thor: love and thunder post credit scene

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thor: love and thunder post credit scene

[150] O El Capitan Theatre sediar duas exibies sensoriais inclusivas do filme em julho de 2022, com check-in acelerado, um saguo "calmante", capacidade reduzida e bolsas para os hspedes com itens para ajudar na ansiedade. Janes story was something that I had a big hand in. A Necroespada permite que Gorr manipule sombras e produza monstros, mas tambm o amaldioa com a morte iminente. Thor: Love and Thunder estreou no El Capitan Theatre em Hollywood em 23 de junho de 2022, e foi lanado em 8 de julho de 2022 nos EUA. And then it was just about, you know, what does this mean? It's a shame that ancient religions don't get to defend themselves and their mythology by taking film makers to court. [13], As filmagens ocorreram no Centennial Park, em Sydney no comeo de fevereiro,[98] com Klementieff, Gillan, Bautista e Pratt completando suas cenas logo depois. Enquanto isso, Thor, agora com posse do Mjolnir novamente, continua em aventuras para ajudar as pessoas, acompanhado por Love, agora empunhando o Rompe-tormentas. Ele elogiou o desempenho de Portman que "transmite o porque timo ver Jane novamente" e o papel "impressionante" de Bale que ele considerou como "o mais prximo que chegaremos de v-lo interpretar Pennywise, o palhao, com uma pitada de Voldemort, mas amarrado a mesma humildade que ele traz para seus personagens mais humanos e humildes". When Jennifer Kaytin Robinson first got a call from Marvel Studios, it wasnt about writing the script for Thor: Love and Thunder with director Taika Waititi. [155] A Variety informou que isso ocorreu porque a Disney se recusou a fazer cortes no filme solicitados pelo Conselho de Censura de Filmes da Malsia. That always was a moving piece ultimately, it did become [the origins for] Gorr and I think its awesome. [52] Thompson confirmou que Bale seria o vilo do filme,[53] enquanto Vin Diesel, que d voz a Groot nos filmes do UCM, disse que discutiu o filme com Waititi e foi informado que os Guardies da Galxia apareceriam nele. The Thor That I Remember. I would say all over. Do valor de 143 milhes de dlares, mais de 13,8 milhes de dlares vieram do IMAX, tornando-se a quinta maior estreia em julho de todos os tempos para o formato no mercado interno. It was really like: There was a really amazing blueprint. [142] O vdeo foi recebido com crticas pois alguns espectadores perceberam Waititi e Thompson "zombando" dos efeitos visuais, no mesmo dia em que vrios artistas de efeitos visuais que trabalhavam para a Marvel se manifestaram contra serem "mal pagos" e "sobrecarregados" pelas produes do estdio. No, I think that Taika and I were a good team, in that I was kind of a person who was there to remind him, Oh, get this line. When Whitman decided to try using the As crianas retornam a Nova Asgard, onde Valquria e Sif comeam a trein-las. [64] O filme se passa oito anos depois que Thor e Jane se separaram, por volta de 2024. [149] Inicialmente programado para ser lanado em 5 de novembro de 2021,[8] acabou sendo adiado para 18 de fevereiro de 2022, devido pandemia de COVID-19. The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special. [33] A cantora Jenny Morris aparece como uma cidad de Nova Asgard. Odin's puff daddy, Thor's grandpappy, led the forces of Asgard against the elves and defeated them. Thor Loe ad Thuder (2022) Full Moie Olie Download480p, 720p, 1080p ow Aailable 123 Moies -980 MB[ENG-SUB] Thor: Love and Thunder (2022)with ENG-SUB Subtitles ready for download,Thor: Love and Thunder (2022) 720p, 1080p, BrRip, DvdRip, High Quality. [92], As filmagens comearam em 22 de janeiro de 2021,[93] no Fox Studios Australia em Sydney,[49] sob o ttulo provisrio de The Big Salad. How did the storyline with Janes cancer evolve from your perspective? Its the closest well get to seeing him play Pennywise the Clown, with a dash of Voldemort, but tethered to the same humility Bale brings to his most human, humbled characters. Along with Janes striking cancer storyline, it's these heartfelt moments too that revealthe true motivators behind Thor: Love and Thunder, even if everything is later treated in too quaint, or too eagerly crowd-pleasing a fashion to hit as hard as they clearly meant to. I would always pitch to Taika and then Taika would choose what he liked. You have the biggest toy box in the world to play in and with. If you just give yourself over to the ride of working for Marvel, its really exciting. Then Jane gets the space rabies, and the ship that looks like a giant sword wakes up in space, which is stolen from British sci-fi classic Lifeforce. So the minute I saw the beginning of the scene, I knew he was gonna be talking to Hercules. Like a golden and white version of the Galactic Senate in Star Wars, with a grab-bag of goofy creatures (one has furry feet and a face, that's it; another is a Korg relative)it makes for one of the more eye-popping set pieces. It hit epic heights early with Thors coronation (Thoronation, if you will. [26], Simon Russell Beale aparece como o deus olmpico Dionsio,[29][30] enquanto Akosia Sabet aparece como a deusa Bastete. "Sweet Child o' Mine" do Guns N' Roses apresentada no filme, dado que o Guns N' Roses uma das bandas favoritas de Waititi, e ajudou a "refletir o tipo de aventura louca que estamos apresentando [visualmente]";[119] a msica tambm foi usada no marketing do filme. Every time she uses the power, it takes away from her human capacity, which is all themore devastating given that we learn she has Stage Fourcancer. And this was specifically Janes story. And not a general human place its a Jane human place. [118] Waititi queria que a msica do filme refletisse a mesma esttica do filme com sua "paleta bombstica, barulhenta e colorida". Este texto disponibilizado nos termos da licena. It was even earlier in Taikas original draft. Chris Hemsworth and Taika Waititi are back and bringing the new-age Ragnarok vibes back for the first time since 2017.. Eles destroem a Necroespada, mas os trs so trazidos para o reino da Eternidade. With "The Avengers" due for release in 2012, there might have been a temptation on the part of Marvel Films to not be thorough with the two releases of 2011, "Thor" and "Captain America: The First Avenger". 'Thor: Love and Thunder' writer Jennifer Kaytin Robinson talks building Jane's storyline and why she saw the post-credits cameo coming. In the shorts, the character was a human roommate to first Thor, then the Grandmaster. [84] Dada a natureza do elenco, membros da indstria descreveram o filme como "Avengers 5". To teach him a lesson, his father Odin punishes him by taking away his powers and exiling him to Earth. [55] Em seguida foi antecipado para 11 de fevereiro, uma vez que Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness foi reprogramado de novembro de 2021 para maio de 2022,[57] e adiado mais uma vez para 6 de maio de 2022, em dezembro de 2020,[57][86] antes de mudar para a data de julho de 2022, em outubro de 2021. Its a good, fun Thor movie. [96] Waititi tambm usou a tecnologia PlateLight do Satellite Lab (depois de usar anteriormente sua tecnologia Dynamiclight em Ragnarok), que um equipamento especial para capturar vrias configuraes de iluminao simultaneamente em uma nica tomada em uma alta taxa de quadros, permitindo que ele selecione qual configurao de iluminao ele gostaria na ps-produo. I just knew that it was a thing that they were like, Were gonna want leeway with this, so stay away from it.. But [Janes cancer] was never going to be a gotcha moment. It was always, like, this is the story of this woman. When you get into the edit, you know, the whole thing kind of blows up anyway. Thor: Love and Thunder is more or less a victory lap for all that director Taika Waititi achieved with his previous Marvel film, the often hilarious, rousing, and plainly refreshing Thor: Ragnarok.And while it has too many familiar flourishes and jokes, this entertaining sequel is still a force for good, with enough visual ambition and heart in front of and behind the Ele estabeleceu vrios marcos internacionais em seu fim de semana de abertura, marcando a segunda maior abertura da pandemia na Austrlia, Nova Zelndia e Filipinas, enquanto conquistava a terceira maior em vrios territrios, incluindo Brasil, Itlia, Tailndia, Cingapura e Argentina. 2022 Variety Media, LLC. . [108] Mais tarde, em junho, foi confirmado que Diesel estaria reprisando seu papel como Groot no filme. In a post-credit scene, Raccoon, the villain from the first film, tries to swim back to New York for his revenge, unaware he is trailed by the sharks, leaving his fate unknown. [116], Em dezembro de 2021, Michael Giacchino revelou que faria a trilha sonora do filme; ele anteriormente trabalhou em Doctor Strange (2016) e na trilogia Spider-Man do UCM, assim como no filme anterior de Waititi, Jojo Rabbit (2019). [88][90] Ele recebeu uma permisso especial para entrar na Austrlia, apesar das rgidas restries de viagens do pas durante a pandemia, uma vez que Love and Thunder estava proporcionando empregos para os australianos. TV Shows. The IMAX release followed Marvel's IMAX releases of Iron Man 2 and Thor. Obviously, its in the comics, and it was in Taikas first draft. [68] Waititi recebeu o crdito pelo roteiro no pster do filme, com Robinson creditada com ele pela histria,[69] antes dos crditos finais, o Writers Guild of America West creditou Waititi e Robinson como roteiristas do filme. RELATED: 10 Most Attractive Marvel Heroes. So I have stopped planning. And then I would say, the third version of the way that Taika directs is he literally stands behind the monitor, and I would stand next to him, and it would just be shouting things. Select the department you want to search in. But in the cinematic version there are only a few, we get Loki and Odin. I understood the job. [107] Goldblum e Peter Dinklage, que deveria reprisar seu papel como Eitri de Infinity War, tiveram suas cenas cortadas no corte final,[34] assim como Lena Headey, que foi abordada por Waititi para um papel no filme. Mjolnir, known more formally as Mjlnir (/ m j l n r /) is a fictional magical weapon appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.It is depicted as the principal weapon of the superhero Thor.Mjolnir, which first appears in Journey into Mystery #83 (Aug. 1962), was created by writers Stan Lee and Larry Lieber and designed by artists Jack Kirby and Joe Sinnott. [109] Em outubro de 2021, a data de lanamento do filme foi adiada para 8 de julho de 2022,[110] enquanto Simon Russell Beale foi revelado para aparecer no filme. He can be mighty fun to watch, even when Thor: Love and Thunder undersells his god butchering for the sake of a more sentimental message, and to make him share scenes with frightened children. The Hemsworth family has a new star on their hands. [37] At ento, Hemsworth e Waititi, haviam discutido o que eles gostariam em um quarto filme em potencial e,[38] no ms seguinte, Hemsworth disse que consideraria interpretar o personagem novamente se houvesse "outro grande roteiro". It was directed by Kenneth Branagh, written by the writing team of Ashley Edward Miller and Zack Stentz along with Don Payne, and stars Chris [128] Tanto Daniel Chin, do The Ringer, quanto Sophie Butcher, da Empire, destacaram o foco do trailer na jornada de autodescoberta de Thor, bem como a falta de imagens de Gorr, de Christian Bale. The job was to write for Marvel. Marco Vito Oddo, do Collider, e Ryan Parker, do The Hollywood Reporter, destacaram o uso da msica "Sweet Child o' Mine" do Guns N' Roses, que Oddo sentiu que Waititi iria "manter a esttica do hard rock que ajudou Thor: Ragnarok a se tornar um grande sucesso", enquanto Parker o chamou de "trailer brilhante, elegante e divertido [que] define um tom para o filme na verdadeira forma de Taika Waititi". as well as other partner offers and accept our, An accompanying documentary as part of Marvel's "Assembled" gives a behind-the-scenes look at "Thor 4.". Then it was just about digging into the blueprint. Specificity, I think, is what makes the best story and something feel universal. What an amazing thing to be able to show a superhero with cancer and really not shy away from the ugliness of it and the things that are hard about it, but also really being able for this character to shine. I was never shouting. O grupo viaja para a Cidade Onipotente, um reino que abriga muitos deuses, para avis-los e pedir sua ajuda. If I get a call and they want me to come in and pitch on something, and its something that I feel like I would be right for, yeah, I would work with Marvel again. Captain America: The First Avenger also featured the teaser trailer of The [133][134][135] Eric Francisco, da Inverse, observou o tom cmico semelhante de Ragnarok ao adicionar "alguns tons mais escuros" com a incluso de Gorr, o Carniceiro dos Deuses. I dont know if Im allowed to say this, but I think its fine: In the original draft, it was actually before the Marvel [Studios logo]. A mdia domstica inclui comentrios em udio, cenas deletadas, erros de gravao e vrios contedos de bastidores. E embora tenha muitos floreios e piadas familiares, esta sequncia divertida ainda uma fora para o bem, com ambio visual suficiente e corao na frente e atrs da cmera para se manter por conta prpria". [97] Waititi acreditava que ele era capaz de filmar Love and Thunder com mais eficincia do que Ragnarok devido sua experincia por j ter trabalhado em um filme do Marvel Studios. Another version is in the first blocking rehearsal, things would start to change, and I would just have my computer and be typing with one hand, following Taika around as he moved things and changed things. . We had a lot of conversations, especially with Natalie, about, you know, we have a responsibility here. When Jennifer Kaytin Robinson first got a call from Marvel Studios, it wasnt about writing the script for Thor: Love and Thunder with director Taika Waititi. [111] No incio de maro, outras refilmagens foram reveladas para acontecerem "nas prximas semanas",[112] e comearam com Bale na semana de 18 de maro. [143][144], Thor: Love and Thunder estreou no El Capitan Theatre em Hollywood em 23 de junho de 2022. Are you anticipating working with Marvel again? No filme, Thor tenta encontrar a paz interior, mas deve retornar ao e recrutar Valquria (Thompson), Korg (Waititi) e Jane Foster (Portman)que agora a Poderosa Thorpara impedir Gorr, o Carniceiro dos Deuses (Bale), de eliminar todos os deuses. [29] Kat Dennings e Stellan Skarsgrd retornam dos filmes do Thor como os colegas de Jane, Darcy Lewis e Erik Selvig, respectivamente, e Idris Elba como Heimdall na cena ps-crditos, com Daley Pearson reprisando seu papel como Daryl, do curta Team Thor, agora trabalhando como guia turstico em Nova Asgard. Ele tambm elogiou a caracterizao de Gorruma "poderosa [introduo]"e concluiu a avaliao dizendo que se sentiu "comovido" no final. [36] Chris Hemsworth indicou em janeiro de 2018 que estava interessado em continuar a interpretar Thor, apesar de seu contrato com o Marvel Studios estar programado para terminar com seu papel em Avengers: Endgame (2019). [162] Em seu terceiro fim de semana, o filme arrecadou 22,1 milhes de dlares, terminando em segundo lugar atrs do recm-chegado Nope. Quando Jane sente que Gorr est prestes a matar Thor, ela se junta batalha com o Mjolnir para salv-lo. I dont know. We would read what we were shooting the next day around a table, and it would be like, idea, idea, idea. [49] Jeff Goldblum disse em agosto de 2019 que havia uma chance de reprisar seu papel como Gro-Mestre, de Ragnarok, na sequncia. [] hora de moderar suas expectativas e parar de deixar a Marvel continuar a usar queerbait e nos decepcionar". O espao apresenta mais painis de LED e oferece uma resoluo mais alta do que o originalmente criado para The Mandalorian. Quando Gorr morre da maldio da Necroespada, ele pede a Thor que cuide de Love, e Thor concorda. Was that always the case? Variety is a part of Penske Media Corporation. [81] Chris Pratt disse que Love and Thunder continuaria a rivalidade entre o lder dos Guardies, Peter Quill / Star-Lord e Thor, que foi estabelecida em Infinity War e Endgame,[82] enquanto Karen Gillan disse que Waititi trouxe o "lado maluco" de Nebula atravs de sua "agresso pura". He confronted Dane Whitman when he unboxed the Ebony Blade. You know, the script was very long and the movie is not as long as the script. Thor: Love and Thunder is a 2022 American superhero film based on Marvel Comics featuring the character Thor.Produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, it is the sequel to Thor: Ragnarok (2017) and the 29th film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). We had a lot of conversations, especially with Natalie, about, you know, we have a responsibility here. A lot of the conversations were like, How do we do this justice and how do we put something on screen thats going to mean something and resonate with cancer survivors?. [167], Owen Gleiberman, da Variety, disse que h "muitas palavras para descrever [Thor: Love and Thunder]", afirmando que "a comdia faz parte do pacote" que fez de Ragnarok "uma flor selvagem to genuna da Marvel". Were you involved at all with the post-credit scene, where we learn Brett Goldstein is playing Hercules? [135] Zach Seemayer, da Entertainment Tonight, sentiu que "d aos fs tudo o que eles esperavam desde os breves flashes de momentos importantes do primeiro trailer em abril", citando cenas com a Poderosa Thor de Portman, Thor "fazendo jus ao seu ttulo de 'Viking Espacial'", e as cenas de Gorr. I saw that at the premiere with everybody else. [34] Lena Headey tambm estava confirmada para aparecer no filme, mas suas cenas foram cortadas na verso final. Gorr consegue dominar o grupo, ferindo gravemente Valquria. GamesRadar+ takes you closer to the games, movies and TV you love. Specificity, I think, is what makes the best story and something feel universal. Waititi exclamou que seria "super gay"; crticos e espectadores que viram o filme expressaram decepo por essa afirmao ser falsa e que a Marvel usou queerbait para atrair o pblico. [129][130] O trailer teve 209 milhes de visualizaes globais em suas primeiras 24 horas, tornando-se o stimo trailer mais visto nesse perodo. I was never shouting. Janes story was something that I had a big hand in. Its thinking how would Jane handle this, how does Jane move through her diagnosis? [21] Waititi acrescentou que a Marvel ainda estava discutindo quanto tempo se passaria entre Endgame e Love and Thunder, e que isso afetaria se Thor ainda est com o peso extra retratado em Endgame, o que lhe rendeu os apelidos de "Fat Thor" e "Bro Thor". I think we just always tried to look for the truth and the emotion behind it, and really come from a human place. Was that always the case? [138] Trs episdios da srie Marvel Studios: Legends foram lanados em 1 de junho, explorando Thor, Jane Foster e Valquria usando imagens de suas aparies anteriores no UCM. [158] Foi lanado pela Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment em Ultra HD Blu-ray, Blu-ray e DVD em 27 de setembro. [3][6] O fim de semana de estreia do filme arrecadou 303,3 milhes de dlares globalmente, dos quais o IMAX contribuiu com 23 milhes de dlares, tornando-se a terceira maior estreia em julho de todos os tempos para o formato. It was always, like, this is the story of this woman. Not really. Enquanto isso, a Dr. Jane Foster, ex-namorada de Thor, foi diagnosticada com cncer terminal. Club, classificou o filme como 'B', sentindo que "[revisitou] o tom atrevido e sentimental do quase universalmente amado Thor: Ragnarok, e impulsiona seu heri homnimo em novas aventuras que completam uma jornada que comeou com o primeiro, muito menos amado, Thor em 2011". for intense sequences of sci-fi violence and action, language, some suggestive material and partial nudity. "He Lacking the overall freshness that defined the previous movie, Thor: Love and Thunder is better with its bolder, dramatic sequences that are like mini-movies about how love comes with the price of loss. You also worked on those pages, of course what was it like when youd be on set and that would happen? From Marvel Studios: Thor returns to Asgard to battle Malekith and the Dark Elves, who have revived an ancient power that has taken hold of Jane Foster - and threatens cataclysmic destruction! I knew there was talk about Hercules. Thor: The Dark World is a 2013 American superhero film based on the Marvel Comics character Thor, produced by Marvel Studios and distributed by Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures.It is the sequel to Thor (2011) and the eighth film in the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU). How did the storyline with Janes cancer evolve from your perspective? Butcher sentiu que a introspeco do trailer no era surpreendente devido ao filme ser ambientado aps Endgame, e disse que o trailer foi breve, mas emocionante. The one thing Ill say is Kevin really understands putting together writers and directors and executives and projects creating that creative soup. This film gets extra points for attempting to make the Aesir and Asgard at least look a little bit authentic. [65] Portman disse mais tarde que o tratamento do cncer de Jane seria explorado no filme. There were different versions. But I had a lot of time where I had a mini monitor next to Taika, and we were just writing the movie almost in real time as they were shooting it. A produo foi definida para receber mais de AU $ 24 milhes (17 milhes de dlares) em subsdios dos governos da Austrlia e da Nova Gales do Sul. Reviewed in the United States on April 27, 2014, Reviewed in the United States on June 24, 2022, Reviewed in the United States on November 9, 2013, Reviewed in the United States on October 12, 2022, Reviewed in the United States on July 6, 2016, Reviewed in the United States on June 12, 2022, Reviewed in the United States on March 28, 2014, Reviewed in the United States on July 4, 2022, Top subscription boxes right to your door, 1996-2022,, Inc. or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 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Read Next: MPTF Telethon Raises Nearly $860,000; Aubrey Plaza Drops F-Bomb on KTLA Via Speakerphone, James Gunn Sounds Off on DC Films Future: Were Not Going to Make Every Single Person Happy, Wonder Woman1984 Sequel on Ice, Potential Man of Steel 2 in Jeopardy as Warner Bros. This all changed when Taika Waititi reimagined her as The Mighty Thor in Thor: Love and Thunder. Devido a um encantamento que Thor inconscientemente colocou nele anos antes para proteger Jane, o Mjolnir se reforja e se liga a ela. I would say he pluses he cant help but always try to plus. [151], O filme no foi lanado na Malsia,[152] Brunei,[153] Kuwait,[154] e Bahrein. I just kind of was on the ride. Ele expressou interesse em apresentar o personagem Bill Raio Beta, mas no tinha certeza se o faria naquele momento. NOV 25, 2022. And this was specifically Janes story. And Im just like, What the fuck? Its thinking how would Jane handle this, how does Jane move through her diagnosis? And then it was just about, you know, what does this mean? No. [24] Matt Damon, Sam Neill e Luke Hemsworth reprisam seus papis como atores Asgardianos interpretando Loki, Odin e Thor, respectivamente, com Melissa McCarthy como uma atriz interpretando Hela,[25][26] e o marido de McCarthy, Ben Falcone, interpreta um contrarregra. The story splits its time between Thor's exile on Earth and the throne-ousting goings-on in the wondrous realms of Asgard and Jotunheim. The first Thor was a problematic film for me. The name Hercules was not not said in conversations that I definitely, probably wasnt supposed to overhear, but did. You know, the script was very long and the movie is not as long as the script. I cant imagine Taika is ever going to write something and be like, Its done and well shoot it.. We really sat in rooms and Zooms together for months and months and months, and then we would get there, and we would rehearse it, and throw it out is the wrong word. [166] No Metacritic, o filme tem uma pontuao mdia ponderada de 60 em 100, com base em 52 crticos, indicando "avaliaes mistas ou mdias". You're almost ready We loaded your account with your Facebook details. He confronted Dane Whitman when he unboxed the Ebony Blade. Produzido pela Marvel Studios e distribudo pela Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures, a sequncia direta de Thor: Ragnarok (2017), e o vigsimo nono filme do Universo Cinematogrfico Marvel. As terrible as Jane's fate was, Thor: Love and Thunder's post-credits scene reveals that she at least is welcomed to Valhalla, a place she will hopefully live a happy eternal afterlife. Maybe because he gets to show more skin? Then, the biggest fight scene comes 10 minutes into the film. [21] Um ms depois, foi revelado que Chris Pratt iria reprisar seu papel como o lder dos Guardies da Galxia, Peter Quill / Senhor das Estrelas, no filme. By the way, if you wont, youre in for a long blog post). The sequence is so disjointed that a visual gag involving a collapsingburning building in the backgroundtimed for when Thor meets cute again withJane as a hammer-wielding, ass-kicking, Mighty Thorjust doesnt work. I would sit with my laptop and listen and just close my Heimdall eyes and write something and then turn my computer around to him and say, This? So that was one version of it. Thor: Love and Thunder Feature 4K UHD. If you just give yourself over to the ride of working for Marvel, its really exciting. Ele acrescentou que o filme " obscurecido por seu lugar incerto no universo desde o momento em que comea". I'm at a disadvantage by 1) Not reading the comic books 2) Not seeing Avengers, and 3) not seeing the first Thor movie! When you started working with Taika Waititi on the script, did you have a specific area you were focusing on, or was it more all over? 2022 Variety Media, LLC. Theres a bit that is not in the film, but it was Hemsworth and Pratt walking through this trench, and I just remember it was such an out-of-body experience, as Im like walking behind Taika, Chris and Chris with a laptop in this literal trench that they built that looks like youre in a planet. [152] O governo da Malsia confirmou que isso se deve ao fato de elementos LGBT no terem sido cortados do filme. This interview has been edited and condensed. I can't write the BEST review-but I can write a SHORTER one! This substance is called The Ether. But he has no one to share the victory with, and for all of the hundreds of years Thor has lived, he has resigned to not finding true love. Unless Taika or Kevin tell you.). O vice-presidente do Marvel Studios, David Grant, disse que filmar os dois filmes juntos proporcionaria "empregos contnuos" para as equipes locais, com Love and Thunder a gerar mais de AU $ 178 milhes (127 milhes de dlares) para a economia local. [48], Don Harwin, o Ministro das Artes do estado australiano de Nova Gales do Sul, anunciou no final de julho que Thor: Love and Thunder seria filmado no Fox Studios Australia em Sydney, juntamente com Shang-Chi and the Legend of the Ten Rings (2021) do Marvel Studios, com os trabalhos definidos para comearem em Love and Thunder em maro de 2020, antes do incio das filmagens em agosto de 2020. [86] Antes do incio das filmagens, Jaimie Alexander tambm revelou estar reprisando seu papel como Sif dos dois primeiros filmes do Thor,[17] ao lado de outros membros e aliados dos Guardies da Galxia: Pom Klementieff como Mantis,[87] Dave Bautista como Drax, o Destruidor, Karen Gillan como Nebulosa,[88] e Sean Gunn como Kraglin Obfonteri; Gunn anteriormente tambm fez captura de movimentos no set para Rocket. Love and Thunder foi anunciado em julho de 2019, com Hemsworth, Waititi e Thompson confirmados para retornarem, assim como Portman que no apareceu em Ragnarok. Em uma cena no meio dos crditos, Zeus, se recuperando, envia seu filho Hrcules para matar Thor. Club, tambm destacaram os Thors de Portman e Hemsworth, a aparncia de Gorr, alm de destacar outros momentos cmicos no trailer, como quando Thor est nu aps Zeus de Russell Crowe expor seu disfarce. By the end, you get a good sense of what the Thunderer is all about, and the worlds he inhabits. [13] Mais tarde, naquele ms, na San Diego Comic-Con, o filme foi oficialmente anunciado como Thor: Love and Thunder, com uma data de lanamento para 05 de novembro de 2021. But those choices were really more on the Kevin/Taika side than on the me side. Love and Thunder tambm foi o sexto filme na pandemia de COVID-19 a ganhar mais de 10 milhes de admisses no cinema em seu fim de semana de estreia. Were going to pair you with Taika and youre going to help him on Thor.. And this is where it starts. Rentals include 30 days to start watching this video and 48 hours to finish once started. 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At the time, Waititi was in the throes of awards season for 2019s Jojo Rabbit, which won the filmmaker the Oscar for best adapted screenplay, and needed a partner to work through the films delicate tightrope walk of a story: Thor (Chris Hemsworth) battles the existential threat of Gorr the God Butcher (Christian Bale) with his ex-girlfriend Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), whos become the superhero the Mighty Thor through the mystical hammer Mjolnir which also erases the effects of the stage 4 cancer ravaging her body. Help us with just a few more questions. Variety and the Flying V logos are trademarks of Variety Media, LLC. The name Hercules was not not said in conversations that I definitely, probably wasnt supposed to overhear, but did. Thor: Love and Thunder (bra/prt: Thor: Amor e Trovo)[1][2][7] um filme estadunidense de super-heri de 2022 baseado no personagem Thor, da Marvel Comics. Are you anticipating working with Marvel again? Eric Cross Brooks, also known as Blade, is a daywalker who operates as a vampire-hunting vigilante. The film was directed by Taika Waititi from a screenplay by Eric Were going to pair you with Taika and youre going to help him on Thor.. Ele disse que Bale trouxe uma "viso absolutamente aterrorizante de Gorr, o Carniceiro dos Deuses para a tela", acrescentando que parece que Hemsworth estava pronto para passar o manto de Thor para Portman. Oh, get that. He was able to lean on me in that and be able to go off in all these different places, knowing that he had a person there who was able to bring it back if it needed to be. [56][67] Ele queria "aumentar a aposta" e fazer o filme como se "crianas de 10 anos nos dissessem o que deveria estar em um filme e ns dissssemos sim a cada coisa". Ele no tinha certeza se o filme incluiria o enredo da rua de Aaron em que Jane sofre de cncer de mama, que ele disse ser uma parte poderosa dos quadrinhos. Qual a razo pela qual voc um heri, e o que voc faz quando tem esses poderes?". by Taika Waititi Blu-ray . Was there a version where we saw more of her life on New Asgard? [134] Jennifer Ouellette, do Ars Technica, observou que as cenas de Gorr apresentavam uma paleta de cores diferente, sendo mostradas em "principalmente tons de cinza", que ela achava que tornavam o contraste entre outros personagens "mais acentuado". In "Love and Thunder", Darryl is a tour guide in New Asgard. No, I think that Taika and I were a good team, in that I was kind of a person who was there to remind him, Oh, get this line. In 2023, Eric Brooks had been spying on Dane Whitman in London, England when he decided to open a case with the Whitman crest on it that contained the Ebony Blade. Going from dad bod to god bod (to quote Waititis voiceover recap, delivered by his still-charming rock-bodied softy character Korg), Thor has lost the gut he had in Avengers: Endgame, and the people of Asgard have settled into a port town called New Asgard after their home realm was trashed in Thor: Ragnarok. Their leader, the charismatic King Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson), has helped them acclimate to life on Earth, which includes being a tourist attraction. Variety is a part of Penske Media Corporation. An expertly curated, always-updated guide to New Yorks best restaurants and bars. So there were all different kinds of versions of putting together this film. The film then re-introduces a more interesting hero in Jane Foster (Natalie Portman), Thor's past human love interest from the previous films during his more serious days. Taikas brain just moves at a pace that should not be allowed. That always was a moving piece ultimately, it did become [the origins for] Gorr and I think its awesome. We really sat in rooms and Zooms together for months and months and months, and then we would get there, and we would rehearse it, and throw it out is the wrong word. [115] Matthew Schmidt, Peter S. Elliot, Tim Roche e Jennifer Vecchiarello so os editores do filme. It was always there. [160] At 24 de julho de 2022, os maiores mercados do filme internacionalmente so Reino Unido (31,5 milhes de dlares), Austrlia (25,5 milhes de dlares), Mxico (23,2 milhes de dlares) Coria (22,3 milhes de dlares) e Brasil (17,2 milhes de dlares). At this point, Im very open to wherever life takes me. O filme recebeu elogios por sua natureza alegre e performances do elenco, particularmente as de Bale e Portman, enquanto as crticas foram direcionadas ao roteiro e inconsistncia de tom, com vrios crticos considerando o filme inferior ao seu antecessor. Melissa McCarthy tambm interpreta uma atriz interpretando Hela ao lado de seu marido, Ben Falcone, em um papel no revelado, com os atores reencenando cenas de Ragnarok. But there are also days where youre in a trench with two Chrises and Taika on a stage in Australia, youre like, This is insane. So I think its just riding the waves of having a very high stakes job that is also incredibly fun. Perhaps it was the rather disorganized plot, perhaps it was the way it followed the same strategy as films like Time Guardian and Galaxia, beginning in lush sci-fi locales but migrating to a small town to save money later on. [117] Um lbum da trilha sonora, com a trilha original de Giacchino, juntamente com msicas adicionais fornecidas por Nami Melumad, ser lanado pela Hollywood Records e Marvel Music em 6 de julho de 2022. Ele tambm explicou que Thor tendo seu machado Stormbreaker e depois vendo seu martelo Mjolnir retornar "nas mos de outra pessoa" e "no sendo mais seu martelo" exploraria "a ideia de que algum est tomando seu lugar", o que ele sentiu que alguns fs presumiram que ocorreria, mas no acreditavam nisso. [139] Imagens do filme tambm foram apresentadas na apresentao do CineEurope de 2022. This is her arc. Thor: the Dark World does not disappoint. [124][125][126] Justin Harp, do Digital Spy, sentiu que o humor de Thor: Ragnarok estava "claramente de volta neste filme tambm",[127] enquanto Tom Power, do TechRadar, sentiu que o trailer era um "super-heri, festa de glam rock intergalctica para os sentidos" e continha imagens intrigantes que fizeram um bom trabalho no trailer. Waititi queria diferenciar Love and Thunder de Ragnarok, buscando fazer um filme de romance e uma aventura inspirada nos anos 80. Before the film opened, everyone, including Natalie, avoided confirming that Jane had cancer, but her first scene in the film is during her chemotherapy treatment. When you get into the edit, you know, the whole thing kind of blows up anyway. Ele destacou como as cenas de Gorr brincavam com cores e contrastes, e a "interao" entre Jane e Valquria. Part of its messiness kicks in with its big conflict when Gorr the God Butcher attacks New Asgard at night in a frantic impromptu fight scene that has Waititi's usually stablevision for Thor actionlosing control. [22] O estdio concordou em adaptar o enredo de Aaron e incluir Portman aps discusses com Waititi sobre onde a histria poderia levar. Marvel Studios appears to have another bona fide hit on their hands in the seventh-feature film of its superhero franchise, and the second of Phase 2, in THOR: THE DARK WORLD. Later on, Waititi presents us the Jane and Thor romanceits coziness and later its isolationlike a spin-off of his own quirky indie Eagle vs. Shark. It's very funny in some moments, but with abrutal honesty always in frame, especially as the two then see if love is salvageable in the current dwindling timeline. Thor and Loki are brothers but not equals. After the death of his daughter turns him into a non-believer, Gorr is chosen by a weapon called the Necrosword, and creates an army of shapeshifting black beasts to kill all gods, starting with the one who ignored his cries for help. The Mighty Thor is a powerful but arrogant warrior whose reckless actions reignite an ancient war. O consenso dos crticos do site diz: "De certa forma, Thor: Love and Thunder se parece com o Ragnarok redux mas, no geral, oferece diverso em ritmo acelerado o suficiente para torn-lo uma adio digna ao UCM". The program will feature the breadth, power and journalism of rotating Fox News anchors, reporters and producers. [137] Scott Mendelson, da Forbes, chamou o trailer de "o verdadeiro negcio" em comparao com o teaser, e notou semelhanas com a franquia Masters of the Universe, mas sentiu que era "um pouco deprimente" que Thor continuasse ansiando por Jane, e Jane aparentemente fazendo o mesmo com ele, anos aps seu primeiro encontro, esperando que as duas "amostras de namoro A+ tivessem seguido em frente". You can always edit this or any other info in settings after joining. [168] David Ehrlich, do IndieWire, elogiou o filme por seu tom leve e momentos de humor, escrevendo que "[Taika] Waititi continua a brilhantar os filmes de Thor com seu prprio sabor de maluquice, que to bem-vindo aqui quanto em Jojo Rabbit". [4] Nick Allen, do, deu ao filme 3 de 5 estrelas, sentindo que foi "mais ou menos uma volta da vitria para tudo o que [Waititi] alcanou com seu filme anterior da Marvel, o muitas vezes hilrio, empolgante e claramente refrescante, Thor: Ragnarok. Pginas para editores sem sesso iniciada saber mais. Hemsworth e Thompson foram confirmados para retornar, junto com Natalie Portman, que interpretou Jane Foster em Thor (2011) e Thor: The Dark World (2013). The job was to write with and for Taika. Thor is in a cage talking to a skeleton about what a hero hes been. It felt at times like there was more to Valkyries story than we ended up seeing on screen. It was pulling back the layers and really getting into the character stuff. [56] O filme tambm apresenta Falligar, o Behemoth, um dos deuses mortos por Gorr,[71] e as cabras mgicas de Thor, Toothgnasher e Toothgrinder, baseadas nos animais mitolgicos nrdicos Tanngrisnir e Tanngnjstr. Was there ever a time where you felt like you had accidentally rewritten yourselves into a corner based on other stuff that youd shot before? [5] Seu fim de semana de abertura arrecadou 143 milhes de dlares, que foi a maior estreia da franquia Thor, a dcima segunda maior do UCM e a terceira maior de 2022, atrs de Multiverse of Madness (187,4 milhes de dlares) e Jurassic World: Dominion (145 milhes de dlares). O Deadline Hollywood atribuiu isso sua nota no CinemaScore e recepo geralmente mista da crtica e do pblico. Included with STARZ on Amazon for $8.99/month after trial. Apesar de suas oraes ao seu deus, Rapu, Love morre. Zeus ordena a captura do grupo para impedi-los de expor a localizao da Cidade Onipotente para Gorr e, durante a luta, Zeus destri o corpo de Korg, embora seu rosto permanea vivo. Special thanks to Displate for sponsoring this episode!Enjoy big savings on your prints for a LIMITED TIME! Its like, the way that he kind of thinks or looks at things and like his capacity to kind of play, but also have total control is really astounding. [99][100][101] No incio de maro, fotos do set revelaram que Damon e Neill estavam reprisando seus papis como os atores Asgardianos interpretando Loki e Odin, junto com Luke Hemsworth como o ator interpretando Thor, tambm de Ragnarok. O lder dos deuses, Zeus, teme Gorr e no est disposto a ajudar, pensando que eles podem permanecer seguros e escondidos de Gorr na Cidade. [25] Damon filmou sua parte durante dois dias. [66] Ele tambm reconheceu que os fs estariam "shippando" Valquria com Carol Danvers / Capit Marvel, mas disse que no tinha a inteno de incluir um relacionamento romntico entre a dupla em Love and Thunder, porque preferia surpreender os fs do que fazer algo por demanda popular. How did I get here? It was very bizarre. But [Janes cancer] was never going to be a gotcha moment. Watch breaking news videos, viral videos and original video clips on When I interviewed Natalie Portman for Varietys cover story, she talked about how Taika shoots very unconventionally that hell essentially throw out the script on the day. [95] As filmagens terminaram em 1 de junho de 2021,[106] quando Sam Neill revelou que a cantora Jenny Morris iria aparecer no filme. I think we just always tried to look for the truth and the emotion behind it, and really come from a human place. This is her arc. I actually pitched to write Captain Marvel 2,' Robinson tellsVariety. [120] O filme conta com a msica "Rainbow in the Dark" de Dio, segundo Wendy Dio, viva do membro da banda, Ronnie James Dio. The New Asgard part of Valkyries story is maybe a little bit condensed, but it really was what was in the earlier drafts. How did you navigate including this real and painful storyline within a giant, fantastical superhero movie? Thor is the chosen one to inherit his father's Odin (Hannibal Lecter) throne and rule over Asgard, the realm of the Norse gods. It felt at times like there was more to Valkyries story than we ended up seeing on screen. It was even earlier in Taikas original draft. Oddly enough, Thor is a coming of age story. [145][146] O filme foi lanado nos cinemas na Austrlia em 6 de julho de 2022,[147] no Reino Unido, na Irlanda e Nova Zelndia em 7 de julho,[147][148] e nos Estados Unidos em 8 de julho de 2022,[110] em 4DX, RealD 3D, IMAX, ScreenX e Dolby Cinema. I just think it's WRONG that Hemsworth should be more drool-worthy than Portman. There have been enough reviews about the movie itself for months now, so this is basically going to be about the actual three-disc combo (though I know I'll probably stray off track). Thats a very human, real scene on a boat in space. Thor ento empala Zeus com seu prprio raio, que Valquria rouba pouco antes de escapar. 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So there were all different kinds of versions of putting together this film. I will say that I did like the movie on its own, and that all of the actors did a great job making you feel that each group belonged in their respective environments (ie: Odin, Loki, Sif & the Warriors Three belonged in the heavens, and everyone on earth belonged on earth, and Chris Hemsworth did a fantastic job bulking up for the role. Robinson talked withVariety about the responsibility of navigating Janes storyline, what its like working on a set with Waititi, her trust in Marvel Studios chief Kevin Feige, and why she suspected Hercules was the big reveal in the movies post-credits scene even if she didnt know who would play him. [22][43][44] Thompson e o presidente do Marvel Studios, Kevin Feige, afirmaram que a bissexualidade da Valquria seria abordada na sequncia, retroativamente tornando-a seu primeiro super-heri LGBTQ do Marvel Studios. In 2023, Eric Brooks had been spying on Dane Whitman in London, England when he decided to open a case with the Whitman crest on it that contained the Ebony Blade. 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