what is a concurring opinion brainly

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what is a concurring opinion brainly

The concurring opinion usually proposes an alternative way of reaching the same result. Concurring Opinion. concurring opinion. Persuasive precedent may become binding precedent when it is adopted by a higher court. . Hope this helps:) I appreciate it. Instead of joining the majority, the concurring judge will write a separate opinion describing the basis behind their decision. Or, it could be that the judge/justice . agreeing . The State of Virginia essentially argued that the Court lacked jurisdiction because a State was a party, and that the Supreme Court cannot review a decision from a State's highest court. judgement, legal opinion, opinion, judgment - the legal document stating the reasons for a judicial decision; "opinions are usually written by a single judge". The federal government alone created money. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, A) the precedent that lower courts to use to justify their decisions in major cases, C) the statement written that adds information or facts to the majority opinion, expliquer le role de venise dans les relations entre loreient et loccidznt 13 eme sieclee. Instead of joining the majority, the concurring judge will write a separate opinion describing the basis behind their decision. Georgia's Economy. It was eclectic and wide-ranging. For this purpose, both concurring and dissenting opinions are classified primarily as liberal or conservative, though they may be further broken down during research. In US Supreme Court decisions, a concurring opinion is an opinion by one or more justices which agrees with the result the majority opinion reached but either for . You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, A concurring opinion is in certain legal systems a written opinion by one or more judges of a court which agrees with the decision made by the majority of the court, but states different reasons as the basis for his or her decision, A) The opinion of the judges who agree with the main opinion, 1. An opinion is a belief or judgment that falls short of absolute conviction, certainty, or positive knowledge; it is a conclusion that certain facts, ideas, etc., are probably true or likely to prove so: political opinions; an opinion about art; In my opinion this is true. The take-title provision is within Congress's power to impose on the states. does Hagrid think this? what are the goals of the affordable care act? d. all As a member of the British Parliament, you vote against repealing the Stamp Act. What is a concurring opinion? You must write at least 1 months ago. Which of the following is a main component of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? For instance, a man may have the opinion that lawyers are arrogant and untrustworthy. When a Supreme Court justice writes a concurring opinion, it signals he agrees with the ultimate decision made by the majority of the court, but not with the reasons the decision was reached. Wet roads reduce traction but have no effect on braking distance. Concurring: to have or come to the same opinion or point of view. Comments: 0. This is . v. Varsity Brands, Inc. A written opinion filed by a judge which agrees with the majority decision, but which expresses his or her different reasons for the decision, or a different view of the facts of the case, or of the law. The debate presented in this . Many people have a strong belief or judgment about a person, thing, or behavior that becomes their generally held opinion. Concurring opinions are not binding since they did not receive the majority of the courts support, but they can be used by lawyers as persuasive material. In terms of the United States Supreme Court, the majority opinion is written by a justice selected by either the Chief Justice or if he or she is not in the majority, then the senior justice who voted with the majority. The Articles of Confederation did not mention creating or managing money., City and county courts . A concurrence just means that the judge/justice agrees with the result of the majority. See more. What is ethnocentri The Supreme Court shall be composed of a Chief Justice and fourteen Associate Justices. to have or come to the same opinion or point of view I concur with your assessment of the political situation. A concurring opinion is a written opinion by one or more judges of a court which agrees with the decision made by the majority of the court, but states different reasons as the basis for his or her decision. In law, a concurring opinion is a written opinion by one or more judges of a court which agrees with the decision made by the majority of the court, but states different (or additional) reasons for the decision. What is a concurring opinion? Concurring and Dissenting Opinion (Stevens): The idea that Congress does not have the power to command the states to implement an Act of Congress is not correct. Share. Like. What is a concurring opinion? Star Athletica, L.L.C. b. securing access to foreign markets See answer (1) Copy. a. a. keeping the country safe What is the difference between a direct democracy and a republic? While the majority opinion of the Supreme Court upheld the lower courts decision that Escola should pay because they were negligent, the case later became more popularly known for a concurring opinion written by Justice Roger Traynor. Attorneys often refer to majority opinions in the course of trying a case, which provides precedent, or a legal standard by which similar cases have been decided. , A company wants to import goods from south korea to sell in atlanta. In the confederate system, each state created its own money. CONCURRING OPINIONWhen a member of a multi-judge court agrees with the decision reached by the majority but disagrees with the reasoning of the opinion of the court or wishes to add his own remarks, he will customarily file a concurring opinion. Farming Synonyms: agreeing, coinciding, accompanying Antonyms: differing, disagreeing Find the right word. Majority opinion: Refers to the opinion where more than half of the judges participating in the decision agree with it. Concurring Opinions regularly publishes contributions from blog members as well as guest bloggers. There are some rare circumstances in which the concurring opinion eventually becomes law, such as in Escola v. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. [Last updated in June of 2021 by the Wex Definitions Team], Concurring opinions are not binding since they did not receive the majority of the courts support, but they can be used by. Previous. Significance: New York v. United States centers on the notion of federalism. coinciding. Why Concurring Opinion. You can specify conditions of storing and accessing cookies in your browser, You can hand in this assignment by attaching a Microsoft word document or by writing it in the response box of the assignment. In law, a concurring opinion is in certain legal systems a written opinion by one or more judges of a court which agrees with the decision made by the majority of the court, but states different (or additional) reasons as the basis for their decision. When no absolute majority of the court can agree on the basis for deciding . In this case, the written opinion joined by the greatest number of judges is called a plurality opinion. To explore this concept, consider the following concurring opinion definition. Synonyms & Similar Words. (II) State two ways in which Concurring opinions may clarify the appellate judge's reasoning or summarize sections of the decision in which the appellate judge differed from the majority. You will do a "case brief" on your chosen case. In courts where more than one judge, or "justice," hears cases, such as a state or the federal Supreme Court, or some appellate courts, a majority agreement is required to make a ruling one way or another.In the event some of the judges agree with the decision of the majority, though for different reasons, those judges may write a "concurring opinion," which describes the basis for . It is more focused, doesn't have comments, and doesn't have other permabloggers or guest bloggers. ________. 1. concurring opinion - an opinion that agrees with the court's disposition of the case but is written to express a particular judge's reasoning. Get the Brainly App What form of government is run by a leader with absolute power? . b. Concurring Opinions Profile and History . What is a major difference between a concurring opinion and an dissenting opinion issued by the Supreme Court Brainly? In the event some of the judges agree with the decision of the majority, though for different reasons, those judges may write a concurring opinion, which describes the basis for their decision. Concurring opinion is in certain legal systems a written opinion by one or more judges of a court which agrees with the decision made by the majority of the court, but states different or additional reasons as the basis for his or her decision, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . In courts where more than one judge, or justice, hears cases, such as a state or the federal Supreme Court, or some appellate courts, a majority agreement is required to make a ruling one way or another. When a Supreme Court justice agrees with a decision but disagrees with the reasoning with which the majority justified it, that justice can write a separate concurring opinion. Concurring Opinions is a group blog with a broad emphasis on legal topics. Concurring opinion is in certain legal systems a written opinion by one or more judges of a court which agrees with the decision made by the majority of the court, but states different or additional reasons as the basis for his or her decision. Remember, in the United States, appellate courts are comprised of a panel of at least three judges. This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Hence, the term "brief.". When multiple justices prepare concurring opinions, it is called a plurality decision, as a majority voted on the final judgment, but there were several reasons for the decision. This video introduces concurring opinions, where a judge agrees with the conclusions of a fellow judge or judges, but for diff. While the majority opinion in a Supreme Court matter becomes binding law, any issue may result in a split decision. . Concurring opinion. Neither are binding decisions. What is a concurring opinion? What are the key aspects of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)? A group of people acting together to achieve a common result. . Reasoning: The primary focus of the unanimous Court opinion, written by Chief Justice Marshall, involved the State of Virginia's motion to dismiss the matter for lack of jurisdiction. It may sit en banc or, in its discretion, in divisions of three, five, or seven members. law, jurisprudence - the collection of . A concurring opinion in law, is a legal system a written opinion by judges in the court, which agrees in the decision made by the court but states different opinion/reasons of his or her decision. what did the soviet union want to see in post ww2 europe? Justice Traynor expressed the opinion that, rather than negligence, every manufacturer should be held to a rule of strict liability regarding the production of products that injure consumers. AlloftheEethp 6 yr. ago. Views: 168. Relevance. Each state and the national government created money. [1] It may also be used to add comments. Synonyms and Definition Contents. A) the precedent that lower courts to use to justify their decisions in major cases B) the declaration that is created to officially reject the decision by the court C) the statement written that adds information or facts to the majority opinion D) the written statement that explains why the majority opinion is . Source for information on Concurring Opinion: Encyclopedia of . Because legal experts find it necessary to understand where there may be uncertainty regarding the law, which leads to instability in the justice system. Concurring opinion. Concurring opinion definition, (in appellate courts) an opinion filed by a judge that agrees with the majority or plurality opinion on the case but that bases this conclusion on different reasons or on a different view of the case. Brainstorm 3 possible solutions that you think would work better, Logging is another human activity that contributes to deforestation. Once again, the dissenting opinion helps guide the decision making process in future cases, and may even plant the seed for overruling the majority opinion in the future. Concurring opinions can, however, offer a view into the appellate courts thought process in making its decision, and pave the way to viewing a current case differently. It is generally used for more efficient self-study (it's easier and more . Study now. How would the three or four transportation systems interact to bring these goods The majority opinion is an explanation of the reasoning behind the majority decision of a supreme court. Advertisement. The judge writing a concurring opinion walks the reader through his rationale in making the decision, and in concurring with the majority opinion on a case. A) The opinion of the judges who agree with the main opinion B) Binding law C) The opinion of the judges who disagree with the main opinion A case brief is a condensed, concise outline-form summary of a court opinion. Answer: C) The opinion of the judges who disagree with the main opinion, This site is using cookies under cookie policy . c. protecting human rights Harry Potter. Concurring Opinion Author: J. Johnson Read related entries on C, Civil Law, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, Appellate Process , Appellate Process, CO, Procedural Law, United States Rate this post. Because they do not express the opinion of the majority of the court, concurring opinions are not legally binding, and cannot be referred to as such. It may mean that s/he disagrees with the way the majority interprets rules or how the majority's new rule will impact future cases, even though s/he thinks the ruling is correct. Reply. A concurring opinion is where a judge agrees with another judge or judges' conclusion, but explains that he arrived at the same conclusion for different or additional reasons.. Response Question: When no absolute majority of the court can agree on the basis for deciding the case, the decision of the court may be contained in a number of concurring opinions, and the concurring . Opinion is a belief that is stronger than an idea or intuition, but not as strong as having definite knowledge. Also known as persuasive authority, persuasive precedent is a legal opinion or writing that does not bind future cases to be decided in a particular manner, but that may be used to guide the decision making process in a current case. It is run by Concurring Opinions, LLC, a Pennsylvania Limited Liability Company. A. the declaration that is created to officially reject the decision by the court B. the statement written that adds information or facts to the majority opinion C. the precedent that lower courts use to justify their decisions in major cases D. the written statement that explains why the minority opinion is justified A concurring opinion is an opinion that agrees with the majority opinion but does not agree with the rationale behind it. , 2 What is the only place safer than Gringotts? c. using plastic, a man-made material Traynor expressed his belief that public policy demanded that responsibility be placed where it would be most effective in reducing hazards to life and health, and in preventing defective products from reaching the marketplace. to atlanta from south Korea. A concurring opinion is an opinion that agrees with the majority opinion but does not agree with the rationale behind it. . A justice who does not agree with the majority may still write an opinion, called a dissenting opinion, explaining why he does not agree, or how the case might be seen differently if the facts were slightly different. Any less will incur a penalty of points. Concurring opinion: Is the independent judicial opinion of an appellate judge who shares the sentiments of the majority. A concurring opinion is written by a justice who agrees with the outcome reached by the majority, but who came to that conclusion in a different way and wants to write about why. These side effects of the Court's Brown v. Board reasoning have not noticeably reduced racial animosities in the U.S. and may well have helped increase them. ernet, a product of information and communication technology. Burning fossil fuels Concurring opinions are not binding since they did not receive the majority . What are the positive and negative effects of the following: Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like How was the creation of money handled under the Articles of Confederation? Although most people focus on the actual outcome of a Supreme Court or appellate court decision, the fact is, opinions matter. Although Concurring Opinions is irreplaceable, I hope that my blogging here still is worth some attention. The 1944 matter of Escola v. Coca-Cola Bottling Co. was brought before the Supreme Court to decide whether the Escola, the maker of bottles filled by Coca-Cola Bottling Co., should be held liable for an injury caused by an exploding faulty bottle. The goals of U.S. foreign policy include [1] A dissenting opinion is written by a justice who disagreed with the majority and wants his disagreement known and explained. Question: Choose a recent or landmark U.S. Supreme Court case that deals with a civil and/or business matter. This allows courts to rely on opinions and decisions reached in other jurisdictions that have previously dealt with a similar issue. , three to four paragraphs to the response question per week. A concurring opinion is an opinion of a justice of the Supreme Court that shares in the judgment of the court, though for different legal reasons than those used by a majority or plurality opinion. why was the truman doctrine considered containment? The majority opinion is often cited as precedent in arguments and . The justice writes his own rationale for the final decision, shining a light on another viewpoint. Concurring Opinions was a group space, a community of scholars and friends of scholarship. Persuasive precedent is often found in cases decided by peer or higher courts in other jurisdictions, military courts, tribal courts, administrative courts, and even lower courts. According to this concurring opinion, a woman's right to privacy with respect to abortion is Get the answers you need, now! d. using the int Some judges have an open mind when it comes to considering these opinions, and developing new legal rules as a result. (I) State two reasons why humans carry out logging. Let's say a panel of three judges must decide whether to affirm or reverse a trial court's decision. 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