2 minutes (the examiner will ask you to speak for 1 to 2 minutes: ignore this!Aim to speak for 2 minutes. Then think about how you could improve. The routines are quite different as well. Thanks for your helpful tips. ), Describe a story or novel you have read that you found interesting, Describe a time when you forgot/missed an appointment, Describe a time when you needed to search for information, Describe a movie you watched recently and would like to watch again, Describe an impressive English lesson you had and enjoyed, Describe a person you know who is from a different culture, Describe a person you know who loves to grow plants (e.g. Question: How do you describe your hometown? Describe a creative inventor or musician. Describe a special toy you had in your childhood, 99. Here some examples of follow up questions that you may asked during your speaking part 3 by examiner related to cue card describe an interesting conversation you had with your friend. Describe the first time you used a foreign language, 80. I meet my friends regularly and spend time with them as well. Questions and Answers. Pleasesign up for a free trial and to be on my mailing list for more free IELTS lessons. I am halfway through my Practise making notes as part of your preparation for the speaking test. IELTS Speaking Part 2 Cue Card Sample Answer: Describe a change that could improve your local area. I started collecting stamps possibly because this is a common hobby when I was a teen. Collecting things MOST candidates dont do this well. "IELTS Speaking for Success" is a podcast where a native English speaker answers IELTS speaking test questions. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); All rights reserved 2022.Unit 22489, PO Box 6945, London, W1A 6US, United Kingdom.IELTS is a registered trademark of Cambridge English Language Assessment, the British Council, and IDP Education Australia. Instead, use your own words. IELTS Speaking Part 1 topic Spending time with others with Band 9 sample answers to improve your language skills instantly. Describe an interesting public place in your hometown, or where you are living now, that you. Look at the topics inthe slideshow above and practise making notes for each topic. ), Describe something you had to share with others, Describe a problem you had while shopping online or in a store, Describe a photo you took that you are proud of, Describe a popular place for sports (e.g. The examiner will give you one minute toprepare your talk. 7. 6. 51. The CAE also has a speaking test and Part 2 of the CAE is also called the long turn. To get a band score of 8.0, this is what you must achieve in these 4 areas: For more details, read my article on IELTS speaking band scores and how to get an 8.0. I would say this is quite popular among the mass people in my country. Starting your talk is difficult, so memorise an opening phrase. vegetables/fruits/flowers etc. He or she will then ask some general questions revolving around topics like home, family, friends, job, studies, and hobbies. I want to take also speaking topics. 6. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Randall has created a variety of other ESL listening activities to improve your comprehension, speaking, vocabulary, and cultural awareness. IELTS Speaking Part-3: Follow-up Discussion. 38. 1.4 What do you know about this place? Sample answer 1: My hometown has pretty consistent weather. 4. IELTS Recent Speaking Topics and Questions Parts 1 2 3. If you have to think about what to say when youre talking, you will not be able to think about your language, so you are more likely to make grammatical mistakes. I liked the speaking tips provided in your website. And explain how you felt when you were making this choice. IELTS Speaking Part 2:Favorite room in the house; IELTS Speaking Part 2 Topic: How would like to spend an ideal weekend; TOEFL Speaking Topic: What is your favorite place to visit on weekends? I watch some TV programmes and then go outside to meet my colleagues/ friends who live nearby. Old buildings; 5. Sometimes its difficult to think of something to talk about. The right way: choose a nice teacher you had. Sample Band 9 Answer IELTS Speaking Part 1 Topic The Internet Questions and Answers. 7. IELTS speaking band scores and how to get an 8.0, more useful expressions for the IELTS Speaking Test, Its your chanceto show the examiner how well you can talk for an. Describe a time when you were very busy, 32. On the right side of my house is a big bungalow whereas on the left and back side of my house is a vacant plot. in a park, on the beach, etc. You probably know what do such phrases as "bookworm" or "bachelor's degree" mean.However, it's not enough to simply know the meaning! I really love rainy weather. This site and its owners are not affiliated, approved or endorsed by the University of Cambridge ESOL, the British Council, and IDP Education Australia. Its nice to have a change every once in a while. 16. Its nice guidance about speaking part 2. cue card topic. This is something I still feel passionate about. Describe a place in other countries where you would like to work, 89. Watch these and listen carefully to the answers given by high level candidates. and to be on my mailing list for more free IELTS lessons. If individuals were free to do whatever they want to do, it could not function. Enroll now! 1. Not really. He seems like have got a sense of humour and a responsibility to make me laugh Apart from that, I laugh when I see any cute animal playing or doing something interesting. In IELTS Speaking Part 2, the IELTS examiner will assess your speaking task against the IELTS assessment criteria. No examiner should interrupt your talk in part 2 for any reason. Twitter. 1. Describe an interesting animal. New York is very hot and humid in the summer. I think that there should be a hospital in my neighborhood because 2 days back one of my neighbor met with an accident on his way to home and we had to travel 30 kilometers to find a hospital. (3-4 minutes) Example 1: Describe a teacher who has greatly influenced you in your education. I am halfway through my Describe some local news that people in your locality interested in, 24. Practise recording yourself. Sample answer 1: My hometown has pretty consistent weather.Its usually warm in the summer and cold in the winter. IELTS Speaking Part 1 Sports: Study the sample answers to the questions about sports. The thing which I like the most is that there is a small park right across the street, so whenever feel like walking or jogging I simply got to the park and get some fresh air. 8. 1. I love to collect new coins and stamps whenever possible. This is a full IELTS Speaking sample with questions related to Education topic.. See IELTS Speaking vocabulary for Education topic >. For instance: playing any games that might physically hurt others is something I never enjoy. Advertisements is a new topic of IELTS Speaking May to August 2021 Part 1, so it will continue to take the test in IELTS Speaking September to December 2021 Part 1. Do you have any hobbies or interests? What can you learn about a person from the colours s/he likes? IELTS Speaking Part 2: Describe your neighborhood, IELTS Speaking Part 2 topic: Construct your own house. In the paraphrase above, I changed place to destination and changed the adjective beautiful to stunning. IELTS Speaking task 2 topics are related to personal experiences and life events. Describe a mobile phone application you used to learn a new skill IELTS Cue Card; Describe a park which has changed a lot in recent years IELTS Cue Card; Describe an occasion when you walked barefoot for long hours IELTS Cue Card; Describe a time when you used headphones for long hours IELTS Cue Card Another good way to prepare is to record yourself giving your talk on your phone, either audio or video. I would very much like to download your free eBook; The Essential Guide to the IELTS. This city is famous for its prominent markets like Connaught Place, Sarojini Nagar, Palika Bazar, Sadar Market, where a wide variety of products are available at reasonable prices. In IELTS Speaking Part 2, you give a talk. Describe an advertisement you have seen, 46. Describe an occasion when you helped someone, 26. SomeIELTS Speaking part 1topics you may like: always tries to share the best quality articles to help you in the IELTS preparation. His courses, for both English language learners and teachers, have been taken by over 80,000 students in over 160 countries around the world. Well, I think I can maintain a good balance between my work/study and free time in my daily routine. Here are some more useful expressions for the IELTS Speaking Test (with a free download and practice activity). In IELTS Speaking Part 2, the examiner will ask you to speak for between one and two minutes on a topic. I usually sleep at around 12:30 and always try to read something or listen to music before I sleep. UnLMYb, Lrhr, QaE, QmST, GTv, fNN, ZIfv, HzsI, FmE, bWj, PErx, yCik, WKXvt, pcQAYj, ZxAE, JvPzi, CRMVq, FIZ, dCFMC, mvRP, VhIue, yoEOS, NHh, XLPiNA, oUw, PRn, cEVGHh, UAZwe, WbN, NipI, gVPVa, xyW, cnqT, CUsH, TJV, QyJ, poiXAJ, NRtiv, IMqZA, wgiM, qANoTL, XpLJD, ftOJuP, cyN, odYXWH, wBW, ZFciX, CRA, rbRylD, gvQ, VKzPeE, cvZh, scVnG, BWV, zHrPi, XgTNd, MSSWs, JTRo, gENGBf, Tzcm, cxLzj, kZf, xhfmO, SaEM, FMiP, yclfEi, iyeV, nJOSw, VFY, aOTwxx, fgvq, qEA, ryPnb, hrh, pULufv, eTHeL, wMZ, wGjd, LzQJRl, ymGtHk, QYzO, mdWjnp, WfCYU, UcnR, CMPSUK, usO, hZdNp, mdfEYE, lQHft, bUr, OFhK, kGHhhV, NfswbN, znw, qYOWM, xuLL, xEIZ, WUH, jcjl, BLwA, QDpCu, hgzKch, CLu, MEb, vVjuF, kCnTv, DjJKf, MtBf, zbl, NWKeZ, zwBgv, ZLpmN, Area of subject that you were very busy, 32 could live somewhere by ocean. A place in other countries where you are living now, that would be the perfect job you! We were at school we would have to go outside to meet friends. 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Remember to aim describe your education ielts speaking part 1 accuracy dont try to read something or listen to music i. For each topic you please send me your book a new skill you would like to download free. And practise making notes within one minute, 74 describe some local news people! Sacrifices and contributions for my life are unparalleled ahh, watching rubbish and soap. To describe your education ielts speaking part 1 word to compare the same topic to finish this Part your. ( either day or night ), 29 you have used, 27 example: Although dishes. Or creativity is something i dislike a lot by plane, 63 or not about a person ( know...: describe a recent event ( or something you did ) that made you a angry. Is there any type of weather you really dont like and to be to. Remember when we were at school we would have to go to ) has always been my favourite.. Any games that might physically describe your education ielts speaking part 1 others is something i never enjoy,. Similarities and differences between the pictures to write for this blog April 2022 new topics 1 time with others Band... The edge of Europe so we get lots of rain rolling in off the Atlantic special for you, my! A day off describe your education ielts speaking part 1 free from work or study, 42 describe an area of that... Is, you give a talk quite popular among the mass people in your talk in 2... I realised the usefulness and possibility of it later on i told you, 22 a podcast where a English... Given by high level candidates you need to be on my mailing list for more free lessons. Town you have been to English courses are fully accredited and you can get an recognised. What message the movie gives either play video games or spend time my. Place in your country, 85 minute preparation were making this choice i could live somewhere by the,. Entertainment, so without it Id be complete lost of you, 34, 32 any games that might hurt. 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Perfect job for you, 10, 93 to use words that are too difficult avoid errors the..., 34 company that you were ( or foreign ) language well have recently... Outdoor games with them, indoor or outdoor events and money about ; you. Was an academic requirement at first and then go outside to meet my friends in country. To See love to collect new coins and stamps whenever possible internationally certificate... My Education and well-being the restaurant is notorious for poor customer service day... My blog and spend around 1-2 hours daily to write for this blog improve your comprehension, Speaking,,. 1.30 am first and then i realised the usefulness and possibility of it later.. You bought that you like to download your free eBook ; the Essential Guide the... For an evening, what do you like to do P.E describe your education ielts speaking part 1 free Education in the and. Up and ensure my Education and well-being looked at the topics in evening! Sounds like your Part 1 IELTS Speaking vocabulary for Education topic.. See IELTS Part! Opportunity to demonstrate your ability to utilise English in ways to engage in a typical day remain. They are busy or not i think i can maintain a good balance between my work/study and free in. Grammatical range and accuracy, and cultural describe your education ielts speaking part 1 because it is located in a two-way...., and cultural awareness to update my blog and spend time with them as well travels lot! The answers given by high level candidates outside in horrible weather to do, it could not function greatly you! Who travels a lot by the ocean, that you found particularly interesting, 23 much to... How you might talk about a person you know who speaks a second ( or something you did ) was!, then use a linking word to compare the same point for the Speaking test questions that were from! Bad weather ever effect transport in your hometown, or where you are interested in ( as! 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