cold feeling in one spot on leg

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cold feeling in one spot on leg

Answered in 4 minutes by: 4/10/2006. Did you get any answers to your problem. and what can i do. Cold Sensation in Lower Leg While there are a few different causes for why one leg may feel cooler than the other, such as an undiagnosed illness or injury to narrowing of your arteries due to peripheral artery disease. they feel cold, but they are not cold at all. No pain, no other effect just damned puzzling and slightly annoying too. should i get check or what is it? MedHelp is not a medical or healthcare provider and your use of this Site does not create a doctor / patient relationship. Healthier eating and exercise, I hope I can come back to tell you better news by the end of this summer. I've had a few doctor appointments in the past year (not for the cold spot), but without them saying, I realize it is the lack of exercise in the past 2 years. Look upArachnoiditis and see if it may be the cause of the wet or cold sensation, bladder issues, numbness, tingling, shooting pain, twitching, sensations of something crawling on the skin, etc. I have started to have cold spot on my left leg thought it was wet but it wasntanyone know what is causing it? Residents Reuters spoke to in Beijing, said they would stock up on medicines to battle COVID-19 at home. Could this bee the problem? Help how many month do I have left? Happy Cakeday, r/AskHealth! I think they are all connected. How old are you. Sorry some of your docs feel the same, and sorry yall go thru this, but I'm glad I found yall. Does the sides of your lower back/hip area have this Weird Vision and Hearing while Exercising. I feel like a have a wet spot on my leg, but when I check, my pants are totally dry. I do not really get to many odd symptoms. Would consult with us to get an order for a blood sugar and cholestero describing sounds like "Peripheral Neuropathy" a problem with the nerves leading to your legs. For these, please consult a doctor (virtually or in person). Yes, this has been going on a lot with my left leg. hydrated or taking certain medicines. Also consider neurologic disease such as mul A person may feel numbness in their legs and feet due to sitting in a position that puts too much pressure on the nerves or reduces blood flow. Didn't find the answer you were looking for? Weak pulse or loss in the legs and feet. Then for ages I had nothing and now I have a cold patch at the front of my right ankle. Hello. I too have had this ice cold sensation in my left thigh and the top of my left foot. . I am a nurse and deal with neurosurgeons and back problems on a daily basis. Please, if you have any insight to this problem, please let me know. Try not to overthink it though, if you know it's anxiety. Before I found at that all these foods and additives and some meds etc were the culprit I spent weeks sitting in front of a fan with just a very old worn out soft sheet wrapped around me. I too am experiencing this symptom. It is not intended to be and should not be interpreted as medical advice or a diagnosis of any health or fitness problem, condition or disease; or a recommendation for a specific test, doctor, care provider, procedure, treatment plan, product, or course of action. It comes and goes, not due to activity. It goes away after a minute or so, but you're right it is very concerning. are exercising, pregnancy, exposure to cold temperatures, being IT FEELS LIKE A COLD SPOT ON MY LEG. I am also treated for chronic migraine but I get breakthrough migraine sometimes that pain killers will not help. The cold pain feels like my bones are made of ice. Category: Health. Mine is more cool than cold, and goes from my knee to my ankle along my shin. Scared I may have brain cancer (gbm) thats spread to my spine. Peripheral neuropathy occurs as a result of nerve damage caused by injury or an underlying medical disorder. By By using this Site you agree to the following, By using this Site you agree to the following, Just today, for the first time, I have an extreme cold spot on my hand. At your age lumbar disc issues are less likely but you could have some congenital problem now showing up. Does Carpal Tunnel Cause Elbow Pain January 9, 2022 . I am a nurse and deal with neurosurgeons and back problems on a daily basis. Some patients with a condition called arachnoiditis have sensatio Could be due to issues with circulation. It's nothing life threatening, just them guessing what might help and I think they're too quick to prescribe medications to get a kickback from the pharmaceutical companies, but that's not for this discussion. My son (13yr) had fever and cold during Thanksgiving which subsided in 2-3 days. I've been having the exact thing on one of my fingers - feels wet, but it isn't and it's a cross between feeling hot and cold, but mostly it burns. POTLUCKApril 23, 2013 in Dysautonomia Discussion. I get patches on my feet, inner thigh, arms and hands that feel like they've been steam burned. It feels like ice water running through my veins. Systemic diseases. Study now. Connect one-on-one with {0} who will answer your question. It does sound like a neuropathy. Posted by rappva13 @rappva13, Nov 27, 2019. Upload or insert images from URL. The warmer I get when I'm asleep the redder my skin will be when I wake up -- unless I wake with bad migraine. Firstly I used to think it is Dysesthesia or Paresthesia or any n i experience this and found its called Central Pain syndrome and follows post Stroke! I have a cold feeling in the lower part of my legs, but it is not cold to the touch. Your previous content has been restored. An area of it gets really cold and then tingly. No set rhythm, they happen at all times throughout the day, can last seconds or minutes. been this was way a week. So I just started having this cold spot appear on my left outer thigh and always thought it was the cold file cabinet that my leg is near when working at my work desk until one evening I was home and got the same sensation. I think it must be ans related. The skin is not physically colder to the touch, but it like someone has left the door open and a draught is hitting my leg. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. At this point rashes are only on his legs between ankle and knee amd don't seem to bother him. It is irritating, and almost like pain, as if the leg was to close to the fire at a campsite or had frost burn or something. I've had the similiar symptoms wchich comes and goes as well and was recently diagnosed with small fiber neuropathy which can cause what you are describing.."Dyesthesia". ( I guess in saying that I realize I am worried about it, just losing my faith in medicine/physicians to do anything to help it - almost do not see the point to going and listening to them say they have no idea, and put some psychiatric connotation to it. There are several causes of a leg cramp. tendons, sprained muscles, cramps, shin splints and even blood This cold breeze like sensation is in the same area as you mentioned and has been going on for a few months now but I have not seen a Dr. as I'm sure they will tell me they don't know what the cause is and that would be even more frustrating. but manageable. The Best IOL for 2022 RXSight Light Adjusted Lens, Will refractive surgery such as LASIK keep me out of glasses all my life, Acute Migraines Relieved By Beta Blocker Eye Drops, Alzheimer's Disease: Current Concepts & Future Directions, Causes of Headaches and Treatment for Headache Pain, New Gene Discoveries Shed Light on Alzheimer's. And she has experienced cool water feeling running down her legs a couple of times. ). clots can all be causes of lower leg pain. We took him to our pediatrician who did strep, covid test and said it may be viral and just manage the temperature by giving Tylenol and rashes will go away in few . By waves I guess I'm trying to say that the cold seemed to vary. I have had occasional sensation of water running across my arm or leg and when I look at it, there is nothing there. Discover some of the causes of dizziness and how to treat it. I experienced this with hrt. I realize your post on this strange sensation was 2 years ago but I am experiencing the same thing you were or are and I was wondering if you ever found any answers or if it has gone away? First symptom was a tightness around my waist then a cold feeling on the top of my thigh then both thighs then coldness down my legs and feet. Then last Monday, he again started getting fever and rashes all over his body. I sleep with only very light covers on me at night. Have you been able to determine what the cause is? No idea what to make of it. Thanks. I have toohave recently been 'experiencing' this phenomenon, over the last week i have been getting what can best be described as cold breezes on a single part of my left thigh. Anyways, this new thing started last Saturday. I get color changes of my hands or feet as well as strange sensations. Many things can cause leg weakness. Sometimes I think it is slightly cooler to the touch but I am really not sure. You may experience a variety of peripheral artery disease symptoms if your legs and feet aren't getting enough blood flow to operate correctly. however, if your leg is numb and It only comes and goes as it pleases like many of my symptoms. I notice it more when something, like the jeans is touching my skin. I get a cold water dripping feeling in my chest sometimes and I always think water spilled on me but it never is water. It feels like cool mist blowing or running down or next to my leg. What is going on??? The medical term is dysesthesia. Sent me home feeling like an idiot! Nope, dry as a bone. Presence of ulcers on the skin of the legs, which becomes difficult to heal. I get a cold sensation on my front upper part of my right leg. It was an eery feeling and stopped once I'd ceased taking the hrt. Educational text answers on HealthTap are not intended for individual diagnosis, treatment or prescription. p.s. Though mine began after a near miss knee injury while playing soccer. I also have meniere's but I don't see how any of that can be the cause. Luckily that doesn't migrate like the steam burn feeling. 3.4k views Answered >2 years ago. I get that feeling but its on the inside on my leg. However, a partially or completely blocked artery might be the cause of numbness in one leg (whether it's your left or right). Diabetes. How do they test or look into in to it. Read More. Mayo clinic removed it. A burning sensation in your legs may have an obvious explanation, like a leg injury or during or after intense exercise. And it can sometimes happen when I've been very strict and careful. Erectile dysfunction in men. Customer Question. red spots on legs. HealthTap uses cookies to enhance your site experience and for analytics and advertising purposes. I have no known neurological problems that I am aware of. A pinched nerve may feel the way that you're noticing. Almost feels wet and like you explain like an ice pack. Thanks, kate, I have no answers but I have been getting this "ice pack" sensation on my left shin for about two weeks. So glad I did not know then what was in store for me. Hi there, my name is chris and I also have this wet leg sensation. I don't believe the skin is actually cooler to the touch, but it "feels" cool under the skin if that makes any sense. This strange and worry some symptom that went on for some time in a fluctuating pattern went away at the beginning of September and never came back. I get patches on my feet, inner thigh, arms and hands that feel like they've been steam burned. You'll notice a lot of your symptoms are shared by the rest of us at times and you'll be hard pressed to find people outside in the ordinary world that understand. Where is this scripture located in the Kings James bible? what could it be? I have unusually thick blood so I started to stress about a clot. As this disease progresses, pain may occur in both legs at rest. Then last Monday, he again started getting fever and rashes all over his body. That may be the case for me, as I have varicose veins on both legs. Sometimes it is in my legs, lately it is like the "ice pack" you describe. @deeceet- welcome to the forum! At first I would actually look at the spot to see if it was wet. My doctor seems to think I'm crazy. Two of the largest studies on Alzheimers have yielded new clues about the disease, The Content on this Site is presented in a summary fashion, and is intended to be used for educational and entertainment purposes only. only a doctor would be able to provide an accurate diagnosis. I see that you just posted your cold/wet problem this week (4/16). :-), Hi Babbs. Also no temperature change to the touch. It's now gotten to the point that it feels like a poke on the skin after it stops burning from the cold. . I got no reasoable response from my Dr. he said it might be a pinched nerve but offered no remedy or further explanation. ways to boost your brainpower. The thing is I have a sister who has bad migraines (2 of us out of 5 sisters) also. I am hoping it stays this way-gone. Neural impingement might be occurring at lumbar foramena, sacroilia vessel), could be neurological, even a stroke. All down my legs i sometimes feel random patches where it feels cold almost like a liquid feeling in areas i don't really know how to explain it. before running ) I still get some palpitations, a little to much racing feeling, which is also a measurably fast HR at times, some dizziness with standing etc. It is at the base of my tale bone, slightly to the side. This comes and goes but has not gotten better, and is still in the same spot and I still do not know what it is. Waiting for testing for small fiber sensory neuropathy (feb 2020) . anyone seen similar thing before? this only once in a while. Peripheral Nerve Tumor. We will go back to his pediatrician on Monday. Recently i have been feeling a cold wet sensation on my right leg about 6 inches below the knee. Call md or go to er asap. Large fiber neuropathy can be diagnosed through EMG. In this special Missouri Medicine report, doctors examine advances in diagnosis and treatment of this devastating and costly neurodegenerative disease. The first time I experienced the burning feeling was one night waking to feel that both my legs and feet had been placed way too close to an open fire. None of my pt have stated cold sensations as any of their symptoms. Still not back, no idea what it was or why but gone for now. I am experiencing a similiar problem. My son(13yr) had fever and cold during Thanksgiving which subsided in 2-3 days. Possible causes include Diabetes, peripheral vascular disease, and Cold Feeling in the leg or foot. I'm 48 years old and have not been too active in my walking, but Spring is finally here. Paste as plain text instead, Another month gone by and this earlier statement still applies. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. She lives in Italy so I guess docs haven't a clue there either, sometimes. I also have a cold like ice cold water being poored on my leg that how cold the feeling is. if it continues for an extended amount of time, i How were you both diagnosed? I had a lot of them that clearly went with the changes in HR posturally when my HR and symptoms were worse ( i.e. They could be disc: This could be from the disc, and it depends on where in your leg you feel the sensation. Press J to jump to the feed. It is increasing in occurrence every day. ? As I progressed with the hrt the patches became greater in size to the extent it was all over the left side of my leg. 30's female with unilateral sciatica needs evaluation for cause of this neuralgia. . Hair loss or slow growth on the legs. What I wonder is if I should be worried about it. I feel like I probably should see a doctor, but I think they'll just think I'm nuts. I've heard of you guys mentioning so many things I never thought I'd ever hear anyone else say they experienced. In my legs it feels like a continuous tingling, pins and needles sensation. starts from buttock 2 knee? That was about 11 years ago, probably more. It is intermittent, but always occurs in the same location, the front outside portion of my leg below the knee, and it is a cold feeling. I often feel the experience of sensation of cold drop of water on skin. This is a chronic situation I've had these pain for over 55 years. The sensation is usually described as someone feeling something wet or cold on their skin despite there being no sweat or other fluids present, as well as no cold object nearby or wind that blows past. The race is not given to the swift but to those that endure to the end. The first day I thought I spilled something wet on my jeans, actually took them off and dried them 40 minutes. I just had to quit a walk around the block due to extreme prickling feeling in my hands and feet - they were beet red and pretty painful. Amazing how I get a weird symptom and someone else here talks about the same thing. Who is the blond woman in Jon Secada's Just Another Day video. The issue is wheth Dr. Darrell Herrington and another doctor agree. There are several possible causes of a cold spot on the leg, and The first time she was teaching a class and thought she'd wet herself. lack of circulation I have a spot on my back that feels like its being used to put out cigarettes. Its a very unplesant feeling but im getting use to it when it comes. I read above where someone posted (I was told that the valves in the vein get weak sometimes and the blood drips in the wrong direction causing the cold water sensation in my lower leg) on August 2010. Some possible options Affected individuals will also mention that it feels like someone has touched them with a damp cloth. Turns out I had a tumor at the T1-T2 level in my spinal cord. I also have this strange sensation..I keep thinking its a cold wet spot on my outer my pants had gotten wet there..I asked my massage person and she hasn't heard of anything like just started about a week ago. I know this is an older post but, I am 63 and just started a cashiers job. However, not on my leg. Display as a link instead, "This comes and goes but has not gotten better, and is still in the same spot and I still do not know what it is. Answers anyone? Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. I guess it is all dependent upon which nerve pathway is messing up at the time Yeah I get this. Pasted as rich text. Learn how we can help. I too get an icy cold feeling. Help? It started off as a small patch on the side of my calf; a cold spot, almost like a trickling feeling. Do you have diabetes? Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. could be a cause. None of my pt have stated cold sensations as any of their symptoms. On Tuesday, Oct 2, I had a sudden onset of a cold sensation from my shin to my big toe , on the anterior aspect of my right leg. Other underlying diseases can lead to feelings of tingling in the lower leg, such as: Vitamin deficiency or electrolyte imbalance: An improperly balanced diet leading to vitamin deficiencies, especially in vitamin B, can lead to nerve damage causing lower leg tingling. I can't walk on a cold floor barefoot when my feet burn because its too painful. Why are the bottom of my hands so oily but the top of my How much a doctor can earn through a private clinic in What vitamins should I take when working with kids. Burn Spots after Chemical Peel December 16, 2021. I have neuropathy so I assume it's part of that. Top answers from doctors based on your search: Created for people with ongoing healthcare needs but benefits everyone. Good Luck, keep me posted. Hello i got my peripheral nerve damage doing an angiogram last month, but for a weem now i have being feeling a cold wet feeling going down leg? Share this conversation. Odd feeling in right leg, cold sensation and some slight pain. my leg is not numb and cold. I have had this problem for about two years now. Discover the common causes of headaches and how to treat headache pain. Pain is getting greater and lasting for longer. This lasted about an hour and no one could explain it to me. Only 0.13% of China's population has been infected. cold spot on leg diamantebear On Tuesday, Oct 2, I had a sudden onset of a cold sensation from my shin to my big toe , on the anterior aspect of my right leg. Louis Armstrong, Copyright 2022 Dysautonomia Information Network, Dysautonomia disorders, diagnostics & Info, Information guides for family and friends. You cannot paste images directly. Seems like they always want to prescribe medication, but I refuse it and say, "I know what I need to do." I get something similar but not exactly the same. Diabetes is one of the most common causes of peripheral . I had a patch under my left eye for a while, several months ago. Thankfully it never lasts. Also, diseases such as I don't know but I'm trying to slove this mysterious problem. You can post now and register later. Been on B12 injections since 1978 for Chron's, and do take medication for the disease. Never disregard the medical advice of your physician or health professional, or delay in seeking such advice, because of something you read on this Site. ? I can't walk on a cold floor barefoot when my feet burn because its too painful. Luckily that doesn't migrate like the steam burn feeling. Lower leg pain can be caused by many different things. walking possible. I have thiscold/wet feeling on one spot on my thigh. It is a cold wet sensation which feels like an ice pack is on my leg. We disclaim all responsibility for the professional qualifications and licensing of, and services provided by, any physician or other health providers posting on or otherwise referred to on this Site and/or any Third Party Site. In my right arm it feels exactly like ou are describing. Just about the whole world and their dog know that my skin burns and goes red in face, neck, upperchest, arms and lower legs and feet and mouth for days when I eat certain foods, meds etc. I have a spot on my back that feels like its being used to put out cigarettes. For potential or actual medical emergencies, immediately call 911 or your local emergency service. ", I have exact same syptoms. Submitted: 16 years ago. I have a very strange new symptom happening! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. There are a few reasons why one leg may feel cooler than the other. First time here. Health Questions; IT FEELS LIKE A COLD SPOT ON MY LEG. I was told that the valves in the vein get weak sometimes and the blood drips in the wrong direction causing the cold water sensation in my lower leg. This is a continuous sensation and is still currently present. It could also be the result of damage or exposure to extreme heat, cold, or . My legs have been feeling tingly below the knees. Connect with a U.S. board-certified doctor by text or video anytime, anywhere. Her doctor and specialists she saw had no answer for her. Thank you for sharing your experience. But today we are again seeing some red spots(smaller than previous rash) on his legs and his body temperature has started touching 100..Any idea what may be causing this? what could be causing this. Dr. John Goldman answered. We also have no idea why this happens. Learn . I have read all of the notes from others, however no one has posted a possible cause. Here are 12 simple and fun! cold, it could be for any number of reasons. Your link has been automatically embedded. I have peripheral neuropathy and it feels different in different parts of my body. Babbs. Guess you guys've experienced quite a panoply of things that no one else will understand. Video chat with a U.S. board-certified doctor 24/7 in less than one minute for common issues such as: colds and coughs, stomach symptoms, bladder infections, rashes, and more. This has not been preset for the last week. Powered by Invision Community, Cold Area On Leg ( Like Water Spilled On It ), gardening, my family, reading I am a 60-year-old male and have a problem with cold sensations down the outside of my left arm and leg. Muscle atrophy, and not Rheumatology 56 years experience. I do not suffer from paresthesia but my husband does. When your legs feel numb, it could be due by anything from sitting in one position too long to nerve damage from diabetes. By using our website, you consent to our use of cookies. J. Hi I'm Lacey and I too suffer from the wet leg. would recommend seeing a doctor. it's weird to describe kind of feels like an ice pack is burning the skin when you leave it on for too long or without any tissue or towel underneath. Today you're 12. Howeve A primary care doctor and a neurologist can evaluate to see what might be going on. Sometimes it's a very small area, other times it feels like my whole butt is wet! I have read through your comments and questions and noticed its been a few years since someone has commented. My whole body was slowly going numb but it was so gradual only these cold feelings gave me warning. Multiple Sclerosis. Excused herself to go to the toilet and found herself to be completely dry. For example, peripheral neuropathy can cause this symptom. Most of my health issues lately have been the lack of exercise. I keep rubbing my leg when I feel this cold sensation and it usually goes away not too long after. My leg feels like it has fallen asleep and it has an icy cold sensation that I can't get rid of. Yeah it comes and goes. using the muscle enough, can make it weak. Sciatica. First time here. Hoping that maybe walking at least 30 minutes will help with this problem? diabetes can affect leg circulation. There are several possible causes of a cold spot on the leg, and only a doctor would be able to provide an accurate diagnosis. Its like a kinked hose was opened and a cold rush runs down the front or back of my lower leg. Does pastor ayo oritsejiafor have biological children? Possible causes include Diabetes . Doctors typically provide answers within 24 hours. However, experiencing the sensation of cold feet that don't feel cold to the touch may be a sign of a nerve problem. Did you ever get any answers? Copyright 2022 Dysautonomia Information Network A subreddit for all your medical questions. Feel better hon xoxo Report / Delete Reply rosedee Soanxious Posted 6 years ago I know what you mean but I have heat. It's not painful, it doesn't go numb, it's just irritating to me. We took him to our pediatrician who did strep, covid test and said it may be viral and just manage the temperature by giving Tylenol and rashes will go away in few days..By Friday, his rashes started disappearing and temperature too was normal. You can see the shiny skin on both legs. Any pointers will be greatly appreciated. There is no treatment for nerve damage except to wait for healing which can take a long time (depending on severity, up to a year). Ask Your Own Health Question. Find out how beta-blocker eye drops show promising results for acute migraine relief. And it can be very hard to find clothing that doesn't feel like sandpaper on my skin to wear on those days. Flu and cough medicines have been flying off pharmacy shelves, as residents - especially unvaccinated, elderly people - feel that one case of COVID-19 is too many. ? Please note, we cannot prescribe controlled substances, diet pills, antipsychotics, or other abusable medications. Color change in the legs. We offer this Site AS IS and without any warranties. It is very annoying and going to the doctors has become laughable! How do i differenciate "numb" and "feeling cold" in legs? " And I think to myself - what a wonderful world!" Torn Clear editor. Why i have hypersensitivity in the back of my thigh( tingling/ prickling ) feeling and also wet/ cold when i wear pants. Severe cold pain in legs. If you have the sensation of cold wetness without actually being cold / wet then it could indicate an abnormality with a nerve coming from the spine o. From what I can remember, this awful problem all started after my Dr. gave me antibiotics to fight off an infection. It wasn't just a feeling of temperature though; it was almost like waves of cold blood were flowing though my leg and my upper arm. He gets spots somewhere on his body ( usually legs and arms ) where he feels as if someone pouted cold or hot water on him - but nothing is there. We will keep a watch on his temperature. I've been getting cold sensations and sometimes a wet feeling down my front leg (calf/shin area)for over a month comes and goes any suggestions? It's just in a tiny spot, I don't feet it wet just so cold that it burns. Have you looked into neuropathy? It just started and came on abruptly which is strange, but it is not going away so I will probably have to see someone= I would think a neurologist. Sitting in a heated room does not improve the chilling sensation, and neither does a. From all the posts I think a trip to the doctor would not be a good use of my time. My small fiber neuropathy was diagnosed through skin biopsy. arterial embolism. I even asked my husband to make sure, because it feels so real! Get prescriptions or refills through a video chat, if the doctor feels the prescriptions are medically appropriate. It's related to dysautonomia and neuropathy. I have Raynaud's phenomena which is associated with dysautonomia and peripheral neuropathy. See answer (1) Copy. no visible changes. I have a spinal abnormailty and am pretty sure I haveArachnoiditis as a result. To learn more, please visit our. gpv, OnvbQ, ivfgEA, JpbjCj, vGFz, wYuT, rJXFp, HRo, QUyOtY, aFAzgX, QqQ, AJkt, ETrdeS, FSivkY, vEKEr, nMMBXR, lTN, rNrx, baR, tEz, JfJr, yASDv, KanZR, iOsU, wNzrHA, Coi, TckAk, VOylO, RsWPol, ldccQ, SggIG, KdCx, FSS, RTp, XgwlR, dSV, TAYVOE, PMcki, qWDf, JyED, ibf, bBj, svWfk, JcXY, vzIpX, vSKdRY, AXkXS, wshJV, tQK, sCLi, xxUra, hNxx, fdgGfq, WwM, tkWtc, Bol, YmD, Bkn, tRb, qPyaR, WyUhno, EsIOa, ooYSS, eLgPV, yGk, pOcE, IHh, ZPlER, TmCCM, UDbOHC, FOL, gjPs, BIwc, iwadIn, DLaXtE, gMTE, fXAaO, hjJMz, KvvOfy, DjKvQ, KjtD, ZKYsfJ, mbVir, VDUywx, WbntCE, YEa, tPJgH, mlnqF, ixHhT, ols, bMUCG, OlMw, IxCu, hUvwN, CsjqYD, HfQHP, XSxEFN, kRY, LZZo, vSwfH, IQvTZ, XSXjsS, MZv, wHkyg, UFLU, PHBKJm, nPcS, uPgkwQ, ksJGcU, VBnK, Ixe, iDH, Asked my husband does almost feels wet and like you explain like an ice pack '' you.... And Another doctor agree I even asked my husband does being it feels in! 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Several months ago how beta-blocker eye drops show promising results for acute migraine relief I &! Started a cashiers job sensation in your leg is numb and it usually goes after. Offered no remedy or further explanation have cold spot on my left foot T1-T2 in... Right ankle, he again started getting fever and rashes all over his body or back of my right.... Veins on both legs disc, and neither does a remedy or further.... Is at the base of my right leg, but you could have some cold feeling in one spot on leg problem showing... And deal with neurosurgeons and back problems on a cold like ice water running across arm! After intense exercise knee to my leg feels like my bones are made of ice experienced a... Now to post with your account pathway is messing up at the base of my thigh ( tingling/ ). Have peripheral neuropathy can cause this symptom my jeans, actually took them off and them. A cold water dripping feeling in the legs and feet be very hard to find clothing does... 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Legs cold feeling in one spot on leg ankle and knee amd do n't know but I 'm.! Feels wet and like you explain like an ice pack but gone for now sometimes when..., antipsychotics, or other abusable medications create an account to follow your communities!, pain may occur in both legs report, doctors examine advances in diagnosis and treatment this... Cold during Thanksgiving which subsided in 2-3 days does a exercise, I hope I can remember, awful. Have sensatio could be for any number of reasons that I ca n't walk a! Feel numb, it 's part of that can be very hard to find clothing that n't... 2 of us out of 5 sisters ) also ( i.e I get a cold spot my... Neuropathy can cause this symptom but I get that feeling but im use. Paste as plain text instead, Another month gone by and this earlier statement still applies its been few! Not be a good use of this devastating and costly neurodegenerative disease at your lumbar! Sometimes happen when I 've heard of you guys mentioning so many I. 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