social responsibility of entrepreneurs pdf

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social responsibility of entrepreneurs pdf

Reduce the use of Volatile Organic Compounds in our Footwear to 42 grams/pair. Debe analizar detenidamente y asegurarse de comprender y emplear el debido cuidado y discrecin al considerar su objetivo de inversin, su apetito de riesgo y sus circunstancias personales frente al riesgo de la inversin. Portugal: O UBS Switzerland AG no licenciado para conduzir atividades bancrias e financeiras em Portugal e tampouco fiscalizado pelos rgos regulatrios portugueses (Banco de Portugal e Comisso do Mercado de Valores Mobilirios). Si vous avez reu le document par erreur, UBS vous demande de bien vouloir le dtruire/supprimer et en informer UBS immdiatement. Para obter informaes sobre como o CIO administra conflitos e mantm a independncia de suas vises de investimento e publicaes e sobre as metodologias de pesquisa e classificao, visite o site We all know finance has a powerful influence on the world. UBS Financial Services Inc. is not acting as a municipal advisor to any municipal entity or obligated person within the meaning of Section 15B of the Securities Exchange Act (the "Municipal Advisor Rule") and the opinions or views contained herein are not intended to be, and do not constitute, advice within the meaning of the Municipal Advisor Rule. The place for everything in Oprah's world. Mexiko: Dieses Dokument wird verteilt von UBS Asesores Mxico, S.A. de C.V., (UBS Asesores), einem verbundenen Unternehmen der UBS Switzerland AG, das aufgrund seiner Beziehung zu einer auslndischen Bank gemss dem mexikanischen Wertpapierrecht (Ley de Mercado de Valores, LMV) als nicht-unabhngiger Anlageberater eingetragen ist. En outre, cette publication ne constitue pas un conseil en placement et/ou marketing dinvestissement et ne saurait se substituer un conseil en placement et/ou marketing dinvestissement fourni par le titulaire de la licence concern, et adapt aux besoins de chaque personne. /E 45286 We commit to regularly engage communities near our operational and project areas in meaningful conversations. Jean-Baptiste Say (17671832), a French economist, defined an entrepreneur as a person who "undertakes" an idea and shifts perspectives in a way that it alters the effect that an idea has on society. UBS Europe SE, Niederlassung sterreich is subject to the joint supervision of the European Central Bank ("ECB"), the German Central Bank (Deutsche Bundesbank), the German Federal Financial Services Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht), as well as of the Austrian Financial Market Authority (Finanzmarktaufsicht), to which this publication has not been submitted for approval. Corporate social responsibility is an elusive concept, but it can be measured and compared within a structural framework and within the cultural context of each organization. 1 (2006): 36-44. UBS Asesores is registered before CNBV under Registry number 30060. Socio-economic enterprises include corporations that balance earning profits with nonprofit goals, such as seeking social change for communities. Social innovators tackle interconnected problems and advance solutions from every anglefrom disrupting unjust systems and movement building to improving policies and practices. 1 (2003): 57-72. Tutte le transazioni di soggetti statunitensi nei titoli citati nel presente documento devono essere effettuate tramite un broker/dealer registrato negli Stati Uniti e affiliato a UBS e non tramite unaffiliata non statunitense. Independent journalism investigating today's national and international issues. UBS und ihre Direktoren oder Mitarbeiter knnten berechtigt sein, jederzeit Long- oder Short-Positionen in hierin erwhnten Anlageinstrumenten zu halten, in ihrer Eigenschaft als Auftraggeber oder Mandatstrger Transaktionen mit relevanten Anlageinstrumenten auszufhren oder fr den Emittenten beziehungsweise eine mit diesem Emittenten wirtschaftlich oder finanziell verbundene Gesellschaft bzw. It is distributed only for information purposes by UBS Europe SE, Denmark Branch, filial af UBS Europe SE, with place of business at Sankt Annae Plads 13, 1250 Copenhagen, Denmark, registered with the Danish Commerce and Companies Agency, under No. Zudem knnten Mitglieder der Konzernleitung bei der Emittentin oder einer mit ihr verbundenen Gesellschaft als Verwaltungsrte ttig sein. We look to nature for inspiration combining innovation with responsible materials. Alm disso, autorizado a prestar servios de investimentos em valores mobilirios e instrumentos financeiros, em relao aos quais tambm supervisionado pela Comisin Nacional del Mercado de Valores. Informaes importantes sobre Estratgias de investimento sustentveis: Estratgias de investimento sustentval buscam considerar e incorporar fatores ambientais, sociais e de governana (ESG) no processo de investimento e na construo de carteira. 0 comments And, why we volunteer to build stronger communities. Este documento no puede considerarse una oferta pblica efectuada o a ser efectuada a residentes de Grecia. Diese Publikation ist weder als Anlageberatung noch als Investment Marketing zu verstehen und ersetzt weder eine auf die individuellen Bedrfnisse zugeschnittene Anlageberatung noch ein auf die individuellen Bedrfnisse zugeschnittenes Investment Marketing durch entsprechend lizenzierte Anbieter. Sweden if distributed by UBS Europe SE, Sweden Bankfilial: This publication is not intended to constitute a public offer under Swedish law. At UBS, we reimagine the power of people and capital, to create a better world for everyone: a fairer society, a more prosperous economy and a healthier environment. Social norms are shared standards of acceptable behavior by groups. Mitglied der London Stock Exchange. Spain if distributed by UBS Europe SE, Sucursal en Espaa: This publication is not intended to constitute a public offer under Spanish law. Las rentabilidades pasadas de una inversin no suponen una referencia de rentabilidades futuras. Benefits of economic empowerment. 38 17 24 33. This cotton is helping build a stronger Haiti. UBS Europe SE, Niederlassung sterreich, unterliegt der gemeinsamen Aufsicht der Europischen Zentralbank (EZB), der Deutschen Bundesbank, der deutschen Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht und der sterreichischen Finanzmarktaufsicht, der diese Publikation nicht zur Genehmigung vorgelegt wurde. Die Vergtung des / der Analysten, der / die diesen Bericht erstellt hat / haben, wird ausschliesslich durch Research Management und Senior Management einer Einheit des UBS-Konzerns bestimmt, fr die dieser / diese Analyst(en) Dienstleistungen erbringt / erbringen. , , () UBS. 110) y un banco mayorista con licencia, en virtud de la Ley de Bancos de Singapur (Singapore Banking Act) (Cap. Die Anlagebeurteilungen des Chief Investment Office von UBS (CIO) werden durch Global Wealth Management von UBS Switzerland AG (in der Schweiz durch die FINMA beaufsichtigt) oder deren verbundenen Unternehmen (UBS) produziert und verffentlicht. Weve set some ambitious goals to reach by 2025: to mobilize 1 billion of our clients capital into high-impact initiatives. The first group of authors focuses on the person of the entrepreneur, being the mainstream definition. Vertrieb an US-Personen durch UBS Financial Services Inc. oder UBS Securities LLC, Tochterunternehmen von UBS AG. Operating costs are expenses associated with the maintenance and administration of a business on a day-to-day basis. O UBS Financial Services Inc. no est atuando como consultor municipal para qualquer entidade municipal ou indivduo obrigado dentro do significado manifestado na Seo 15B da Lei de Valores Mobilirios (a "Regra de Consultoria Municipal") e as opinies ou vises aqui contidas no tm a inteno e tampouco constituem aconselhamento dentro do significado da Regra de Consultoria Municipal. Well continue to share best practices and engage with regulatory authorities, central banks, policymakers, academia and peers to facilitate the development of robust methodologies to help leverage the potential of the financial services sector potential to drive change. Italie: cette publication n'a pas vocation constituer une offre publique en vertu du droit italien. Social entrepreneurs seek to transform societies at large, rather than transforming their profit margin, as classic entrepreneurs typically seek to do. You are advised to seek independent professional advice in case of doubt. At times, profit-making social enterprises may be established to support the social or cultural goals of the organization but not as an end in themselves. Password requirements: 6 to 30 characters long; ASCII characters only (characters found on a standard US keyboard); must contain at least 4 different symbols; Italia: questa pubblicazione non intende costituire unofferta pubblica ai sensi del diritto italiano. UBS Europe SE, Sucursal en Espaa UBS Europe SE, , , . UBS Asesores est enregistre devant la CNBV sous le numro 30060. Its one of our most comfortable experiences ever. Nos ltimos 12 meses, o UBS AG, suas afiliadas ou subsidirias podem ter recebido remunerao por servios relacionados a valores mobilirios bancrios no relacionados a investimentos e/ou servios no relacionados a valores mobilirios da(s) empresa(s) indiana(s) em questo. UBS 2019. UBS Offshore es una entidad constituida fuera de China y no est autorizada, supervisada ni regulada en China para llevar a cabo negocios bancarios o de compraventa de valores. The word "advice" and/or any of its derivatives shall be read and construed in conjunction with the definition of the term "investment marketing" as defined under the Israeli Regulation of Investment Advice, Investment Marketing and Portfolio Management Law, 1995.Italy: This publication is not intended to constitute a public offer under Italian law. Elle est distribue uniquement aux clients d'UBS Europe SE, Sweden Bankfilial avec tablissement commercial sis Regeringsgatan 38, 11153 Stockholm, Sude, enregistre auprs du Swedish Companies Registration Office sous le numro denregistrement 516406-1011. El tratamiento fiscal depende de las circunstancias personales y puede cambiar en el futuro. Germany:This publication is not intended to constitute a public offer under German law. Welcome to books on Oxford Academic. 115 0 obj HTML Editor Component *Contents may not have visible height. Informacin importante sobre Estrategias de Inversin Sostenible: El objetivo de las estrategias de inversin sostenible es considerar e incorporar factores ambientales, sociales y de gobierno (ESG, por sus siglas en ingls) en el proceso de inversin y en la construccin de carteras. UAE: UBS is not licensed in the UAE by the Central Bank of UAE or by the Securities & Commodities Authority. Grcia: O UBS Switzerland AG e suas afiliadas (UBS) no so licenciados como instituio bancria ou financeira segundo a legislao grega e no prestam servios bancrios ou financeiros na Grcia. Israele: UBS una societ finanziaria globale di primaria importanza che offre servizi di gestione patrimoniale, asset management e investment banking a investitori privati, aziendali e istituzionali dalla sua sede centrale in Svizzera e dai suoi uffici in oltre 50 Paesi in tutto il mondo. distribuda apenas para fins informativos a clientes da filial dinamarquesa do UBS Europe SE, filial af UBS Europe SE, sediado em Sankt Annae Plads 13, 1250 Copenhagen, Dinamarca, registrado junto Agncia de Comrcio e Empresas Dinamarquesas, sob o N 38 17 24 33. UBS Financial Services Incorporated in Puerto Rico ist ein Tochterunternehmen von UBS Financial Services Inc. UBS Financial Services Inc. bernimmt die Verantwortung fr die Inhalte von Berichten, welche durch nicht in den USA ansssige Tochterunternehmen erstellt wurden, wenn diese Berichte an US-Personen weitergegeben werden. How to Overcome Writers Block with Ubersuggest. No516406-1011. Suecia: esta publicacin no est destinada a constituir una oferta pblica conforme a la legislacin sueca. UBS AG, Jersey Branch, ist eine Niederlassung von UBS AG, eine in der Schweiz gegrndete Aktiengesellschaft, die ihre angemeldeten Geschftssitze in Aeschenvorstadt 1, CH-4051 Basel und Bahnhofstrasse 45, CH-8001 Zrich, hat. UBS Europe SE ist ein Kreditinstitut, das nach deutschem Recht als Societas Europaea gegrndet, ordnungsgemss von der Europischen Zentralbank (EZB) zugelassen wurde und der Aufsicht der EZB, der Deutschen Bundesbank und der deutschen Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht untersteht, der diese Publikation nicht zur Genehmigung vorgelegt wurde. Browse our listings to find jobs in Germany for expats, including jobs for English speakers or those in your native language. We all know finance has a powerful influence on the world. UBS accepts no liability whatsoever for any claims or lawsuits from any third parties arising from the use or distribution of this material. It is distributed only for information purposes to clients of UBS Europe SE, Sweden Bankfilial, with place of business at Regeringsgatan 38, 11153 Stockholm, Sweden, registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office under Reg. The Skoll Foundation catalyzes transformational social change by investing in, connecting, and championing social entrepreneurs and other social innovators who together advance bold and equitable solutions to the worlds most pressing problems. Weitere Informationen ber die jeweiligen Autoren dieser und anderer CIO-Publikationen, auf die in diesem Bericht verwiesen wird, sowie Kopien von vergangenen Berichten zu diesem Thema knnen Sie bei Ihrem Kundenberater bestellen. Join us! GDB GdSfAd!Bt/8. : UBS (France) S.A., (socit anonyme) 132975 556, : 69, boulevard Haussmann F-75008 Paris, R.C.S. UBS Europe SE, Schweden Bankfilial steht unter der gemeinsamen Aufsicht der Europischen Zentralbank (EZB), der Deutschen Bundesbank, der deutschen Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht und der schwedischen Aufsichtsbehrde (Finansinspektionen), der diese Publikation nicht zur Genehmigung vorgelegt wurde. . UBS Europe SE, Luxembourg Branch soggetta alla vigilanza congiunta della Banca Centrale Europea (CONSOB), della banca centrale tedesca (Deutsche Bundesbank), dellAutorit federale tedesca di vigilanza sui servizi finanziari (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) e dellautorit di vigilanza finanziaria del Lussemburgo (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier), alle quali la presente pubblicazione non stata sottoposta per lapprovazione. Essa pu essere distribuita, a solo scopo informativo, ai clienti di UBS Europe SE, Niederlassung sterreich, con sede in Wchtergasse 1, A-1010 Vienna. equal opportunities, social protection schemes that factor in existing biases, financing for women entrepreneurs and mechanisms to promote wom - ens self-employment. : UBS AG , / . Institutions vary in their level of formality and informality. Look good and do good at the same time when you wear Timberland footwear and apparel made with at least 50% organically-grown cotton. Social normative influences or social norms, are deemed to be powerful drivers of human behavioural changes and well organized and incorporated by major theories We encourage all business partners to respect the spirit and intent of the following Chevron policies and statements: we work to advance the UNs sustainable development goals as part of our commitment to enable human progress around the world. Elle est distribue uniquement des fins d'information aux clients d'UBS Europe SE, Denmark Branch, filiale dUBS Europe SE, avec tablissement commercial sis Sankt Annae Plads 13, 1250 Copenhague, Danemark, enregistr auprs de lAgence danoise du commerce et des socits, sous le numro 38 17 24 33. Alm disso, esta publicao no destinada a ser um aconselhamento de investimento e/ou marketing de investimento e no substitui nenhum aconselhamento de investimento e/ou marketing de investimento fornecido pela licenciada pertinente que ajustado s necessidades de cada pessoa. UBS 2019. Return to the home page. Denmark: This publication is not intended to constitute a public offer under Danish law. Os retornos sobre uma carteira que consiste primariamente de investimentos sustentveis podero ser inferiores ou superiores aos de carteiras nas quais fatores de ESG, excluses ou outras questes de sustentabilidade no sejam considerados pelo gestor da carteira, alm disso, as oportunidades de investimento disponveis a tais carteiras podem diferir. Ni ce document, ni copie de ce document ne peuvent tre distribus sans autorisation pralable dUBS. 99 0 obj Police brutality in Ethiopia falls under the aegis of the Ethiopian Federal Police (EFP), which has responsibility for safeguarding civil law and abiding the country's constitution under Proclamation 2000, 2003 or 2011. Elle est distribue uniquement des fins d'information aux clients d'UBS Europe SE, Luxembourg Branch, dont le sige est sis 33A, Avenue J. F. Kennedy, L-1855 Luxembourg. Portuguese: (Favor ler atentamente os avisos importantes citados no final do documento.). Social entrepreneurship in modern society offers an altruistic form of entrepreneurship that focuses on the benefits that society may reap. We work to create innovative education programs that position the next generation of problem solvers to tackle the most complex challenges of the future. The contents of this report have not been and will not be approved by any securities or investment authority in the United States or elsewhere. "Social entrepreneurship research: A source of explanation, prediction, and delight." Social Responsibility of Entrepreneurs 1. the responsibilities and accountabilities of entrepreneurs and accountabilities of entrepreneurs toward the employees, government, creditors, suppliers, consumers, general public, and other stakeholders; major ethical issues in entrepreneurship (basic fairness, personnel and Canada: In Canada, this publication is distributed to clients of UBS Wealth Management Canada by UBS Investment Management Canada Inc.. China: This report is prepared by UBS Switzerland AG or its offshore subsidiary or affiliate (collectively as "UBS Offshore"). Die Unterlagen wurden mglicherweise nicht durch eine Finanzaufsichts- oder Regulierungsbehrde in Ihrem Land geprft, genehmigt, abgelehnt oder gebilligt. UBS AG, Jersey Branch's principal place business is 1, IFC Jersey, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3BX. Womens economic empowerment is central to realizing womens rights and gender equality. %PDF-1.4 Distribuito a soggetti statunitensi da UBS Financial Services Inc. o UBS Securities LLC, consociate di UBS SA. We know where it comes from, who grew it, and the impact its made. Der Empfnger sollte sich zwecks Anlageberatung nicht an die Analysten oder UBS Offshore wenden und dieses Dokument nicht fr Anlageentscheidungen heranziehen oder sich in anderer Weise bei seinen Anlageentscheidungen auf die in diesem Bericht enthaltenen Informationen verlassen; UBS bernimmt keine Verantwortung in dieser Hinsicht. Autriche: la prsente publication na pas vocation constituer une offre publique au sens du droit autrichien. UBS Europe SE, Sucursal en Espaa soggetta alla vigilanza congiunta della Banca Centrale Europea (BCE), della banca centrale tedesca (Deutsche Bundesbank), dellAutorit federale tedesca di vigilanza sui servizi finanziari (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) e dellautorit di vigilanza spagnola (Banco de Espaa), alle quali la presente pubblicazione non stata sottoposta per lapprovazione. These organizations and leaders mobilize collective efforts to advance their vision and drive durable and lasting change. Futures and options trading is not suitable for every investor as there is a substantial risk of loss, and losses in excess of an initial investment may occur. PLUS 10% OFF TODAY, WHEN YOU JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST! : , . Sollten Sie diese Unterlagen irrtmlicherweise erhalten haben, vernichten / lschen Sie sie bitte und benachrichtigen Sie UBS unverzglich. Thats why we plant trees, 50 million by 2025, on top of the millions we've already planted. /Info 97 0 R UBS Europe SE, Luxembourg Branch est sujeta a la supervisin conjunta del Banco Central Europeo (BCE), el Banco Central Alemn (Deutsche Bundesbank), la Autoridad Federal de Supervisin de Servicios Financieros de Alemania (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht), y de la Autoridad de supervisin de Luxemburgo (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier), a quienes esta publicacin no se ha sometido a aprobacin. UBS Switzerland AG and its affiliates (UBS) are not licensed as a bank or financial institution under Greek legislation and do not provide banking and financial services in Greece. Another notable British social entrepreneur is Andrew Mawson OBE, who was given a peerage in 2007 because of his urban regeneration work including the Bromley by Bow Centre in East London. No information in this document is provided for the purpose of offering, marketing and sale by any means of any capital market instruments and services in Greece. With its innovative microsphere technology, this premium alternative to down traps heat inside even when the weather outside is nasty. 12 UBS AG, , () ( - ) . . At UBS, we reimagine the power of people and capital, to create a better world for everyone: a fairer society, a more prosperous economy and a healthier environment. corporations or unincorporated associations, societies, associations or cooperatives), social entrepreneurship focuses on the social impact that an endeavor aims at. 0000020912 00000 n Still cant find what youre [] We partner with social entrepreneurs and other social innovators who have lived or learned experience in the challenges they are addressing. Wee-Liang, Williams, John, and Tan, Teck-Meng. UBS Europe SE, Sweden Bankfilial is subject to the joint supervision of the European Central Bank ("ECB"), the German Central bank (Deutsche Bundesbank), the German Federal Financial Services Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht), as well as of the Swedish supervisory authority (Finansinspektionen), to which this publication has not been submitted for approval. Global Education. das Anlageinstrument selbst andere Dienstleistungen zu erbringen. The OMBA core prepares you to make an immediate impact while positioning you to be a critical contributor and leader as business changes. Deshalb haben die Kunden keinen Schutz nach den rtlichen Rechtsvorschriften zum Bankrecht und zum Recht der Kapitalanlagedienstleistungen. Paris B 421 255 670UBS ()Code Montaire et Financier-Autorit de Controle Prudentiel et de RsolutionUBS Europe Se GermanyBockenheimer Landstrasse 2-4, 60306 Frankfurt am MainUBS Europe SEDeutsche BundesbankBundesanstalt fr FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtUBS Switzerland AGUBS AGUBS AGUBS AGUBS Securities India Private Ltd. U67120MH1996PTC0972992/F, 2 North Avenue, Maker Maxity, Bandra Kurla Complex, Bandra (East), Mumbai (India) 400051+912261556000SEBIINZ000259830 SEBI INM000010809 SEBIINH000001204UBS AG12UBS AG/12UBS AG// ///UBS 50UBS Switzerland AG UBS Wealth Management Israel Ltd. UBS UBS Wealth Management Israel Ltd. ///1995Israeli Regulation of Investment Advice, Investment Marketing and Portfolio Management Law, 1995UBS Europe SE, Succursale ItaliaVia del Vecchio Politecnico, 3 --- 20121 MilanoUBS Europe SE, Succursale ItaliaDeutsche BundesbankBundesanstalt fr FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtBanca dItaliaCONSOB - Commissione Nazionale per le Societ e la BorsaUBS Europe SEUBS AGUBS AG1,IFC Jersey, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3BXUBS Europe SE, Luxembourg Branch33A, Avenue J. F. Kennedy, L-1855 LuxembourgUBS Europe SE, Luxembourg BranchDeutsche BundesbankBundesanstalt fr FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtCommission de Surveillance du Secteur FinancierUBS Europe SEUBS Asesores Mxico, S.A. de C.V. ("UBS Asesores")UBS Switzerland AG, UBS Asesores("CNBV")CNBVUBS AsesoresUBS AsesoresCNBVUBS AsesoresCNBV30060UBS AsesoresUBS Switzerland AG UBS Switzerland AGUBS Switzerland AG "Banco de Portugal" "Comissao do Mercado de Valores Mobilirios"//UBS AG(110)(19)UBS Europe SE, Sucursal en Espana Calle Mara de Molina 4, C.P.28006, MadridUBS Europe SE, Sucursal en EspanaECBDeutsche BundesbankBundesanstalt fr FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtBanco de EspanaComisin Nacional del Mercado de ValoresUBS Europe SE, Sucursal en EspanaUBS Europe SE, Sweden Bankfilial Regeringsgatan 38, 11153 Stockholm, SwedenSwedish Companies Registration Office516406-1011UBS Europe SE, Sweden BankfilialDeutsche BundesbankBundesanstalt fr FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtFinansinspektionenUBS Europe Se(Central Bank of UAE)(Securities & Commodities Authority)UBS AG(Dubai Financial Services Authority)(DIFC)UBS AGUBS Wealth ManagementUBS AG (Financial Market Supervisory Authority) UBS AG (Prudential Regulation Authority) (Financial Conduct Authority )UBS AGUBS Wealth Management, (c) UBS 2019, UBSUBS. It is distributed only for information purposes to clients of UBS Europe SE, Germany, with place of business at Bockenheimer Landstrasse 2-4, 60306 Frankfurt am Main. No Reino Unido, o UBS AG autorizado pela Autoridade de Regulao Prudencial e est sujeito a regulao pela Autoridade de Conduta Financeira e a regulao parcial pela Autoridade de Regulao Prudencial. >> By texting TBL999 to 89887, you expressly consent to receive recurring text messages from Timberland, a division of VF Outdoor, LLC, and others texting on behalf of Timberland, about offers and services using an automated system at the phone number provided. Join us! Czech Republic: UBS is not a licensed bank in the Czech Republic and thus is not allowed to provide regulated banking or investment services in the Czech Republic. UBS Financial Services Incorporated of Puerto Rico es una subsidiaria de UBS Financial Services Inc. UBS Financial Services Inc. admite la responsabilidad por el contenido de todo informe confeccionado por una filial no estadounidense cuando distribuye informes a personas estadounidenses. Over the past five years, a growing number of employees outside the United States have utilized the services of our Global Office of Ombuds, which is widely recognized in the oil and gas sector as the benchmark for Ombuds programs. This concept may be applied to a wide range of organizations, which vary in size, aims, and beliefs. Questa pubblicazione distribuita ai clienti retail di UBS Wealth Management. UBS Europe SE, Denmark Branch, filial af UBS Europe SE is subject to the joint supervision of the European Central Bank ("ECB"), the German Central Bank (Deutsche Bundesbank), the German Federal Financial Services Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht), as well as of the Danish Financial Supervisory Authority (Finanstilsynet), to which this publication has not been submitted for approval. We believe in the power of humanity to solve any challenge, to overcome any obstacle, and to find responsible solutions that work for all of us. Der Hauptgeschftssitz von UBS AG, Jersey Branch, ist: 1, IFC Jersey, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3BX. [58] Increasing the scope and scale of social entrepreneurship may increase the likelihood of an efficient, sustainable, and effective initiative; although it may also render social entrepreneurship more challenging. Disclaimer:No affiliation, association, sponsorship or endorsement is suggested or implied by UBS to any person, entity, company or organization mentioned in this material. These enterprises build on the community's culture and capital (e.g., volunteer resources, financing, in-kind donations, etc.) Benefits of economic empowerment. Por consiguiente, los clientes no se encuentran amparados por la legislacin y reglamentacin locales en materia de servicios bancarios y de inversin. , , . 100% of the Durable Water Repellent used in our footwear and apparel products are non-PFC. This document has been prepared by UBS AG, its subsidiary or affiliate ("UBS").This document and the information contained herein are provided solely for informational and/or educational purposes. Premises and Dangerous Forebodings." Approved and issued by UBS this document may not be redistributed or reproduced in whole or in part or copies circulated without the prior written permission of UBS and no liability whatsoever for the actions of third parties in this respect is accepted. Despite this, after decades of efforts to find a common ground to define the concept, no consensus has been reached. Message and data rates may apply. Ethical fiber is important because leaders who are about to change the world must be trustworthy. Manche Anlagen knnen pltzlichen und erheblichen Wertverlusten unterworfen sein. VAE: UBS verfgt in den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten (VAE) weder ber eine Zulassung der Zentralbank der VAE noch der Securities & Commodities Authority. , UBS . UBS Asesores is registered before CNBV under Registry number 30060. UBS Asesores registrata presso la CNBV con il numero di registro 30060. With regard to information on associates, please refer to the Annual Report at: Des informations complmentaires sont disponibles sur demande. The researchers define the ecosystem as consisting of "the complex and evolving network of the focal organization (social enterprise) and all other individuals and organizations that the focal organization interact with including competitors, suppliers, complementors, customers, beneficiaries, regulators, resource providers, etc. Unlike traditional corporate businesses, social entrepreneurship ventures focus on maximizing gains in social satisfaction, rather than maximizing profit gains. Small, silky plumes of fiber work together to mimic the lightweight warmth, softness, and compressibility of natural goose down. Lofted fiber structure creates thermal air pockets to prevent heat loss and regulate warmth. Toda la informacin y las opiniones expresadas en este documento se obtuvieron de fuentes consideradas confiables y de buena fe, pero no se formula ninguna manifestacin o garanta, sea expresa o implcita, respecto de su exactitud o integralidad (con excepcin de la informacin importante relativa a UBS). [46] The work that Yunus did through Grameen Bank has been described as a major influence on later social entrepreneurs. Tlphone: +912261556000. This page may have been moved, deleted, or is otherwise unavailable. Luxemburgo: Esta publicao no se destina a ser uma oferta pblica segundo a legislao de Luxemburgo. Se distribuye exclusivamente con fines informativos a clientes de UBS Europe SE, Denmark Branch, filial af UBS Europe SE, con domicilio social en Sankt Annae Plads 13, 1250 Copenhagen, Denmark, registrada ante la Agencia Danesa de Comercio y Sociedades bajo el nmero 38 17 24 33. Womens economic empowerment is central to realizing womens rights and gender equality. 28006, MadridUBS Europe SE, Sucural en EspaaUBS Europe SE, Sucursal en Espaa(ECB)(Deutsche Bundesbank)(Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) (Banco de Espaa) UBS Europe SE, Sucursal en Espaa (Comisin Nacional del Mercado de Valores)UBS Europe SE, Sucursal en Espaa Societas EuropaeaECBUBS Europe SERegeringsgatan 38, 11153 Stockholm, Sweden516406-1011UBS Europe SE, Sweden BankfilialUBS Europe SE, Sweden Bankfilial (ECB)(Deutsche Bundesbank)(Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) (Finansinspektionen) UBS Europe SESocietas EuropaeaECBUBS AGUAE: UBSUAESecurities & Commodities AuthorityUBS AG DIFCUBS AGUBS UBS AGUBS , UBS 2019. Thats why we plant trees, 50 million by 2025, on top of the millions we've already planted. "[22] Ashoka operates in multiple countries. /UBS Consenso Investimentos Ltda.UBS Brasil Administradora de Valores Mobilirios Ltda.UBS Consenso Investimentos Ltda.UBSUBSUBS AG UBSUBS UBS Europe SE Denmark Branch, filial af UBS Europe SE Sankt Annae Plads 13, 1250 Copenhagen, DenmarkDanish Commerce and Companies Agency38 17 24 33UBS Europe SE, Denmark Branch, filial af UBS Europe SEECBDeutsche BundesbankBundesanstalt fr FinanzdienstleistungsaufsichtFinanstilsynetUBS Europe SEUBS () 132.975.55669, boulevard Haussmann F-75008 Paris, R.C.S. :UBS Switzerland AG (UBS) , . opens in new window. and/or of UBS Consenso Investimentos Ltda., entities regulated by CVM. 0000011417 00000 n O UBS Europe SE uma instituio de crdito constituda segundo a legislao alem na forma de uma Societas Europaea, devidamente autorizada pelo BCE. UBS Chief Investment Office's ("CIO") investment views are prepared and published by the Global Wealth Management business of UBS Switzerland AG (regulated by FINMA in Switzerland) or its affiliates ("UBS"). - ( , , ()) : (i) ; (ii) , ; (iii) , , , - . We're working on even more now. startxref UBS Europe SE is a credit institution constituted under German law in the form of a Societas Europaea, duly authorized by the ECB. UBS Switzerland AG, UBS Europe SE, UBS Bank, S.A., UBS Brasil Administradora de Valores Mobiliarios Ltda, UBS Asesores Mexico, S.A. de C.V., UBS Securities Japan Co., Ltd, UBS Wealth Management Israel Ltd e UBS Menkul Degerler AS so afiliadas do UBS AG. Dnemark: Diese Publikation stellt kein ffentliches Angebot nach dnischem Recht dar. Its naturally strong and durable, like any cotton, but has a hidden power. Policies are generally adopted by a governance body within an organization. For in a democracy, it is also ones responsibility to serve on juries, to be lawful, and to be just. UBS Europe SE ist ein Kreditinstitut, das nach deutschem Recht als Societas Europaea gegrndet und ordnungsgemss von der EZB zugelassen wurde. Social entrepreneurs, however, are either non-profits, or they blend for-profit goals with generating a positive "return to society". Our commitment to active inclusivity is evident in our operations around the world. Elle est distribue uniquement des fins d'information aux clients d'UBS Europe SE, Succursale Italia, dont le sige est sis Via del Vecchio Politecnico, 3-20121 Milan. Por este motivo, o UBS recomenda a consulta a um assessor financeiro e/ou jurdico com relao s possveis implicaes (incluindo questes fiscais) de investir em qualquer um dos produtos aqui apresentados. Yunus was the founder of Grameen Bank, which pioneered the concept of microcredit for supporting innovators in multiple developing countries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. accountability We work with communities and partners to make social investments in programs that promote self-sufficiency, job growth and economic development, We contribute to the communities where we live and work by creating jobs, developing and sourcing from local suppliers, and employing local workforces. O UBS Europe SE, Sweden Bankfilial est sujeito superviso conjunta do Banco Central Europeu (BCE), do Banco Central Alemo (Deutsche Bundesbank), da Autoridade Alem Federal de Superviso de Servios Financeiros (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) e da autoridade de superviso financeira sueca (Finansinspektionen), aos quais a presente publicao no foi encaminhada para fins de aprovao. UBS Europe SE (), (Deutsche Bundesbank), (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht) (Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier), . We believe the next decade will be full of partnership, action and growth, and we are well-positioned to be part of the solution: Chevron is a company full of doers with a long history of solving complex challenges, and we will continue to innovate for the future. The investment views have been prepared in accordance with legal requirements designed to promote the independence of investment research. 0000000017 00000 n Lussemburgo: la presente pubblicazione non deve essere intesa come unofferta pubblica ai sensi del diritto lussemburghese. Policymakers around the globe may need to learn more about social initiatives, to increase the sustainability, effectiveness, and efficiency of these projects. Das Schlsselsymbol und UBS gehren zu den eingetragenen bzw. 16 Market Research Tools To Uncover Actionable Insights. ustria: Esta publicao no se destina a ser uma oferta pblica segundo a legislao austraca. Les rendements d'un portefeuille compos essentiellement d'investissements rpondant aux critres ESG ou d'investissements durables peuvent tre infrieurs ou suprieurs ceux des portefeuilles qui ne tient pas compte des facteurs ESG, de critres dexclusion ou d'autres questions lies l'investissement durable. e/ou do UBS Consenso Investimentos Ltda., entidades regulamentadas pela CVM. UBS fa affidamento su barriere allinformazione per controllare il flusso di informazioni contenute in una o pi aree di UBS verso altre aree, unit, divisioni o affiliate di UBS. Communicating in more than one language gives you a strong advantage with UK:This document is issued by UBS Wealth Management, a division of UBS AG which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Market Supervisory Authority in Switzerland. PSP also committed $500,000 in funding to help Lea and Eddy counties in New Mexico compete for state, federal and foundation grants in education, health care and workforce development. Bei einer Liquidation Ihrer Anlagewerte kann es vorkommen, dass Sie weniger zurckerhalten als Sie investiert haben, oder dass man Sie zu einer Zusatzzahlung verpflichtet. Should you have received the material erroneously, UBS asks that you kindly destroy/delete it and inform UBS immediately. Communicating in more than one language gives you a strong advantage with 19) e disciplinata dalla Monetary Authority of Singapore. 110) and a wholesale bank licensed under the Singapore Banking Act (Cap. Israel: UBS es una firma lder en servicios financieros globales que ofrece servicios de gestin patrimonial, gestin de activos y banca de inversin desde su sede en Suiza y sus operaciones en ms de 50 pases de todo el mundo a particulares, empresas e inversores institucionales. Todas as informaes e opinies, bem como quaisquer projees, estimativas e preos de mercado indicados so atuais a partir da data deste relatrio e esto sujeitas a alteraes sem aviso prvio. Rpubliquetchque: UBS nest pas une banque autorise dans la Rpublique tchque et, de ce fait, nest pas autorise, fournir des services de placement ou bancaire rglements dans la Rpublique tchque. 28006, Madrid. Return to the home page. Social entrepreneurship is distinct from the concept of entrepreneurship, yet still shares several similarities with its business cousin. Essa viene distribuita a soli scopi informativi ai clienti di UBS Europe SE, Succursale Italia, avente sede legale in via del Vecchio Politecnico 3, 20121 Milano. Sucia:Esta publicao no destinada a constituir uma oferta pblica segundo a legislao sueca. Austria: esta publicacin no est destinada a constituir una oferta pblica conforme a la legislacin austriaca. Policy is a deliberate system of guidelines to guide decisions and achieve rational outcomes. 0000001876 00000 n 12 , , UBS AG, - , . UBS y sus consejeros o empleados pueden tener derecho en cualquier momento a tomar posiciones largas o cortas en los instrumentos de inversin a los que aqu se hace referencia, a realizar operaciones con los instrumentos de inversin pertinentes en calidad de principal o agente, o a prestar cualquier otro servicio o tener contratados a directivos que acten en calidad de consejeros del emisor o por cuenta de este, del propio instrumento de inversin o de cualquier empresa que mantenga vnculos comerciales o financieros con dichos emisores o por cuenta de esta. The term "Philanthropreneurship" has been applied to this type of activity. The International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal. If an idea has intrinsic worth, once implemented it will cause change even without the charismatic leadership of the first entrepreneur. UBS Financial Services Inc. is a subsidiary of UBS AG. Distribudo a cidados dos EUA por UBS Financial Services Inc. ou UBS Securities LLC, subsidirias do UBS AG. UBS. et/ou d'UBS Consenso Investimentos Ltda.,des entitsrelevant de lautorit de CVM). Os contedos deste relatrio no foram e no sero aprovados por nenhuma autoridade em ttulos ou investimentos nos Estados Unidos ou em qualquer outro local. "[23] This manifests through a clear idea of what they believe the future will look like and a drive to make this come true. En ninguna circunstancia se podr utilizar el presente documento ni ninguna informacin (incluyendo previsiones, valores, ndices u otro importe calculado (Valores)) con ninguno de los siguientes fines: (i) valoracin o contabilidad; (ii) para determinar los importes vencidos o pagaderos, el precio o valor de un instrumento o contrato financiero; o (iii) para medir el rendimiento de un instrumento financiero, lo que incluye, entre otras cosas, el seguimiento de la rentabilidad o el rendimiento de un Valor, la definicin de la asignacin de activos de la cartera o el cmputo de las comisiones de rentabilidad. A Microsoft 365 subscription offers an ad-free interface, custom domains, enhanced security options, the full desktop version of Der Inhalt dieser Publikation wurde und wird nicht durch irgendeine Wertpapieraufsichts- oder Investitionsbehrde in den USA oder anderswo genehmigt. Ipieca, as an industry association, and individual oil and gas companies working within the sector, can work toward a lower-emissions future while contributing to a healthier and more prosperous world aligned with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. And, why we eco-innovate, so the things we make have a lower impact on the environment. Please consult the sales restrictions relating to the products or services in question for further information. A list of a few noteworthy people whose work exemplifies the modern definition of "social entrepreneurship" includes Florence Nightingale, founder of the first nursing school and developer of modern nursing practices; Robert Owen, founder of the cooperative movement; and Vinoba Bhave, founder of India's Land Gift Movement. David Bornstein has even used the term "social innovator" interchangeably with social entrepreneur, due to the creative, non-traditional strategies that many social entrepreneurs use. UBS Asesores est une entit rglemente soumise la surveillance de la Comision Nacional Bancaria y de Valores (CNBV), qui rglemente exclusivement UBS Asesores concernant la fourniture de services de gestion de portefeuille, ainsi qu'eu gard aux services de conseil en matire dinvestissements en titres, danalyse et dmission de recommandations de placement individuelles, de sorte que la CNBV ne dispose daucun pouvoir de surveillance, notamment sur tout autre service fourni par UBS Asesores. Le stata fornita la presente pubblicazione o il presente materiale UBS poich ha comunicato a UBS Asesores di essere un investitore qualificato sofisticato con sede in Messico. Indonsie, Malaisie, Philippines, Thalande: ce document vous a t fourni en rponse une demande que vous ou des personnes habilites agir en votre nom avez faite UBS. O UBS Investment Bank (inclusive Pesquisa) tem sua prpria pesquisa e pontos de vista totalmente independentes que ocasionalmente poder diferir das vises do UBS Global Wealth Management. UBS AG, Jersey Branch est une filiale dUBS SA, une socit responsabilit limite par actions, constitue en Suisse dont les siges sociaux sont sis Aeschenvorstadt 1, CH-4051 Ble et Bahnhofstrasse 45, CH 8001 Zurich.UBS AG, ltablissement principal de Jersey Branch est situ 1, IFC Jersey, Saint-Hlier, Jersey, JE2 3BX. For example, private organizations or nonprofit organizations have tackled unemployment issues in communities. UBS Europe SE, Sweden Bankfilial is subject to the joint supervision of the European Central Bank ("ECB"), the German Central bank (Deutsche Bundesbank), the German Federal Financial Services Supervisory Authority (Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht), as well as of the Swedish supervisory authority (Finansinspektionen), to which this publication has not been submitted for approval. El domicilio social de UBS AG, Jersey Branch, es 1, IFC Jersey, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3BX. Czech Republic: UBS is not a licensed bank in the Czech Republic and thus is not allowed to provide regulated banking or investment services in the Czech Republic. But when temperatures drop, a thermal "boost" kicks in. O UBS AG, suas afiliadas ou subsidirias podem ter participaes ou posies de dvida na(s) empresa(s) indiana(s) em questo. This process reduces our impact on the environment and also creates opportunities for plastic bottle collectors. The concept of "social entrepreneurship" is not a novel idea, but in the 2000s, it has become more popular among society and academic research, notably after the publication of "The Rise of the Social Entrepreneur" by Charles Leadbeater. All for free. Past performance of an investment is no guarantee for its future performance. Os investimentos pertinentes estaro sujeitos a restries e obrigaes de transferncia, conforme definido nos prprios materiais e, ao receb-los, voc est se comprometendo a cumprir integralmente tais restries e obrigaes. Allemagne: cette publication n'a pas vocation constituer une offre publique selon le droit allemand. Policies are generally adopted by a governance body within an organization. Independent journalism investigating today's national and international issues. Singapura: Para questes resultantes desta anlise ou relatrio ou a estes relacionadas, favor entrar em contato com a sucursal do UBS AG em Singapura, assessoria financeira autorizada conforme a Lei sobre Consultorias Financeiras de Singapura (cap. 19) durch die Monetary Authority of Singapore zugelassene Handelsbank. Social normative influences or social norms, are deemed to be powerful drivers of human behavioural changes and well organized and incorporated by major theories Royaume-Uni: le prsent document a t mis par UBS Wealth Management, une division d'UBS SA, autorise et rglemente en Suisse par lAutorit fdrale de surveillance des marchs financiers. These compression-resistant fabrics maintain loft and retain warmth, even when wet. 0000002589 00000 n We all know finance has a powerful influence on the world. , . Plus, it was tanned in a factory rated Gold for their environmental responsibility. Alvord, Sarah H., Brown, David L., and Letts, Christine W. "Social Entrepreneurship and Societal Transformation: An Exploratory Study." By partnering with local leaders, PSP is making roads safer, improving schools, upgrading health care, increasing affordable housing and training the next generation of workers. La(s) empres(s) analizadas pueden haber sido cliente(s) de UBS AG, sus afiliadas o filiales durante los 12 meses previos a la fecha de distribucin del informe en lo que respecta a los servicios de banca de inversin y/o servicios relacionados con valores fuera de banca de inversin y/o los servicios no relacionados con valores. UBS Europe SE, Succursale Italien steht unter der gemeinsamen Aufsicht der Europischen Zentralbank (EZB), der Deutschen Bundesbank, der deutschen Bundesanstalt fr Finanzdienstleistungsaufsicht sowie der italienischen Zentralbank (Banca dItalia) und der italienischen Finanzmarktaufsicht (CONSOB - Commissione Nazionale per le Societ e la Borsa), der diese Publikation nicht zur Genehmigung vorgelegt wurde. Le contenu du prsent document n'a pas t et ne sera pas approuv par une autorit pour les instruments financiers ou pour les placements aux Etats-Unis ou ailleurs. Der/Die Analyst(en), der/die diesen Bericht erstellt hat/haben, kann/knnen zum Zweck der Sammlung, Zusammenfassung und Interpretation von Marktinformationen mit Mitarbeitern des Trading Desk und des Vertriebs sowie anderen Gruppen interagieren. 0000000830 00000 n UBS setzt Informationsbarrieren ein, um den Informationsfluss aus einem oder mehreren Bereichen innerhalb von UBS in andere Bereiche, Einheiten, Divisionen oder verbundene Unternehmen von UBS zu steuern. [14] It is viewed as advantageous because the success of social entrepreneurship depends on many factors related to social impact that traditional corporate businesses do not prioritize. [24] This changemaking process has been described as the creation of market disequilibria through the conversion of antagonistic assets into complementarities.[25][26]. Taiwan: il presente documento fornito da UBS AG, Taipei Branch ai sensi delle leggi di Taiwan, in accordo con i clienti esistenti/potenziali o dietro loro richiesta. Additionally itis authorized to provide investment services on securities and financial instruments, regarding which it is supervised by the Comisin Nacional del Mercado de Valores as well. La prsente publication ou documentation dUBS vous a t fournie car vous avez indiqu UBS Asesores tre un Investisseur qualifi sophistiqu tabli au Mexique. Previa solicitud, podemos ampliar la informacin sobre la normativa pertinente de la Autoridad de Supervisin Prudencial. We are proud to contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which we view as a system of targets and objectives that build on each other to achieve a more sustainable future and make progress toward the global 2030 agenda. UBS Asesores is a regulated entity and it is subject to the supervision of the Mexican Banking and Securities Commission ("CNBV"), which exclusively regulates UBS Asesores regarding the rendering of portfolio management, as well as on securities investment advisory services, analysis and issuance of individual investment recommendations, so that the CNBV has no surveillance faculties nor may have over any other service provided by UBS Asesores. Au sens du droit autrichien leadership of the durable Water Repellent used in our footwear and apparel are... Influence on the world must be trustworthy corporations or social responsibility of entrepreneurs pdf associations, societies, associations cooperatives. Se ist ein Kreditinstitut, das nach deutschem Recht als Societas Europaea gegrndet ordnungsgemss! It will cause change even without the charismatic leadership of the millions we 've already.... 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